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  • Category : TCP/IP stack
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  • Update : 2018-01-13
  • Size : 1.78mb
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  • Author :asdfsdf********
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
The Indy Project is an Open Source group that supports several projects that grew out of the original Indy.Sockets (VCL) project team. Projects that are no longer active are in the project archive. Version 10
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
Core\dclIndyCore100.dpk 908 2004-08-17
Core\dclIndyCore100Net.dpk 918 2004-09-05
Core\dclIndyCore110.dpk 908 2004-08-17
Core\dclIndyCore110Net.dpk 918 2004-09-05
Core\dclIndyCore40.dpk 882 2004-08-17
Core\dclIndyCore40.res 1036 2004-08-17
Core\dclIndyCore50.dpk 878 2004-08-17
Core\dclIndyCore50.res 1036 2004-08-17
Core\dclIndyCore60.dpk 890 2004-08-17
Core\dclIndyCore60.res 1880 2004-08-17
Core\dclIndyCore70.dpk 890 2004-08-17
Core\dclIndyCore70.res 1880 2004-08-17
Core\dclIndyCore80Net.dpk 916 2004-09-05
Core\dclIndyCore90.dpk 906 2004-10-26
Core\dclIndyCore90.res 1508 2004-10-26
Core\dclIndyCore90Net.dpk 916 2004-09-05
Core\dclindycorek3.dpk 882 2004-09-05
Core\dclindycorek3.dpkl 1015 2003-09-15
Core\dclindycorek3.res 32 2004-09-05
Core\IdAbout.pas 17181 2004-09-08
Core\IdAntiFreeze.pas 3379 2004-02-03
Core\IdAssignedNumbers.pas 119001 2003-10-15
Core\IdBuffer.pas 19261 2004-08-27
Core\IdCmdTCPClient.pas 7756 2004-06-11
Core\IdCmdTCPServer.pas 17191 2004-10-27
Core\IdCommandHandlers.pas 19582 2004-10-27
Core\ 4084 2004-06-13
Core\IdContext.pas 4594 2004-06-16
Core\IdCoreDsnRegister.pas 4178 2004-10-12
Core\IdCoreRegister.dcr 10488 2003-10-20
Core\IdCoreRegisterCool.dcr 42136 2004-05-06
Core\IdCreditsBitmap.res 410656 2003-06-08
Core\IdCreditsBitmap.resources 365468 2004-09-06
Core\IdCustomTransparentProxy.pas 7558 2004-11-12
Core\IdDsnBaseCmpEdt.pas 1971 2004-09-05
Core\IdDsnCoreResourceStrings.pas 4360 2004-01-29
Core\IdDsnPropEdBinding.pas 21236 2004-10-27
Core\IdExceptionCore.pas 6569 2004-06-09
Core\IdGlobalCore.pas 1098 2004-08-16
Core\IdIcmpClient.pas 11066 2004-04-25
Core\IdIntercept.pas 5623 2004-02-03
Core\IdInterceptSimLog.pas 4005 2004-07-24
Core\IdInterceptThrottler.pas 1993 2004-02-03
Core\IdIOHandler.pas 48706 2004-11-04
Core\IdIOHandlerSocket.pas 13010 2004-11-10
Core\IdIOHandlerStack.pas 15066 2004-11-11
Core\IdIOHandlerStream.pas 9738 2004-10-21
Core\IdIPAddress.pas 14875 2004-09-28
Core\IdLogBase.pas 4349 2004-02-03
Core\IdLogDebug.pas 1751 2004-08-06
Core\IdLogEvent.pas 2157 2004-05-20
Core\IdLogFile.pas 4939 2004-07-24
Core\IdLogStream.pas 3037 2004-05-20
Core\IdRawBase.pas 6350 2004-07-10
Core\IdRawClient.pas 880 2002-09-01
Core\IdRawFunctions.pas 17270 2004-02-03
Core\IdRawHeaders.pas 15287 2004-02-08
Core\IdRegisterCore.pas 5545 2004-02-08
Core\IdReply.pas 10666 2004-10-27
Core\IdReplyRFC.pas 9236 2004-10-27
Core\IdResourceStringsCore.pas 7488 2004-11-12
Core\IdScheduler.pas 3937 2004-04-08
Core\IdSchedulerOfThread.pas 7120 2004-06-11
Core\IdSchedulerOfThreadDefault.pas 2593 2004-02-03
Core\IdSchedulerOfThreadPool.pas 5056 2004-02-03
Core\IdSequTCPServer.pas 8252 2004-02-19
Core\IdServerIOHandler.pas 2716 2003-10-10
Core\IdServerIOHandlerSocket.pas 3670 2004-02-03
Core\IdServerIOHandlerStack.pas 2372 2004-02-03
Core\IdSimpleServer.pas 7766 2004-07-14
Core\IdSocketHandle.pas 15514 2004-06-09
Core\IdSocks.pas 35397 2004-11-12
Core\IdSync.pas 7268 2004-04-13
Core\IdTask.pas 2167 2003-10-24
Core\IdTCPClient.pas 11823 2004-11-06
Core\IdTCPConnection.pas 22751 2004-10-27
Core\IdTCPServer.pas 27187 2004-10-08
Core\IdTCPStream.pas 4209 2004-08-27
Core\IdThread.pas 15561 2004-06-10
Core\IdThreadComponent.pas 16360 2004-09-30
Core\IdThreadSafe.pas 14977 2004-10-30
Core\IdUDPBase.pas 9694 2004-11-11
Core\IdUDPClient.pas 12470 2004-11-12
Core\IdUDPServer.pas 10081 2004-06-12
Core\IdYarn.pas 1028 2003-10-20
Core\IndyCore100.dpk 2772 2004-08-13
Core\IndyCore100Net.dpk 2601 2004-08-13
Core\IndyCore110.dpk 2772 2004-08-13
Core\IndyCore110Net.dpk 2601 2004-08-13
Core\IndyCore40.dpk 2746 2004-08-13
Core\IndyCore40.res 1044 2004-08-13
Core\IndyCore50.dpk 2748 2004-08-13
Core\IndyCore50.res 1044 2004-08-13
Core\IndyCore60.dpk 2746 2004-08-13
Core\IndyCore60.res 1044 2004-08-13
Core\IndyCore70.dpk 2746 2004-08-13
Core\IndyCore70.res 1888 2004-08-13
Core\IndyCore80Net.dpk 2599 2004-08-13
Core\IndyCore90.dpk 2770 2004-10-26
Core\IndyCore90.res 1536 2004-10-26
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