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  • Update : 2017-12-27
  • Size : 205kb
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  • Author :JQ%5F*****
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
This program is MATLAB to the CDMA system part of the simulation, after the decompression, the program copy to the work folder, in the work window open,
Packet file list
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2axis.h 859 2003-08-08
circle_f.h 854 2003-08-08
clf.h 966 2003-08-08
comet3.h 926 2003-08-08
exm1.h 827 2003-08-08
exm110633_1.h 999 2003-08-08
exm2.h 822 2003-08-08
exm2_f.h 848 2003-08-08
foo.h 1039 2003-08-08
magic.h 821 2003-08-08
meshgrid.h 1357 2003-08-08
mrank.h 821 2003-08-08
my_yprime_m.h 980 2003-08-08
rank.h 829 2003-08-08
shading.h 913 2003-08-08
shg.h 859 2003-08-08
sphere.h 1137 2003-08-08
surf.h 1022 2003-08-08
Templib.h 1736 2003-08-08
test.h 1009 2003-08-08
test2.h 1087 2003-08-08
test3.h 1059 2003-08-08
test4.h 1093 2003-08-08
comet3.hpp 947 2003-08-08
exm110633_1.hpp 820 2003-08-08
exm3.hpp 714 2003-08-08
fcpp.hpp 741 2003-08-08
fminsearch.hpp 1328 2003-08-08
maindet.hpp 763 2003-08-08
mainrank.hpp 758 2003-08-08
mat_feat.hpp 799 2003-08-08
my_det.hpp 783 2003-08-08
my_hello.hpp 747 2003-08-08
SAA.hpp 735 2003-08-08
shading.hpp 848 2003-08-08
shg.hpp 764 2003-08-08
sphere.hpp 1052 2003-08-08
surf.hpp 945 2003-08-08
circle_f.c 13585 2003-08-08
circle_f_mex.c 8832 2003-08-08
comet3.c 23779 2003-08-08
exm1.c 7486 2003-08-08
exm1_mex.c 3688 2003-08-08
exm110633_1.c 14176 2003-08-08
exm110633_1_mainhg.c 2069 2003-08-08
exm2.c 5157 2003-08-08
exm2_f.c 9796 2003-08-08
exm2_main.c 1291 2003-08-08
fileinc.c 347 2003-08-08
foo.c 3654 2003-08-08
foo_mex.c 1398 2003-08-08
magic.c 12915 2003-08-08
meshgrid.c 19622 2003-08-08
mrank.c 6470 2003-08-08
my_ex1.c 1032 2003-08-08
my_yprime.c 2476 2003-08-08
my_yprime_m.c 10097 2003-08-08
my_yprime_m_main.c 1197 2003-08-08
my_yprime_m_mex.c 1251 2003-08-08
rank.c 7024 2003-08-08
shading.c 23050 2003-08-08
shg.c 5122 2003-08-08
sphere.c 13031 2003-08-08
surf.c 14277 2003-08-08
Templib.c 2209 2003-08-08
test.c 3581 2003-08-08
test_mex.c 1375 2003-08-08
test2.c 6067 2003-08-08
test2_mex.c 1418 2003-08-08
test3.c 6656 2003-08-08
test3_mex.c 1418 2003-08-08
test4.c 5873 2003-08-08
test4_mex.c 1418 2003-08-08
comet3.cpp 20353 2003-08-08
exm110633_1.cpp 11233 2003-08-08
exm110633_1_mainhg.cpp 2053 2003-08-08
exm3.cpp 5136 2003-08-08
fcpp.cpp 7576 2003-08-08
fcpp_main.cpp 1307 2003-08-08
fminsearch.cpp 36349 2003-08-08
maindet.cpp 4772 2003-08-08
maindet_main.cpp 1537 2003-08-08
mainrank.cpp 4790 2003-08-08
mainrank_main.cpp 1380 2003-08-08
mat_feat.cpp 10941 2003-08-08
mat_feat_main.cpp 1205 2003-08-08
my_det.cpp 5184 2003-08-08
my_hello.cpp 5094 2003-08-08
my_hello_main.cpp 1127 2003-08-08
SAA.cpp 5362 2003-08-08
shading.cpp 20479 2003-08-08
shg.cpp 4788 2003-08-08
sphere.cpp 10988 2003-08-08
surf.cpp 11805 2003-08-08
exm110633_1.exe 208896 2003-08-08
exm2.exe 32768 2003-08-08
fcpp.exe 114688 2003-08-08
fileinc.exe 49152 2003-08-08
maindet.exe 118784 2003-08-08
mainrank.exe 110592 2003-08-08
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