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  • Update : 2018-01-01
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Cdma clock card control programming, using mouth communication, packet split combination, send
Packet file list
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ReadMe.txt 3543 2002-12-11
skin\neostyle\theme.ini 2013 2002-12-04
skin\xpstyle\theme.ini 2111 2002-12-04
AutoFont.h 2340 1999-11-30
CDMA.h 1302 2002-12-11
CDMADlg.h 2125 2006-08-14
CheckCurve.h 1404 2002-12-16
Checkhistory.h 1648 2003-09-29
SkinWin\EnBitmap.h 934 2002-06-29
global.h 231 2002-12-16
gpsu.h 1448 2002-12-11
mscomm.h 3221 2002-12-11
SkinWin\MyBitmap.h 1916 2002-12-02
resource.h 3527 2006-08-16
Settimepara.h 1201 2002-12-11
Setworkmode.h 1235 2002-12-11
SkinWin\SkinButton.h 2507 2002-12-04
SkinWin\SkinResource.h 645 2002-11-25
SkinWin\SkinWin.h 3687 2002-12-03
StdAfx.h 1074 2002-12-11
SkinWin\Subclass.h 3006 2002-11-23
test.h 1723 2006-08-16
Timmingsend.h 1182 2002-12-11
WBButton.h 4925 2003-06-13
CDMA.cpp 2035 2002-12-11
CDMADlg.cpp 22351 2006-08-14
CheckCurve.cpp 6854 2003-01-07
Checkhistory.cpp 3261 2003-09-29
SkinWin\EnBitmap.cpp 4581 2002-08-11
gpsu.cpp 1917 2003-10-08
mscomm.cpp 8569 2002-12-11
SkinWin\MyBitmap.cpp 13614 2002-12-02
SAutoFont.cpp 7542 2000-05-22
Settimepara.cpp 2202 2002-12-11
Setworkmode.cpp 2591 2002-12-11
SkinWin\SkinButton.cpp 9931 2002-12-11
SkinWin\SkinResource.cpp 552 2002-12-11
SkinWin\SkinWin.cpp 31060 2002-12-11
StdAfx.cpp 206 2002-12-11
SkinWin\Subclass.cpp 8138 1999-11-11
test.cpp 7090 2006-08-16
Timmingsend.cpp 991 2003-10-08
SkinWin\Utils.cpp 5538 2002-11-23
WBButton.cpp 9126 2003-06-26
Debug\CDMA.exe 282663 2006-08-16
CDMA32.exe 282663 2006-08-16
Debug\AutoFont.obj 50016 2006-08-16
Debug\CDMA.obj 15385 2006-08-16
Debug\CDMADlg.obj 110540 2006-08-16
Debug\CheckCurve.obj 30058 2006-08-16
Debug\Checkhistory.obj 24725 2006-08-16
Debug\EnBitmap.obj 16000 2006-08-16
Debug\gpsu.obj 16911 2006-08-16
Debug\mscomm.obj 47288 2006-08-16
Debug\MyBitmap.obj 27048 2006-08-16
Debug\Settimepara.obj 14497 2006-08-16
Debug\Setworkmode.obj 16823 2006-08-16
Debug\SkinButton.obj 42418 2006-08-16
Debug\SkinResource.obj 5246 2006-08-16
Debug\SkinWin.obj 94534 2006-08-16
Debug\StdAfx.obj 107049 2006-08-16
Debug\Subclass.obj 22445 2006-08-16
Debug\test.obj 38348 2006-08-16
Debug\Timmingsend.obj 10050 2006-08-16
Debug\Utils.obj 18728 2006-08-16
Debug\WBButton.obj 42823 2006-08-16
skin\neostyle\bottom.bmp 950 2000-02-23
skin\xpstyle\bottom.bmp 3128 2002-12-01
res\button.bmp 25974 2003-06-26
skin\neostyle\button.bmp 25974 2000-03-03
res\Buttons.bmp 25976 2003-06-26
skin\xpstyle\Buttons.bmp 25976 2001-07-28
skin\xpstyle\Checkbox.bmp 1750 1999-08-16
skin\neostyle\checkbox.bmp 1782 2000-02-29
skin\neostyle\close.bmp 2278 2000-02-23
skin\xpstyle\close.bmp 4088 2002-12-01
skin\neostyle\Dialog.bmp 23878 2000-02-04
skin\neostyle\Explorer.bmp 33846 1999-09-16
skin\xpstyle\left.bmp 876 2002-12-02
skin\neostyle\left.bmp 2238 2000-02-23
skin\neostyle\max.bmp 2278 2000-02-23
skin\xpstyle\max.bmp 4088 2002-12-01
skin\neostyle\Mdi.bmp 17462 1999-09-16
skin\neostyle\menu.bmp 3670 2000-02-04
skin\neostyle\Menuborder.bmp 1272 1999-05-29
skin\neostyle\min.bmp 2278 2000-02-23
skin\xpstyle\min.bmp 4088 2002-12-01
skin\neostyle\progress.bmp 7178 2000-02-28
skin\neostyle\radio.bmp 1782 2000-03-03
skin\xpstyle\Radio.bmp 2070 2000-09-26
skin\neostyle\restore.bmp 2278 2000-02-23
skin\xpstyle\restore.bmp 4088 2002-12-01
skin\xpstyle\right.bmp 876 2002-12-02
skin\neostyle\right.bmp 2422 2000-02-23
skin\neostyle\scrollhb.bmp 2358 2000-02-26
skin\neostyle\scrollhz.bmp 3126 1999-11-29
skin\neostyle\scrollvb.bmp 2358 2000-02-26
skin\neostyle\scrollvt.bmp 3126 1999-11-29
skin\neostyle\start.bmp 18270 2000-03-03
skin\neostyle\tabborder.bmp 2518 2000-01-06
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