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  • Update : 2018-01-03
  • Size : 638kb
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  • Author :包子***
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Using ASP.Net technology to realize online homework and change and so on
Packet file list
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25175硕士设计说明报告2008.3.19.doc 98304 2008-05-17
2517537.jpg 58320 2013-12-26
25175317.jpg 93373 2013-12-26
readme.txt 1919 2013-12-26
student\addclass.asp 8892 2008-03-11
student\addcourse.asp 9815 2008-04-17
student\addfzr.asp 10507 2008-03-11
student\addsi.asp 12516 2008-03-11
student\addsis.asp 12701 2008-03-11
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student\addteahomework.asp 10268 2008-04-16
student\addtype.asp 8871 2008-03-11
student\addwenti.asp 13233 2008-04-17
student\addzy.asp 8156 2008-04-16
student\adminwenti.asp 11410 2008-04-17
student\adminzygl.asp 10903 2008-04-17
student\check.asp 996 2008-04-15
student\classgl.asp 11141 2008-03-11
student\conn.asp 159 2013-12-26
student\coursegl.asp 11276 2008-04-16
student\data\student_Data.MDF 1048576 2013-12-26
student\data\student_Log.LDF 1048576 2013-12-26
student\dbck.mdb 499712 2013-12-26
student\del.asp 788 2008-04-17
student\delsi.asp 480 2008-03-08
student\fzrgl.asp 11318 2008-03-11
student\images\25175css_pro.css 2921 2008-03-05
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student\images\bj.gif 49 2006-05-30
student\images\body.Fix 3200 2007-09-04
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student\images\CSS.CSS 413 2007-11-11
student\images\ERROR.GIF 59718 2007-09-26
student\images\ERROR.JPG 47522 2007-09-26
student\images\face5.gif 346 2008-03-05
student\images\Fooy.png 20232 2006-05-30
student\images\Head.Fix 54 2007-09-04
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student\images\index_top_bg.jpg 8414 2007-09-26
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student\images\loading.gif 1849 2007-09-21
student\images\logo.gif 7064 2007-09-26
student\images\main.jpg 18227 2008-02-02
student\images\QQ_d.gif 600 2008-03-05
student\images\reg.gif 423 2008-03-25
student\images\REG_BAD.GIF 152 2006-06-29
student\images\reg_button.gif 149 2006-06-28
student\images\REG_COMM.GIF 152 2006-06-29
student\images\REG_GOOD.GIF 152 2006-06-29
student\images\reg_style.css 1437 2007-10-17
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student\images\reg_yesok.gif 345 2007-06-28
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student\images\side_1.gif 633 2007-10-18
student\images\side_2.gif 77 2007-10-18
student\images\side_3.gif 634 2007-10-18
student\images\Thumbs.db 64512 2008-03-07
student\images\user_style.css 191 2007-09-05
student\inc\addcalendar.js 26661 2008-02-24
student\inc\checkcode.asp 1255 2007-10-19
student\inc\inc.asp 196 2008-03-11
student\inc\left.asp 5085 2008-04-17
student\inc\left.asp.bak 5090 2008-04-16
student\js\AJAX.JS 3431 2007-10-17
student\js\cert_date.js 19889 2007-10-15
student\js\DETECT.JS 10868 2007-10-19
student\js\Enrollment_checkpass.js 610 2007-10-18
student\js\user_login.js 618 2007-09-05
student\login.asp 7888 2008-04-15
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student\main.asp 6280 2008-03-07
student\query.asp 476 2008-03-31
student\searchsi.asp 15064 2008-03-11
student\showinfo.asp 14548 2008-03-11
student\studentgl.asp 11237 2008-04-15
student\studentinfo.asp 13093 2008-03-11
student\sturegist.asp 9510 2008-04-17
student\stuworklist.asp 10914 2008-04-17
student\stuzygl.asp 11457 2008-04-16
student\style.css 906 2008-03-07
student\szmc.asp 8779 2008-03-11
student\teachergl.asp 10846 2008-04-15
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