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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
This article describes a low-cost portable high-resolution capacitance measurement system design and implementation. Its basic principle is through the use of comparators to form RC oscillator circuit, by measuring the oscillation frequency using a unique algorithm to calculate the capacitance value. This instrument has a simple circuit, requiring less components, low cost, good stability, wide measurement range and high resolution advantages. Can be used in the laboratory to measure unknown capacitance. This article describes the hardware and software implementation of this capacitance measurement system, the use of STM32F103C8T6 as a master chip to achieve the oscillation frequency of the circuit measurement and capacitance display.
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程序代码\CORE\CORE\core_cm3.c 17273 2010-06-07
程序代码\CORE\CORE\core_cm3.h 85714 2011-02-09
程序代码\CORE\CORE\startup_stm32f10x_hd.s 15503 2011-03-10
程序代码\CORE\core_cm3.c 17273 2010-06-07
程序代码\CORE\core_cm3.h 85714 2011-02-09
程序代码\CORE\HARDWARE\ADXL345\adxl345.c 5083 2016-12-03
程序代码\CORE\HARDWARE\ADXL345\adxl345.h 2211 2016-12-02
程序代码\CORE\HARDWARE\BEEP\beep.c 753 2012-09-02
程序代码\CORE\HARDWARE\BEEP\beep.h 681 2012-09-02
程序代码\CORE\HARDWARE\encoder.c 6210 2017-05-28
程序代码\CORE\HARDWARE\encoder.h 435 2017-05-28
程序代码\CORE\HARDWARE\IIC\myiic.c 3070 2015-03-20
程序代码\CORE\HARDWARE\IIC\myiic.h 1354 2015-04-29
程序代码\CORE\HARDWARE\KEY\key.c 1690 2017-05-28
程序代码\CORE\HARDWARE\KEY\key.h 1194 2017-05-28
程序代码\CORE\HARDWARE\LCD\font.h 35016 2015-03-13
程序代码\CORE\HARDWARE\LCD\lcd.c 85988 2016-12-02
程序代码\CORE\HARDWARE\LCD\lcd.h 7595 2016-12-02
程序代码\CORE\HARDWARE\LED\led.c 1549 2017-05-28
程序代码\CORE\HARDWARE\LED\led.h 660 2016-12-03
程序代码\CORE\HARDWARE\MYIIC\MYIIC.c 2408 2017-02-20
程序代码\CORE\HARDWARE\MYIIC\MYIIC.h 614 2017-02-20
程序代码\CORE\HARDWARE\MYSPI\MYSPI.c 1320 2017-05-28
程序代码\CORE\HARDWARE\MYSPI\MYSPI.h 626 2017-05-28
程序代码\CORE\HARDWARE\OLED\OLED.c 9938 2017-05-28
程序代码\CORE\HARDWARE\OLED\OLED.h 842 2017-05-28
程序代码\CORE\HARDWARE\SDS.c 1222 2016-05-10
程序代码\CORE\HARDWARE\SDS.h 767 2016-05-10
程序代码\CORE\keilkilll.bat 399 2011-04-23
程序代码\CORE\OBJ\adxl345.crf 371005 2016-12-05
程序代码\CORE\OBJ\adxl345.d 2013 2016-12-05
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程序代码\CORE\OBJ\ExtDll.iex 19 2017-05-28
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程序代码\CORE\OBJ\key.d 1645 2017-06-08
程序代码\CORE\OBJ\key.o 383552 2017-06-08
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程序代码\CORE\OBJ\LCD.build_log.htm 1426 2017-06-08
程序代码\CORE\OBJ\lcd.crf 384878 2016-12-05
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程序代码\CORE\OBJ\LCD.hex 42965 2017-06-08
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程序代码\CORE\OBJ\LCD.lnp 1143 2017-06-08
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程序代码\CORE\OBJ\LCD.sct 479 2017-05-28
程序代码\CORE\OBJ\LCD_LCD.dep 85331 2017-06-08
程序代码\CORE\OBJ\LCD_sct.Bak 479 2016-11-29
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程序代码\CORE\OBJ\stm32f10x_cec.d 1915 2017-06-08
程序代码\CORE\OBJ\stm32f10x_cec.o 383252 2017-06-08
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程序代码\CORE\OBJ\stm32f10x_crc.d 1915 2017-06-08
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程序代码\CORE\OBJ\stm32f10x_dac.crf 348878 2017-06-08
程序代码\CORE\OBJ\stm32f10x_dac.d 1915 2017-06-08
程序代码\CORE\OBJ\stm32f10x_dac.o 383396 2017-06-08
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