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  • Category : OpenGL program
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  • Update : 2018-01-08
  • Size : 45.76mb
  • Downloaded :0次
  • Author :THU***
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Using surface rendering technology to visualize three-dimensional objects, there is a relatively mature interface and image.
Packet file list
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MC的练习\MC\Debug\MC.exe 333824 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\Debug\MC.ilk 2067876 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\Debug\MC.pdb 8301568 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\ipch\mc-c8633eef\mc-435695fc.ipch 91357184 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\cl.command.1.tlog 5422 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\ 83228 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\CL.write.1.tlog 5514 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\DIALOG1.obj 29067 2017-12-21
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\ 2 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\link-cvtres.write.1.tlog 2 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\ 2 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\link-mt.write.1.tlog 2 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\ 2 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\link-rc.write.1.tlog 2 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\ 2 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\link.1528-cvtres.write.1.tlog 2 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\ 2 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\link.1528-mt.write.1.tlog 2 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\ 2 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\link.1528-rc.write.1.tlog 2 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\ 2 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\link.1528.write.1.tlog 2 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\ 2 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\link.5056-cvtres.write.1.tlog 2 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\ 2 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\link.5056-mt.write.1.tlog 2 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\ 2 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\link.5056-rc.write.1.tlog 2 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\ 2 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\link.5056.write.1.tlog 2 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\ 2 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\link.5248-cvtres.write.1.tlog 2 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\ 2 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\link.5248-mt.write.1.tlog 2 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\ 2 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\link.5248-rc.write.1.tlog 2 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\ 2 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\link.5248.write.1.tlog 2 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\link.command.1.tlog 2194 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\ 7302 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\link.write.1.tlog 1312 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\MainFrm.obj 36041 2017-12-21
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\MC.lastbuildstate 111 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\MC.log 2974 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\MC.obj 80346 2017-12-21
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\MC.pch 37552128 2017-12-17
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\MC.res 78864 2017-12-21
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\MCDoc.obj 57763 2017-12-21
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\MCView.obj 97439 2017-12-21
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\rc.command.1.tlog 468 2017-12-21
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\ 3352 2017-12-21
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\rc.write.1.tlog 202 2017-12-21
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\stdafx.obj 811590 2017-12-17
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\TriangleGen.obj 59889 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\vc110.idb 2288640 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\vc110.pdb 8900608 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug\VolData.obj 20223 2017-12-21
MC的练习\MC\MC\DIALOG1.cpp 1787 2017-12-21
MC的练习\MC\MC\DIALOG1.h 707 2017-12-21
MC的练习\MC\MC\MainFrm.cpp 1769 2017-12-16
MC的练习\MC\MC\MainFrm.h 669 2017-12-16
MC的练习\MC\MC\MC.APS 123208 2017-12-21
MC的练习\MC\MC\MC.cpp 4049 2017-12-16
MC的练习\MC\MC\MC.h 472 2017-12-16
MC的练习\MC\MC\MC.rc 12942 2017-12-21
MC的练习\MC\MC\MC.vcxproj 6581 2017-12-17
MC的练习\MC\MC\MC.vcxproj.filters 3101 2017-12-17
MC的练习\MC\MC\MCDoc.cpp 2654 2017-12-17
MC的练习\MC\MC\MCDoc.h 879 2017-12-17
MC的练习\MC\MC\MCView.cpp 9362 2017-12-21
MC的练习\MC\MC\MCView.h 2062 2017-12-21
MC的练习\MC\MC\ReadMe.txt 4620 2017-12-16
MC的练习\MC\MC\res\MC.ico 67777 2012-01-11
MC的练习\MC\MC\res\MC.rc2 660 2017-12-16
MC的练习\MC\MC\res\MCDoc.ico 4710 2012-01-11
MC的练习\MC\MC\res\Toolbar.bmp 1078 2011-12-12
MC的练习\MC\MC\resource.h 1874 2017-12-21
MC的练习\MC\MC\stdafx.cpp 135 2017-12-16
MC的练习\MC\MC\stdafx.h 1596 2017-12-17
MC的练习\MC\MC\targetver.h 234 2017-12-16
MC的练习\MC\MC\TriangleGen.cpp 7980 2017-12-21
MC的练习\MC\MC\TriangleGen.h 17293 2017-12-17
MC的练习\MC\MC\VolData.cpp 2777 2017-12-17
MC的练习\MC\MC\VolData.h 1016 2017-12-17
MC的练习\MC\MC.sdf 81002496 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\MC.sln 873 2017-12-16
MC的练习\MC\MC.v11.suo 48128 2017-12-27
MC的练习\作业二:MC绘制-2014011792.docx 575024 2017-12-21
MC的练习\MC\ipch\mc-c8633eef 0 2017-12-16
MC的练习\MC\MC\Debug 0 2017-12-27
MC的练习\MC\MC\res 0 2017-12-16
MC的练习\MC\Debug 0 2017-12-19
MC的练习\MC\ipch 0 2017-12-16
MC的练习\MC\MC 0 2017-12-21
MC的练习\MC 0 2017-12-27
MC的练习 0 2017-12-21
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