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  • Update : 2017-12-28
  • Size : 1.68mb
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  • Author :火*****
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
For simple and simple version of the chat room software similar to QQ, the realization of private chat, public chat, file sending, complete function, friendly interface.
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
jq\.classpath 324 2011-03-22
jq\.project 378 2011-03-22
jq\.settings\org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs 107 2009-05-23
jq\3rdLibs\substance.jar 1831824 2009-05-23
jq\bin\client\ClientMain.class 2178 2011-03-22
jq\bin\client\ClientThread.class 7791 2011-03-22
jq\bin\client\DataBuffer.class 1719 2011-03-22
jq\bin\client\model\entity\MyCellRenderer.class 1908 2011-03-22
jq\bin\client\model\entity\OnlineUserListModel.class 1711 2011-03-22
jq\bin\client\ui\ChatFrame$1.class 655 2011-03-22
jq\bin\client\ui\ChatFrame$2.class 686 2011-03-22
jq\bin\client\ui\ChatFrame$3.class 1805 2011-03-22
jq\bin\client\ui\ChatFrame$4.class 1610 2011-03-22
jq\bin\client\ui\ChatFrame$5.class 741 2011-03-22
jq\bin\client\ui\ChatFrame$6.class 688 2011-03-22
jq\bin\client\ui\ChatFrame$7.class 690 2011-03-22
jq\bin\client\ui\ChatFrame$8.class 686 2011-03-22
jq\bin\client\ui\ChatFrame$9.class 864 2011-03-22
jq\bin\client\ui\ChatFrame.class 12246 2011-03-22
jq\bin\client\ui\LoginFrame$1.class 1231 2011-03-22
jq\bin\client\ui\LoginFrame$2.class 700 2011-03-22
jq\bin\client\ui\LoginFrame$3.class 688 2011-03-22
jq\bin\client\ui\LoginFrame.class 5186 2011-03-22
jq\bin\client\ui\RegisterFrame$1.class 709 2011-03-22
jq\bin\client\ui\RegisterFrame$2.class 678 2011-03-22
jq\bin\client\ui\RegisterFrame$3.class 1066 2011-03-22
jq\bin\client\ui\RegisterFrame$4.class 2427 2011-03-22
jq\bin\client\ui\RegisterFrame.class 6314 2011-03-22
jq\bin\client\util\ClientUtil.class 2510 2011-03-22
jq\bin\client\util\JFrameShaker$1.class 1498 2011-03-22
jq\bin\client\util\JFrameShaker$2.class 803 2011-03-22
jq\bin\client\util\JFrameShaker.class 2286 2011-03-22
jq\bin\common\model\entity\FileInfo.class 1963 2011-03-22
jq\bin\common\model\entity\Message.class 1367 2011-03-22
jq\bin\common\model\entity\Request.class 1967 2011-03-22
jq\bin\common\model\entity\Response.class 2609 2011-03-22
jq\bin\common\model\entity\ResponseStatus.class 1172 2011-03-22
jq\bin\common\model\entity\ResponseType.class 1498 2011-03-22
jq\bin\common\model\entity\User.class 3352 2011-03-22
jq\bin\common\util\IOUtil.class 944 2011-03-22
jq\bin\common\util\SocketUtil.class 845 2011-03-22
jq\bin\server\controller\RequestProcessor.class 9378 2011-03-22
jq\bin\server\DataBuffer.class 1795 2011-03-22
jq\bin\server\model\entity\OnlineUserTableModel.class 1870 2011-03-22
jq\bin\server\model\entity\RegistedUserTableModel.class 1893 2011-03-22
jq\bin\server\model\service\UserService.class 4126 2011-03-22
jq\bin\server\OnlineClientIOCache.class 713 2011-03-22
jq\bin\server\ServerMain$1.class 1558 2011-03-22
jq\bin\server\ServerMain.class 1505 2011-03-22
jq\bin\server\ui\ServerInfoFrame$1.class 1177 2011-03-22
jq\bin\server\ui\ServerInfoFrame$2.class 691 2011-03-22
jq\bin\server\ui\ServerInfoFrame$3.class 722 2011-03-22
jq\bin\server\ui\ServerInfoFrame.class 4980 2011-03-22
jq\bin\ 131 2009-05-23
jq\images\0.png 1640 2009-05-23
jq\images\1.png 2125 2009-05-23
jq\images\10.png 2953 2009-05-23
jq\images\2.png 2688 2009-05-23
jq\images\3.png 3012 2009-05-23
jq\images\4.png 3018 2009-05-23
jq\images\5.png 2637 2009-05-23
jq\images\6.png 3270 2009-05-23
jq\images\7.png 2968 2009-05-23
jq\images\8.png 2841 2009-05-23
jq\images\9.png 3588 2009-05-23
jq\images\font.png 766 2009-05-23
jq\images\logo.png 12574 2009-05-23
jq\images\sendFace.png 819 2009-05-23
jq\images\sendPic.png 786 2009-05-23
jq\images\shake.png 675 2009-05-23
jq\src\client\ 1679 2009-05-23
jq\src\client\ 6182 2009-05-23
jq\src\client\ 1575 2009-05-23
jq\src\client\model\entity\ 1189 2009-05-23
jq\src\client\model\entity\ 1258 2009-05-23
jq\src\client\ui\ 14732 2009-05-23
jq\src\client\ui\ 4649 2009-05-23
jq\src\client\ui\ 5429 2009-05-23
jq\src\client\util\ 1721 2009-05-23
jq\src\client\util\ 2260 2009-05-23
jq\src\common\model\entity\ 1596 2009-05-23
jq\src\common\model\entity\ 1074 2009-05-23
jq\src\common\model\entity\ 1352 2009-05-23
jq\src\common\model\entity\ 1669 2009-05-23
jq\src\common\model\entity\ 395 2009-05-23
jq\src\common\model\entity\ 552 2009-05-23
jq\src\common\model\entity\ 2835 2009-05-23
jq\src\common\util\ 823 2009-05-23
jq\src\common\util\ 753 2009-05-23
jq\src\server\controller\ 9681 2009-05-23
jq\src\server\ 1627 2009-05-23
jq\src\server\model\entity\ 1267 2009-05-23
jq\src\server\model\entity\ 1287 2009-05-23
jq\src\server\model\service\ 2746 2009-05-23
jq\src\server\ 676 2009-05-23
jq\src\server\ 1541 2009-05-23
jq\src\server\ui\ 3600 2009-05-23
jq\src\ 131 2009-05-23
jq\user.db 268 2009-05-23
jq\bin\client\model\entity 0 2011-03-22
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  • We are an exchange download platform that only provides communication channels. The downloaded content comes from the internet. Except for download issues, please Google on your own.
  • The downloaded content is provided for members to upload. If it unintentionally infringes on your copyright, please contact us.
  • Please use Winrar for decompression tools
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