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  • Category : matlab
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  • Update : 2018-01-08
  • Size : 83kb
  • Downloaded :0次
  • Author :王磊0***
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Programming to solve a finite element numerical example of two-dimensional heat transfer problems, finite element can be used as examples to learn programming in order to better understand the finite element theory, and for the further use of large-scale finite element software to lay basis
Packet file list
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distmesh 0 2012-03-12
distmesh\hmatrix.m 172 2012-03-12
distmesh\meshdemo2d.m 2160 2012-03-12
distmesh\trisurfupd.cpp 4650 2012-03-12
distmesh\dmatrix.m 169 2012-03-12
distmesh\pshift.m 142 2012-03-12
distmesh\uniformity.m 213 2012-03-12
distmesh\dpoly.m 781 2012-03-12
distmesh\dellipsoid.cpp 2726 2012-03-12
distmesh\dsegment.mexw32 7168 2012-02-01
distmesh\trisurfupd.mexmaci64 12884 2012-02-01
distmesh\dellipse.cpp 2042 2012-03-12
distmesh\protate.m 154 2012-03-12
distmesh\dellipsoid.mexa64 12805 2011-11-07
distmesh\distmesh2doriginal.m 3977 2012-03-12
distmesh\dsegment.mexmaci64 8596 2012-02-01
distmesh\meshdemond.m 1036 2012-03-12
distmesh\simpplot.m 1761 2012-03-12
distmesh\dellipsoid.mexmaci64 13012 2012-02-01
distmesh\dunion.m 121 2012-03-12
distmesh\trisurfupd.mexw64 10752 2011-12-24
distmesh\fixmesh.m 668 2012-03-12
distmesh\drectangle.m 182 2012-03-12
distmesh\trisurfupd.mexw32 8192 2012-02-01
distmesh\dellipse.mexa64 12798 2011-11-07
distmesh\simpqual.m 2186 2012-03-12
distmesh\surftri.m 694 2012-03-12
distmesh\bndproj.m 1068 2012-02-03
distmesh\dintersect.m 125 2012-03-12
distmesh\dblock.m 215 2012-03-12
distmesh\dellipse.mexw32 7680 2012-02-01
distmesh\hmatrix3d.m 187 2012-03-12
distmesh\ddiff.m 121 2012-03-12
distmesh\huniform.m 137 2012-03-12
distmesh\dcircle.m 155 2012-03-12
distmesh\circumcenter.m 469 2012-03-12
distmesh\COPYRIGHT.TXT 1067 2012-03-12
distmesh\dsegment.mexa64 8052 2011-11-07
distmesh\dmatrix3d.m 184 2012-03-12
distmesh\drectangle0.m 421 2012-03-12
distmesh\dsegment.cpp 1309 2012-03-12
distmesh\mkt2t.m 960 2012-03-12
distmesh\dsegment.mexw64 7680 2011-12-24
distmesh\distmesh2d.m 5870 2012-02-02
distmesh\dellipsoid.mexw32 8704 2012-02-01
distmesh\boundedges.m 622 2012-03-12
distmesh\distmeshsurface.m 4037 2012-03-12
distmesh\dellipse.mexmaci64 8908 2012-02-01
distmesh\uniref.m 994 2012-02-03
distmesh\dellipse.mexw64 9728 2011-12-24
distmesh\dsphere.m 173 2012-03-12
distmesh\simpvol.m 714 2012-03-12
distmesh\dellipsoid.mexw64 10752 2011-12-24
distmesh\trisurfupd.mexa64 12484 2011-11-07
distmesh\dexpr.m 1046 2012-03-12
distmesh\distmeshnd.m 3349 2012-03-12
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