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  • Update : 2018-01-01
  • Size : 294kb
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  • Author :ZSkphdq********
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The OPC Client example of KepWare faces C
Packet file list
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datasink20.cpp 17809 2007-02-13
datasink20.h 3455 2007-02-13
document.cpp 36339 2007-02-13
document.h 4604 2007-02-13
editfilters.cpp 14218 2007-02-13
editfilters.h 3956 2007-02-13
eventview.cpp 25098 2007-02-13
eventview.h 4091 2007-02-13
fixedsharedfile.h 2731 2007-02-13
globals.cpp 8305 2007-02-13
globals.h 4681 2007-02-13
group.cpp 119956 2007-02-13
group.h 7772 2007-02-13
grouppropertysheet.cpp 24208 2007-02-13
grouppropertysheet.h 4655 2007-02-13
groupview.cpp 53462 2007-02-13
groupview.h 3465 2007-02-13
imagebutton.cpp 4429 2007-02-13
imagebutton.h 1699 2007-02-13
item.cpp 25014 2007-02-13
item.h 4302 2007-02-13
itemadddlg.cpp 65972 2007-02-13
itemadddlg.h 4810 2007-02-13
itempropertiesdlg.cpp 32624 2007-02-13
itempropertiesdlg.h 2901 2007-02-13
itemview.cpp 81825 2007-02-13
itemview.h 4663 2007-02-13
itemwritedlg.cpp 16104 2007-02-13
itemwritedlg.h 2813 2007-02-13
listeditctrl.cpp 18582 2007-02-13
listeditctrl.h 3287 2007-02-13
mainwnd.cpp 42137 2007-02-13
mainwnd.h 3778 2007-02-13
opccomn.h 24718 2007-02-13
opccomn_i.c 2362 2007-02-13
opcda.h 94734 2007-02-13
opcda_i.c 3217 2007-02-13
opcerrors.h 4972 2007-02-13
opcprops.h 2458 2007-02-13
opcquality.h 2276 2007-02-13
opctestclient.aps 85216 2007-02-13
opctestclient.clw 13331 2007-02-13
opctestclient.cpp 12904 2007-02-13
opctestclient.dsp 13087 2007-02-13
opctestclient.dsw 855 2007-02-13
opctestclient.h 2720 2007-02-13
opctestclient.rc 53158 2007-02-13
README.txt 4892 2007-02-13
res 0 2017-12-24
resource.h 13688 2007-02-13
res\checkboxes.bmp 418 2007-02-13
res\components.bmp 566 2007-02-13
res\deleteitem.bmp 238 2007-02-13
res\deleteitemgray.bmp 238 2007-02-13
res\dupitem.bmp 238 2007-02-13
res\dupitemgray.bmp 238 2007-02-13
res\eventimages.bmp 374 2007-02-13
res\groupimages.bmp 1378 2007-02-13
res\itemimages.bmp 630 2007-02-13
res\newitem.bmp 238 2007-02-13
res\newitemgray.bmp 238 2007-02-13
res\next.bmp 238 2007-02-13
res\nextgray.bmp 238 2007-02-13
res\opctestclient.ico 766 2007-02-13
res\opctestclient.rc2 405 2007-02-13
res\previous.bmp 238 2007-02-13
res\previousgray.bmp 238 2007-02-13
res\toolbar.bmp 1526 2007-02-13
res\validateitem.bmp 238 2007-02-13
res\validateitemgray.bmp 238 2007-02-13
safearray.cpp 14937 2007-02-13
safearray.h 2152 2007-02-13
safelock.h 1406 2007-02-13
server.cpp 52276 2007-02-13
server.h 4789 2007-02-13
serverenumgroupsdlg.cpp 13803 2007-02-13
serverenumgroupsdlg.h 2512 2007-02-13
servergeterrorstringdlg.cpp 7467 2007-02-13
servergeterrorstringdlg.h 2342 2007-02-13
servergroupbynamedlg.cpp 6063 2007-02-13
servergroupbynamedlg.h 2276 2007-02-13
serverpropertysheet.cpp 29358 2007-02-13
serverpropertysheet.h 5359 2007-02-13
shutdownsink.cpp 7479 2007-02-13
shutdownsink.h 1635 2007-02-13
smarttooltip.cpp 5691 2007-02-13
smarttooltip.h 1386 2007-02-13
statusbartext.cpp 3184 2007-02-13
statusbartext.h 1350 2007-02-13
stdafx.h 2002 2007-02-13
Tadvisesink.cpp 23420 2007-02-13
timestmp.cpp 46584 2007-02-13
timestmp.h 4329 2007-02-13
Uadvisesink.h 1852 2007-02-13
updateintervaldlg.cpp 4120 2007-02-13
updateintervaldlg.h 2074 2007-02-13
versioninfo.cpp 6286 2007-02-13
versioninfo.h 2330 2007-02-13
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