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  • Update : 2017-12-26
  • Size : 215kb
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  • Author :rocket******
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Hadoop implements a Distributed File System (Hadoop Distributed File System), or HDFS. HDFS features high fault tolerance and is designed to be deployed on low-cost hardware. And it provides high throughput to access application data, for applications with large data sets. HDFS relaxes the requirement for POSIX to access data in a streaming access file system.
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1705Avg\.classpath 21352 2017-10-20
1705Avg\.project 436 2017-10-20
1705Avg\bin\cn\tedu\avg\MyDriver.class 2444 2017-10-20
1705Avg\bin\cn\tedu\avg\MyMapper.class 2233 2017-10-20
1705Avg\bin\cn\tedu\avg\MyReducer.class 2353 2017-10-20
1705Avg\bin\cn\tedu\max\MyDriver.class 2440 2017-10-20
1705Avg\bin\cn\tedu\max\MyMapper.class 2201 2017-10-20
1705Avg\bin\cn\tedu\max\MyReducer.class 2322 2017-10-20
1705Avg\bin\ 694 2017-10-20
1705Avg\logs\log.log 398477 2017-10-20
1705Avg\src\cn\tedu\avg\ 1631 2017-10-20
1705Avg\src\cn\tedu\avg\ 812 2017-10-20
1705Avg\src\cn\tedu\avg\ 710 2017-10-20
1705Avg\src\cn\tedu\max\ 1627 2017-10-20
1705Avg\src\cn\tedu\max\ 661 2017-10-20
1705Avg\src\cn\tedu\max\ 648 2017-10-20
1705Avg\src\ 694 2017-10-20
1705WORDCOUNT\.classpath 21352 2017-10-18
1705WORDCOUNT\.project 442 2017-10-18
1705WORDCOUNT\bin\cn\tedu\wordcount\MyDriver.class 2429 2017-10-20
1705WORDCOUNT\bin\cn\tedu\wordcount\MyMapper.class 2291 2017-10-20
1705WORDCOUNT\bin\cn\tedu\wordcount\MyReducer.class 2216 2017-10-20
1705WORDCOUNT\bin\ 694 2017-10-18
1705WORDCOUNT\logs\log.log 779344 2017-10-20
1705WORDCOUNT\logs\log.log.2017-10-18 197700 2017-10-18
1705WORDCOUNT\src\cn\tedu\wordcount\ 1837 2017-10-20
1705WORDCOUNT\src\cn\tedu\wordcount\ 1033 2017-10-20
1705WORDCOUNT\src\cn\tedu\wordcount\ 699 2017-10-20
1705WORDCOUNT\src\ 694 2017-10-18
1705MRzebra\.classpath 21352 2017-10-20
1705MRzebra\.project 440 2017-10-20
1705MRzebra\bin\cn\tedu\domain\HttpAppHost.class 5275 2017-10-20
1705MRzebra\bin\cn\tedu\domain\MyDriver.class 2601 2017-10-20
1705MRzebra\bin\cn\tedu\domain\MyMapper.class 4404 2017-10-20
1705MRzebra\bin\cn\tedu\domain\MyReducer.class 3399 2017-10-20
1705MRzebra\src\cn\tedu\domain\ 4498 2017-10-20
1705MRzebra\src\cn\tedu\domain\ 1725 2017-10-20
1705MRzebra\src\cn\tedu\domain\ 2972 2017-10-20
1705MRzebra\src\cn\tedu\domain\ 1434 2017-10-20
1705Profit\.classpath 21352 2017-10-20
1705Profit\.project 439 2017-10-20
1705Profit\bin\cn\tedu\profit\MyDriver.class 2538 2017-10-20
1705Profit\bin\cn\tedu\profit\MyMapper.class 2184 2017-10-20
1705Profit\bin\cn\tedu\profit\MyPartitioner.class 1091 2017-10-20
1705Profit\bin\cn\tedu\profit\MyReducer.class 2240 2017-10-20
1705Profit\bin\cn\tedu\profit\TestHash.class 809 2017-10-20
1705Profit\bin\ 694 2017-10-18
1705Profit\logs\log.log 408488 2017-10-20
1705Profit\src\cn\tedu\profit\ 1712 2017-10-20
1705Profit\src\cn\tedu\profit\ 633 2017-10-20
1705Profit\src\cn\tedu\profit\ 462 2017-10-20
1705Profit\src\cn\tedu\profit\ 593 2017-10-20
1705Profit\src\cn\tedu\profit\ 400 2017-10-20
1705Profit\src\ 694 2017-10-18
1705Dis\.classpath 21352 2017-10-20
1705Dis\.project 436 2017-10-20
1705Dis\bin\cn\tedu\dis\MyDriver.class 1774 2017-10-20
1705Dis\bin\cn\tedu\dis\MyMapper.class 1865 2017-10-20
1705Dis\bin\cn\tedu\dis\MyReducer.class 1929 2017-10-20
1705Dis\bin\ 694 2017-10-18
1705Dis\logs\log.log 230384 2017-10-20
1705Dis\src\cn\tedu\dis\ 1173 2017-10-20
1705Dis\src\cn\tedu\dis\ 533 2017-10-20
1705Dis\src\cn\tedu\dis\ 506 2017-10-20
1705Dis\src\ 694 2017-10-18
1705Flow\.classpath 21352 2017-10-20
1705Flow\.project 437 2017-10-20
1705Flow\bin\cn\tedu\domain\FlowBean.class 2046 2017-10-20
1705Flow\bin\cn\tedu\flow\MyDriver.class 2517 2017-10-20
1705Flow\bin\cn\tedu\flow\MyMapper.class 2342 2017-10-20
1705Flow\bin\cn\tedu\flow\MyPartitioner.class 1052 2017-10-20
1705Flow\bin\cn\tedu\flow\MyReducer.class 2378 2017-10-20
1705Flow\bin\ 694 2017-10-18
1705Flow\logs\log.log 818326 2017-10-20
1705Flow\src\cn\tedu\domain\ 1505 2017-10-20
1705Flow\src\cn\tedu\flow\ 1729 2017-10-20
1705Flow\src\cn\tedu\flow\ 790 2017-10-20
1705Flow\src\cn\tedu\flow\ 432 2017-10-20
1705Flow\src\cn\tedu\flow\ 777 2017-10-20
1705Flow\src\ 694 2017-10-18
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