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  • Category : TCP/IP stack
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  • Update : 2018-01-13
  • Size : 812kb
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  • Author :asdfsdf********
  • About : Nobody
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The Indy Project is an Open Source group that supports several projects that grew out of the original Indy.Sockets (VCL) project team. Projects that are no longer active are in the project archive.
Packet file list
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ADLER32.OBJ 797 2002-10-08
dclIndy50.dpk 853 2002-11-12
dclIndy50.rc 788 2003-06-24
dclIndy50.res 1060 2002-11-12
dclIndy60.dpk 857 2004-05-20
dclIndy60.rc 788 2003-06-24
dclIndy60.res 1904 2004-05-20
dclIndy70.dpk 867 2002-11-12
dclIndy70.rc 788 2003-06-24
dclIndy70.res 1060 2002-11-12
DEFLATE.OBJ 8266 2002-10-08
IdAbout.pas 12135 2003-06-05
IdAntiFreeze.pas 2035 2002-10-08
IdAntiFreezeBase.pas 3765 2002-10-08
IdASN1Util.pas 11111 2002-10-08
IdAssignedNumbers.pas 91753 2002-10-08
IdAuthentication.pas 7909 2003-02-01
IdAuthenticationDigest.pas 4784 2002-10-08
IdAuthenticationManager.pas 3838 2002-10-08
IdAuthenticationNTLM.pas 4360 2003-02-01
IdAuthenticationSSPI.pas 30652 2003-07-18
IdBaseComponent.pas 1167 2002-10-08
IdBlockCipherIntercept.pas 7382 2002-10-08
IdChargenServer.pas 1894 2002-10-08
IdChargenUDPServer.pas 2293 2002-10-08
IdCoder.pas 2305 2002-10-08
IdCoder3to4.pas 7250 2003-05-28
IdCoderHeader.pas 23197 2004-08-16
IdCoderMIME.pas 1625 2002-10-08
IdCoderQuotedPrintable.pas 7742 2003-06-12
IdCoderUUE.pas 3366 2002-10-08
IdCoderXXE.pas 1728 2002-10-08 3048 2004-08-05
IdComponent.pas 6106 2002-10-08
IdCompressionIntercept.pas 14606 2004-06-13
IdContainers.pas 3506 2002-10-08
IdCookie.pas 25353 2004-06-02
IdCookieManager.pas 9090 2004-07-29
IdCreditsBitmap.res 86316 2002-10-08
IdCustomHTTPServer.pas 46262 2004-05-07
IdDateTimeStamp.pas 42062 2002-10-08
IdDayTime.pas 1901 2002-10-08
IdDayTimeServer.pas 1746 2002-10-08
IdDayTimeUDP.pas 1370 2002-10-08
IdDayTimeUDPServer.pas 1780 2002-10-08
IdDICTServer.pas 6326 2002-10-08
IdDiscardServer.pas 1551 2002-10-08
IdDiscardUDPServer.pas 1138 2002-10-08
IdDNSResolver.pas 30274 2003-01-03
IdDsnBaseCmpEdt.pas 1549 2002-10-08
IdDsnPropEdBinding.pas 12411 2002-10-08
IdDsnRegister.pas 3471 2002-10-08
IdDummyUnit.pas 997 2002-10-08
IdEcho.pas 2384 2002-10-08
IdEchoServer.pas 1555 2002-10-08
IdEchoUDP.pas 1592 2002-10-08
IdEchoUDPServer.pas 1506 2002-10-08
IdEMailAddress.pas 22438 2002-10-08
IdException.pas 4762 2002-10-08
IdFinger.pas 3892 2002-10-08
IdFingerServer.pas 2869 2002-10-08
IdFTP.pas 34530 2004-07-24
IdFTPCommon.pas 843 2002-10-08
IdFTPList.pas 27233 2003-02-09
IdFTPServer.pas 52441 2004-07-14
IdGlobal.pas 73071 2004-10-25
IdGopher.pas 23422 2002-10-08
IdGopherConsts.pas 5609 2002-10-08
IdGopherServer.pas 5323 2002-10-08
IdHash.pas 2721 2002-10-08
IdHashCRC.pas 6874 2002-10-08
IdHashElf.pas 1361 2002-10-08
IdHashMessageDigest.pas 17227 2002-10-08
IdHeaderList.pas 11908 2003-02-25
IdHL7.pas 48717 2003-07-01
IdHostnameServer.pas 4633 2002-10-08
IdHTTP.pas 52576 2004-07-23
IdHTTPHeaderInfo.pas 20484 2003-11-28
IdHTTPProxyServer.pas 8841 2004-10-14
IdHTTPServer.pas 1354 2002-10-08
IdHTTPWebBrokerBridge.pas 18772 2003-06-05
IdIcmpClient.pas 10526 2004-04-25
IdIdent.pas 5216 2002-10-08
IdIdentServer.pas 4530 2002-10-08
IdIMAP4.pas 241335 2003-09-20
IdIMAP4Server.pas 20339 2002-10-08
IdIntercept.pas 5469 2002-10-08
IdIOHandler.pas 2327 2003-06-15
IdIOHandlerSocket.pas 10119 2004-04-24
IdIOHandlerStream.pas 3941 2003-06-21
IdIOHandlerThrottle.pas 5619 2003-08-14
IdIPMCastBase.pas 3909 2003-04-13
IdIPMCastClient.pas 7893 2002-10-08
IdIPMCastServer.pas 5721 2002-10-08
IdIPWatch.pas 9466 2002-12-15
IdIRC.pas 147413 2002-10-08
IdIrcServer.pas 20477 2002-10-08
IdLogBase.pas 4312 2002-10-08
IdLogDebug.pas 1562 2004-08-06
IdLogEvent.pas 2468 2002-10-08
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