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  • Category : GUI Develop
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  • Update : 2017-12-31
  • Size : 3.7mb
  • Downloaded :0次
  • Author :HAl***
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
The source code is mainly developed by WPF, based on MVVM mode development (non third party Library). As long as Microsoft.NET Framework 4 is installed, the system can support normally. It is mainly for patient's medical record information management, patient information management, identity information, operation condition, bone slice information, hospital discharge registration, patient inquiries, bone slide browsing and uploading and other basic functions. It is very suitable for beginners to learn.
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
.vs 0 2017-12-21
.vs\病历信息管理系统 0 2017-12-21
.vs\病历信息管理系统\v15 0 2017-12-21
.vs\病历信息管理系统\v15\.suo 181248 2017-12-21
.vs\病历信息管理系统\v15\Server 0 2017-12-21
.vs\病历信息管理系统\v15\Server\sqlite3 0 2017-12-21
.vs\病历信息管理系统\v15\Server\sqlite3\db.lock 0 2017-12-21
.vs\病历信息管理系统\v15\Server\sqlite3\storage.ide 905216 2017-12-21
Bin 0 2017-12-21
Bin\Data.db 8192 2014-09-15
Bin\SQLite.Interop.dll 833536 2014-09-15
Bin\System.Data.SQLite.dll 253440 2014-09-15
Bin\Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.dll 1241600 2014-09-15
Bin\病历信息管理系统.exe 155136 2017-12-21
Bin\病历信息管理系统.exe.config 159 2014-09-15
Bin\病历信息管理系统.pdb 118272 2017-12-21
Bin\病历信息管理系统.vshost.exe 11600 2014-09-15
Bin\病历信息管理系统.vshost.exe.config 159 2014-09-15
Bin\病历信息管理系统.vshost.exe.manifest 490 2014-09-15
Code 0 2017-12-21
Code\.vs 0 2017-12-21
Code\.vs\病历信息管理系统 0 2017-12-21
Code\.vs\病历信息管理系统\v15 0 2017-12-21
Code\.vs\病历信息管理系统\v15\.suo 158720 2017-12-21
Code\.vs\病历信息管理系统\v15\Server 0 2017-12-21
Code\.vs\病历信息管理系统\v15\Server\sqlite3 0 2017-12-21
Code\.vs\病历信息管理系统\v15\Server\sqlite3\db.lock 0 2017-12-21
Code\.vs\病历信息管理系统\v15\Server\sqlite3\storage.ide 880640 2017-12-21
Code\app.config 159 2014-09-15
Code\App.xaml 421 2017-12-21
Code\App.xaml.cs 1218 2014-09-15
Code\AppGlobal.cs 453 2014-09-15
Code\Bin 0 2017-12-21
Code\Bin\Data.db 8192 2014-09-15
Code\Bin\SQLite.Interop.dll 833536 2014-09-15
Code\Bin\System.Data.SQLite.dll 253440 2014-09-15
Code\Bin\Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.dll 1241600 2014-09-15
Code\Bin\病历信息管理系统.exe 153600 2014-09-15
Code\Bin\病历信息管理系统.exe.config 159 2014-09-15
Code\Bin\病历信息管理系统.pdb 144896 2014-09-15
Code\Bin\病历信息管理系统.vshost.exe 11600 2014-09-15
Code\Bin\病历信息管理系统.vshost.exe.config 159 2014-09-15
Code\Bin\病历信息管理系统.vshost.exe.manifest 490 2014-09-15
Code\DbHelperSQLite.cs 3057 2014-09-15
Code\FrmEditOperation.xaml 1687 2014-09-15
Code\FrmEditOperation.xaml.cs 1537 2014-09-15
Code\FrmEditSclerte.xaml 1568 2014-09-15
Code\FrmEditSclerte.xaml.cs 2098 2014-09-15
Code\FrmPatienInfo.xaml 10717 2014-09-15
Code\FrmPatienInfo.xaml.cs 5229 2014-09-15
Code\log.xaml 1285 2017-12-21
Code\log.xaml.cs 1782 2017-12-21
Code\Login.xaml 499 2017-12-21
Code\Login.xaml.cs 581 2017-12-21
Code\MainWindow.xaml 9421 2014-09-15
Code\MainWindow.xaml.cs 6779 2014-09-15
Code\Model 0 2017-12-21
Code\Model\OperationInfo.cs 802 2014-09-15
Code\Model\PatientInfo.cs 2490 2014-09-15
Code\Model\SclerteInfo.cs 605 2014-09-15
Code\ModeView 0 2017-12-21
Code\ModeView\BoolValueConvert.cs 565 2014-09-15
Code\ModeView\DataEngine.cs 18537 2014-09-15
Code\ModeView\IDataEngine.cs 944 2014-09-15
Code\ModeView\ImageThumbnail.cs 1468 2014-09-15
Code\ModeView\ImageValueConvert.cs 798 2014-09-15
Code\ModeView\ShowDetailsComm.cs 714 2014-09-15
Code\ModeView\ShowPhoto.cs 1421 2014-09-15
Code\obj 0 2017-12-21
Code\obj\x86 0 2017-12-21
Code\obj\x86\Debug 0 2017-12-21
Code\obj\x86\Debug\App.baml 872 2017-12-21
Code\obj\x86\Debug\App.g.cs 2831 2017-12-21
Code\obj\x86\Debug\App.g.i.cs 2831 2017-12-21
Code\obj\x86\Debug\DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferences.cache 25962 2014-09-15
Code\obj\x86\Debug\DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 7491 2017-12-21
Code\obj\x86\Debug\FrmEditOperation.baml 2824 2017-12-21
Code\obj\x86\Debug\FrmEditOperation.g.cs 8122 2017-12-21
Code\obj\x86\Debug\FrmEditOperation.g.i.cs 8122 2017-12-21
Code\obj\x86\Debug\FrmEditSclerte.baml 2115 2017-12-21
Code\obj\x86\Debug\FrmEditSclerte.g.cs 8121 2017-12-21
Code\obj\x86\Debug\FrmEditSclerte.g.i.cs 8121 2017-12-21
Code\obj\x86\Debug\FrmPatienInfo.baml 8884 2017-12-21
Code\obj\x86\Debug\FrmPatienInfo.g.cs 15121 2017-12-21
Code\obj\x86\Debug\FrmPatienInfo.g.i.cs 15121 2017-12-21
Code\obj\x86\Debug\log.baml 1755 2017-12-21
Code\obj\x86\Debug\log.g.cs 4493 2017-12-21
Code\obj\x86\Debug\log.g.i.cs 4493 2017-12-21
Code\obj\x86\Debug\Login.g.i.cs 3094 2017-12-21
Code\obj\x86\Debug\MainWindow.baml 6875 2017-12-21
Code\obj\x86\Debug\MainWindow.g.cs 14400 2017-12-21
Code\obj\x86\Debug\MainWindow.g.i.cs 14400 2017-12-21
Code\obj\x86\Debug\OfIllness.Properties.Resources.resources 180 2017-12-21
Code\obj\x86\Debug\PhotoView.baml 2309 2017-12-21
Code\obj\x86\Debug\PhotoView.g.cs 11664 2017-12-21
Code\obj\x86\Debug\PhotoView.g.i.cs 11664 2017-12-21
Code\obj\x86\Debug\TempPE 0 2017-12-21
Code\obj\x86\Debug\TempPE\Properties.Resources.Designer.cs.dll 4608 2014-09-15
Code\obj\x86\Debug\Themes 0 2017-12-21
Code\obj\x86\Debug\Themes\Default.baml 2665 2017-12-21
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