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实例8 RTC实验

  • Category : SCM
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  • Update : 2018-01-18
  • Size : 3.72mb
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  • Author :infin*****
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
By changing the code to set the time you need, the alarm clock, when the set is complete, the code will automatically increase the time, and there are days and months of display
Packet file list
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实例8 RTC实验\CORE\core_cm3.c 17273 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\CORE\core_cm3.h 85714 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\CORE\startup_stm32f10x_hd.s 15503 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\CORE\startup_stm32f10x_md.s 12765 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\HARDWARE\BEEP\beep.c 521 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\HARDWARE\BEEP\beep.h 146 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\HARDWARE\DHT11\dht11.c 2811 2017-12-12
实例8 RTC实验\HARDWARE\DHT11\dht11.h 1115 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\HARDWARE\KEY\key.c 1827 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\HARDWARE\KEY\key.h 1186 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\HARDWARE\LCD\font.h 35016 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\HARDWARE\LCD\lcd.c 85363 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\HARDWARE\LCD\lcd.h 7529 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\HARDWARE\LED\led.c 1298 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\HARDWARE\LED\led.h 638 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\HARDWARE\RTC\rtc.c 7856 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\HARDWARE\RTC\rtc.h 857 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\keilkilll.bat 399 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\beep.crf 349389 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\beep.d 1637 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\beep.o 382468 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\core_cm3.crf 3942 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\core_cm3.d 104 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\core_cm3.o 11304 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\delay.crf 349955 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\delay.d 1669 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\delay.o 383580 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\key.crf 350475 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\key.d 1640 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\key.o 384508 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\lcd.crf 383994 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\lcd.d 1836 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\lcd.o 456112 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\led.crf 349502 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\led.d 1601 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\led.o 382488 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\main.crf 367670 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\main.d 2007 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\main.o 397620 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\misc.crf 348900 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\misc.d 1613 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\misc.o 381084 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\RTC.axf 455428 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\RTC.build_log.htm 1544 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\rtc.crf 357619 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\rtc.d 1777 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\RTC.hex 125143 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\RTC.htm 123219 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\RTC.lnp 775 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\rtc.o 394580 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\RTC.sct 479 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\RTC_RTC.dep 52363 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\startup_stm32f10x_hd.d 63 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\startup_stm32f10x_hd.o 6812 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\stm32f10x_bkp.crf 349840 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\stm32f10x_bkp.d 1910 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\stm32f10x_bkp.o 383500 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\stm32f10x_fsmc.crf 354415 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\stm32f10x_fsmc.d 1943 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\stm32f10x_fsmc.o 387568 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\stm32f10x_gpio.crf 352398 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\stm32f10x_gpio.d 1943 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\stm32f10x_gpio.o 387432 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\stm32f10x_it.crf 348301 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\stm32f10x_it.d 1807 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\stm32f10x_it.o 381448 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\stm32f10x_pwr.crf 349747 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\stm32f10x_pwr.d 1910 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\stm32f10x_pwr.o 382476 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\stm32f10x_rcc.crf 355973 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\stm32f10x_rcc.d 1910 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\stm32f10x_rcc.o 391900 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\stm32f10x_rtc.crf 349747 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\stm32f10x_rtc.d 1910 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\stm32f10x_rtc.o 383384 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\stm32f10x_tim.crf 370986 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\stm32f10x_tim.d 1910 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\stm32f10x_tim.o 415564 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\stm32f10x_usart.crf 354511 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\stm32f10x_usart.d 1976 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\stm32f10x_usart.o 391572 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\sys.crf 349147 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\sys.d 1562 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\sys.o 383364 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\system_stm32f10x.crf 350034 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\system_stm32f10x.d 1892 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\system_stm32f10x.o 381344 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\usart.crf 354596 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\usart.d 1730 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\usart.o 387016 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\usmart.crf 359951 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\usmart.d 1836 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\usmart.o 397960 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\usmart_config.crf 367036 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\usmart_config.d 2301 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\usmart_config.o 394224 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\usmart_str.crf 353597 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\usmart_str.d 1826 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\OBJ\usmart_str.o 389460 2017-12-05
实例8 RTC实验\README.TXT 1623 2017-12-05
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