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  • Category : OpenCV
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  • Update : 2018-01-21
  • Size : 14.04mb
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  • Author :3470*****
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
One of the benefits of OpenCV is that it provides a number of built-in basic elements for image processing and computer vision related operations. If you need to write some content through scratch, you will have to define something, such as image, point, angle and so on. These are almost the foundation of any computer vision algorithm. OpenCV provides the basic data structures that are open and out of use, all of which are included in the core module. Another advantage is that these data structures have been optimized for speed and memory, so you don't have to worry about implementing the details.
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
c\adaptiveskindetector.cpp 11226 2013-11-13
c\ 373704 2013-11-13
c\airplane.jpg 85238 2013-11-13
c\baboon.jpg 179920 2013-11-13
c\baboon200.jpg 21952 2013-11-13
c\baboon200_rotated.jpg 11226 2013-11-13
c\bgfg_codebook.cpp 8269 2013-11-13
c\blobtrack_sample.cpp 26973 2013-11-13
c\box.png 50728 2013-11-13
c\box_in_scene.png 122490 2013-11-13
c\ 478 2013-11-13
c\calonder_params.xml 266 2013-11-13
c\cat.jpg 65555 2013-11-13
c\cat.xml 210308 2013-11-13
c\CMakeLists.txt 2242 2013-11-13
c\contours.c 5908 2013-11-13
c\convert_cascade.c 1349 2013-11-13
c\cvsample.dsp 3973 2013-11-13
c\cvsample.vs2005.vcproj 10411 2013-11-13
c\delaunay.c 6361 2013-11-13
c\example_cmake\CMakeLists.txt 365 2013-11-13
c\example_cmake\minarea.c 3068 2013-11-13
c\example_cmake\README.txt 830 2013-11-13
c\facedetect.cmd 236 2013-11-13
c\facedetect.cpp 10081 2013-11-13
c\fback_c.c 2181 2013-11-13
c\find_obj.cpp 10843 2013-11-13
c\find_obj_calonder.cpp 5659 2013-11-13
c\find_obj_ferns.cpp 5325 2013-11-13
c\fruits.jpg 82429 2013-11-13
c\intrinsics.yml 631 2013-11-13
c\JCB.png 372 2013-11-13
c\latentsvmdetect.cpp 3273 2013-11-13
c\lena.jpg 91814 2013-11-13
c\morphology.c 3558 2013-11-13
c\motempl.c 6831 2013-11-13
c\mser_sample.cpp 2281 2013-11-13
c\mushroom.cpp 11034 2013-11-13
c\one_way_sample.cpp 3910 2013-11-13
c\one_way_train_0000.jpg 28611 2013-11-13
c\one_way_train_0001.jpg 29553 2013-11-13
c\one_way_train_images.txt 46 2013-11-13
c\polar_transforms.c 2830 2013-11-13
c\puzzle.png 646219 2013-11-13
c\pyramid_segmentation.c 2397 2013-11-13
c\scene_l.bmp 111670 2013-11-13
c\scene_r.bmp 111670 2013-11-13
c\smiledetect.cpp 8900 2013-11-13
c\stuff.jpg 29365 2013-11-13
c\tree.avi 1310720 2013-11-13
c\tree_engine.cpp 4610 2013-11-13
c\ 555497 2013-11-13
cpp\3calibration.cpp 12729 2013-11-19
cpp\baboon.jpg 179920 2013-11-13
cpp\bagofwords_classification.cpp 117188 2013-12-05
cpp\bgfg_gmg.cpp 1970 2013-11-13
cpp\bgfg_segm.cpp 2502 2013-11-19
cpp\board.jpg 121597 2013-11-13
cpp\brief_match_test.cpp 4293 2013-11-13
cpp\build3dmodel.cpp 22715 2013-11-19
cpp\building.jpg 79718 2013-11-13
cpp\calibration.cpp 20603 2013-11-19
cpp\calibration_artificial.cpp 12263 2013-11-13
cpp\camshiftdemo.cpp 6264 2013-11-19
cpp\chamfer.cpp 1909 2013-11-19
cpp\CMakeLists.txt 3248 2013-12-05
cpp\connected_components.cpp 2029 2013-11-13
cpp\contours2.cpp 3127 2013-11-13
cpp\convexhull.cpp 1447 2013-11-13
cpp\cout_mat.cpp 1720 2013-11-13
cpp\delaunay2.cpp 3899 2013-11-13
cpp\demhist.cpp 2390 2013-11-13
cpp\descriptor_extractor_matcher.cpp 12107 2013-11-19
cpp\detection_based_tracker_sample.cpp 4781 2013-11-19
cpp\detector_descriptor_evaluation.cpp 34364 2013-11-13
cpp\detector_descriptor_matcher_evaluation.cpp 12299 2013-11-13
cpp\dft.cpp 2120 2013-11-13
cpp\distrans.cpp 5146 2013-11-19
cpp\drawing.cpp 5085 2013-11-19
cpp\edge.cpp 1446 2013-11-19
cpp\em.cpp 2823 2013-11-19
cpp\fabmap\stlucia_test_small0000.jpeg 30139 2013-11-13
cpp\fabmap\stlucia_test_small0001.jpeg 32412 2013-11-13
cpp\fabmap\stlucia_test_small0002.jpeg 39202 2013-11-13
cpp\fabmap\stlucia_test_small0003.jpeg 31817 2013-11-13
cpp\fabmap\stlucia_test_small0004.jpeg 29448 2013-11-13
cpp\fabmap\stlucia_test_small0005.jpeg 30569 2013-11-13
cpp\fabmap\stlucia_test_small0006.jpeg 34486 2013-11-13
cpp\fabmap\stlucia_test_small0007.jpeg 36663 2013-11-13
cpp\fabmap\stlucia_test_small0008.jpeg 32048 2013-11-13
cpp\fabmap\stlucia_test_small0009.jpeg 30311 2013-11-13
cpp\fabmap\train_data_small.yml 638585 2013-11-13
cpp\fabmap\vocab_small.yml 683080 2013-11-13
cpp\fabmap_sample.cpp 7547 2013-11-13
cpp\facerec_at_t.txt 9850 2013-11-13
cpp\facerec_demo.cpp 6485 2013-11-13
cpp\fback.cpp 1603 2013-11-19
cpp\fern_params.xml 287 2013-11-13
cpp\ffilldemo.cpp 4593 2013-11-19
cpp\filestorage.cpp 4561 2013-11-13
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