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  • Update : 2017-12-29
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Implementation of GPS receiver link
Packet file list
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GNSS_SDR\100.fig 25893 2011-03-11
GNSS_SDR\202.fig 3575406 2011-03-11
GNSS_SDR\203.fig 3584668 2011-03-11
GNSS_SDR\204.fig 3592738 2011-03-11
GNSS_SDR\acquisition.m 9430 2011-04-11
GNSS_SDR\acquisition.m~ 9431 2011-04-11
GNSS_SDR\calcLoopCoef.m 1705 2006-08-14
GNSS_SDR\calculatePseudoranges.m 3370 2006-08-10
GNSS_SDR\cart2geo.m 1720 2006-08-22
GNSS_SDR\cart2utm.m 5055 2006-08-22
GNSS_SDR\checkPhase.m 1911 2006-08-14
GNSS_SDR\check_t.m 679 2006-08-22
GNSS_SDR\clksin.m 945 2006-08-22
GNSS_SDR\clsin.m 619 2006-08-22
GNSS_SDR\ephemeris.m 7292 2006-08-14
GNSS_SDR\e_r_corr.m 1135 2006-08-22
GNSS_SDR\findPreambles.m 6724 2006-08-14
GNSS_SDR\findUtmZone.m 2650 2006-08-22
GNSS_SDR\generateCAcode.m 3559 2006-08-14
GNSS_SDR\geo2cart.m 1543 2006-08-22
GNSS_SDR\geoFunctions\cart2geo.m 1720 2006-08-22
GNSS_SDR\geoFunctions\cart2utm.m 5055 2006-08-22
GNSS_SDR\geoFunctions\check_t.m 679 2006-08-22
GNSS_SDR\geoFunctions\clksin.m 945 2006-08-22
GNSS_SDR\geoFunctions\clsin.m 619 2006-08-22
GNSS_SDR\geoFunctions\e_r_corr.m 1135 2006-08-22
GNSS_SDR\geoFunctions\findUtmZone.m 2650 2006-08-22
GNSS_SDR\geoFunctions\geo2cart.m 1543 2006-08-22
GNSS_SDR\geoFunctions\leastSquarePos.m 4461 2006-08-22
GNSS_SDR\geoFunctions\satpos.m 5201 2006-08-22
GNSS_SDR\geoFunctions\togeod.m 2892 2006-08-22
GNSS_SDR\geoFunctions\topocent.m 1418 2006-08-22
GNSS_SDR\geoFunctions\tropo.m 2900 2006-08-22
GNSS_SDR\hs_err_pid3352.log 12189 2008-01-14
GNSS_SDR\include\calcLoopCoef.m 1705 2006-08-14
GNSS_SDR\include\checkPhase.m 1911 2006-08-14
GNSS_SDR\include\ephemeris.m 7292 2006-08-14
GNSS_SDR\include\generateCAcode.m 3559 2006-08-14
GNSS_SDR\include\invert.m 1424 2006-08-14
GNSS_SDR\include\makeCaTable.m 3281 2006-08-14
GNSS_SDR\include\navPartyChk.m 4653 2006-08-14
GNSS_SDR\include\preRun.m 3366 2006-08-14
GNSS_SDR\include\showChannelStatus.m 2552 2006-08-14
GNSS_SDR\include\skyPlot.m 6694 2006-08-18
GNSS_SDR\include\twosComp2dec.m 1845 2006-08-14
GNSS_SDR\init.m 3236 2006-08-22
GNSS_SDR\initSettings.asv 5079 2008-01-15
GNSS_SDR\initSettings.m 5263 2011-04-10
GNSS_SDR\initSettings.m~ 5214 2011-04-09
GNSS_SDR\invert.m 1424 2006-08-14
GNSS_SDR\leastSquarePos.m 4461 2006-08-22
GNSS_SDR\license.txt 18328 2006-08-18
GNSS_SDR\makeCaTable.m 3281 2006-08-14
GNSS_SDR\navPartyChk.m 4653 2006-08-14
GNSS_SDR\plotAcquisition.m 2232 2006-08-10
GNSS_SDR\plotNavigation.m 6487 2006-08-10
GNSS_SDR\plotTracking.m 6737 2006-08-14
GNSS_SDR\postNavigation.m 12213 2006-08-10
GNSS_SDR\postProcessing.m 5948 2006-08-14
GNSS_SDR\preRun.m 3366 2006-08-14
GNSS_SDR\probeData.m 4289 2006-08-22
GNSS_SDR\satpos.m 5201 2006-08-22
GNSS_SDR\setSettings.fig 14418 2006-08-18
GNSS_SDR\setSettings.m 16263 2006-08-18
GNSS_SDR\showChannelStatus.m 2552 2006-08-14
GNSS_SDR\skyPlot.m 6694 2006-08-18
GNSS_SDR\StartHere.htm 9288 2006-08-23
GNSS_SDR\togeod.m 2892 2006-08-22
GNSS_SDR\topocent.m 1418 2006-08-22
GNSS_SDR\tracking.m 13494 2011-03-10
GNSS_SDR\tracking.m~ 13494 2006-08-14
GNSS_SDR\trackingResults.mat 11761589 2011-04-10
GNSS_SDR\tropo.m 2900 2006-08-22
GNSS_SDR\twosComp2dec.m 1845 2006-08-14
GNSS_SDR\geoFunctions 0 2010-06-19
GNSS_SDR\include 0 2010-06-19
GNSS_SDR 0 2011-04-11
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