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This is some useful and common source code in matlab, and I hope it works,
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内容.DOC 25159 1998-07-17
内容.TXT 4184 1998-07-17
firfilterdesign.asv 655 2006-06-21
Convolution\卷积\juanji2.fig 26784 2003-12-12
yingshe.fig 32872 2003-12-11
z和s的映射\yingshe.fig 32872 2003-12-11
AFD_ELIP.M 893 1997-09-01
AMPL_RES.M 915 1997-11-24
BLACKMAN.M 214 1997-08-07
采样定理\caiyang.m 2104 2000-12-10
截断效应\call.m 265 2000-12-09
采样定理\call_caiyang1.m 311 2000-12-09
采样定理\call_caiyang2.m 674 2000-12-09
采样定理\call_caiyang3.m 190 2000-12-09
采样定理\call_caiyang4.m 207 2000-12-09
数字滤波器\call_dlp2bp.m 1971 2000-12-14
数字滤波器\call_dlp2bs.m 2678 2003-12-14
数字滤波器\call_dlp2hp.m 1343 2000-12-14
数字滤波器\call_dlp2lp.m 1367 2003-12-14
模拟滤波器\call_l2bp5.m 3018 2003-12-14
模拟滤波器\call_l2bs6.m 3254 2003-12-14
模拟滤波器\call_l2hp4.m 2518 2003-12-14
模拟滤波器\call_l2lp.m 2510 2003-12-14
截断效应\call1.m 200 2000-12-09
CAS2DIR.M 386 1997-08-07
CASFILTR.M 436 1997-08-07
CHEB1HPF.M 830 1997-08-30
CIRCEVOD.M 319 1997-08-30
CIRCONVT.M 697 1997-08-30
CIRSHFTT.M 464 1997-08-30
CONTENTS.M 4887 1995-08-13
CONV_M.M 376 1997-08-21
CONV_TP.M 377 1997-08-07
CPLXCOMP.M 355 1997-08-07
DB2DELTA.M 299 1997-08-07
DELTA2DB.M 357 1997-09-17
DFS.M 569 1997-08-30
DFT.M 520 1997-08-30
DIR2CAS.M 893 1997-08-07
DIR2FS.M 807 1997-08-30
DIR2LADR.M 708 1997-08-30
DIR2LATC.M 423 1997-08-30
Dir2par.m 1334 2004-12-16
Dir2paro.m 1031 1997-08-30
数字滤波器\dlvboqi.m 1328 2003-12-14
数字滤波器\dtransform.m 1665 2003-12-14
EVENODD.M 409 1997-08-21
EX081200.M 2013 2004-12-16
firfilterdesign.m 730 2006-06-21
FREQS_M.M 564 1997-08-07
FREQZ_M.M 781 1997-08-07
HR_TYPE1.M 497 1997-08-30
HR_TYPE2.M 435 1997-08-07
HR_TYPE3.M 428 1997-08-07
HR_TYPE4.M 433 1997-08-07
HSOLPSAV.M 541 1997-08-30
IDEAL_LP.M 291 1997-08-07
IDFS.M 567 1997-08-30
IDFT.M 539 1997-08-30
IMP_INVR.M 434 1997-08-07
IMPSEQ.M 326 1997-08-30
JAFD_BUTT.M 761 2004-12-16
JAFD_CHB1.M 822 1997-08-30
截断效应\jieduan.m 1791 2000-12-09
Convolution\卷积\juanji2.m 3759 2003-12-15
LADR2DIR.M 572 1997-08-07
LADRFILT.M 528 1997-08-30
LATC2DIR.M 324 1997-08-07
LATCFILT.M 369 1997-08-07
LMS.M 456 1997-08-07
lphase.m 928 2004-12-03
模拟滤波器\lvboqi.m 2704 2003-12-14
MOD.M 138 1997-08-07
MULAW_C.M 259 1997-08-07
MULAW_E.M 332 1997-08-07
OVRLPSAV.M 580 1997-08-30
PAR2DIR.M 446 1997-08-07
PARFILTR.M 435 1997-08-07
PFE2RFZ.M 587 1997-08-07
Pzplotz.m 958 1998-03-17
QUANTIZE.M 243 1997-08-07
RF2PFEZ.M 588 1997-08-07
SDIR2CAS.M 1589 1997-08-30
SIGADD.M 556 1997-08-30
SIGFOLD.M 138 1997-08-08
SIGMULT.M 555 1997-08-30
SIGSHIFT.M 136 1997-08-08
SINC.M 123 1997-12-04
STEPSEQ.M 318 1997-08-30
模拟滤波器\transform.m 1834 2003-12-14
U_BUTTAP.M 438 1997-08-08
U_CHB1AP.M 549 1997-08-08
U_CHB2AP.M 664 1997-08-30
U_ELIPAP.M 696 1997-08-08
XAFD_CHB2.M 818 1997-08-30
yingshe.m 8559 2003-12-14
z和s的映射\yingshe.m 8559 2003-12-14
ZMAPPING.M 893 1997-08-08
Convolution\卷积 0 2017-12-24
Convolution 0 2017-12-24
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