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  • Category : OA
  • Tags :
  • Update : 2018-01-22
  • Size : 36.66mb
  • Downloaded :0次
  • Author :小明同****
  • About : Nobody
  • PS : If download it fails, try it again. Download again for free!
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
1. in the browser http:// access your URL /install Upload the decompressed files and folders to the location you want to install. If it's the *nix server, set the /data, /cache and config.php permissions to 777, then open the URLs. Access to the web site http:// to access your URL / set the installed system information and the administrator account password, after the installation of the login 2. update menu Access to OA software, system Settings > menu management, pull to the bottom, point submission, and then refresh the browser!
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
DatePicker 0 2016-08-23
DatePicker\My97DatePicker.htm 1379 2010-06-09
DatePicker\WdatePicker.js 8382 2013-11-08
DatePicker\calendar.js 21433 2013-11-08
DatePicker\config.js 223 2013-11-08
DatePicker\lang 0 2016-08-23
DatePicker\lang\en.js 644 2013-11-08
DatePicker\lang\zh-cn.js 1089 2013-11-08
DatePicker\lang\zh-tw.js 1088 2013-11-08
DatePicker\skin 0 2016-08-23
DatePicker\skin\Thumbs.db 6144 2010-06-09
DatePicker\skin\WdatePicker.css 177 2013-11-08
DatePicker\skin\blue 0 2016-08-23
DatePicker\skin\blue\Thumbs.db 15360 2010-06-09
DatePicker\skin\blue\bg.jpg 311 2010-06-09
DatePicker\skin\blue\btnbg.jpg 536 2010-06-09
DatePicker\skin\blue\datepicker.css 5046 2010-06-09
DatePicker\skin\blue\down.jpg 398 2010-06-09
DatePicker\skin\blue\left.gif 65 2010-06-09
DatePicker\skin\blue\navLeft.gif 71 2010-06-09
DatePicker\skin\blue\navRight.gif 71 2010-06-09
DatePicker\skin\blue\qs.jpg 527 2010-06-09
DatePicker\skin\blue\right.gif 65 2010-06-09
DatePicker\skin\blue\up.jpg 402 2010-06-09
DatePicker\skin\datePicker.gif 1043 2013-11-08
DatePicker\skin\default 0 2016-08-23
DatePicker\skin\default\datepicker.css 3745 2013-11-08
DatePicker\skin\default\img.gif 1578 2013-11-08
DatePicker\skin\whyGreen 0 2016-08-23
DatePicker\skin\whyGreen\bg.jpg 307 2013-11-08
DatePicker\skin\whyGreen\datepicker.css 3952 2013-11-08
DatePicker\skin\whyGreen\img.gif 1679 2013-11-08
admin.php 1781 2015-11-24
administrative 0 2016-08-23
administrative\mod_conference.php 14779 2015-11-17
administrative\mod_news.php 8370 2015-11-17
administrative\template 0 2016-08-23
administrative\template\conferenceadd.php 8414 2014-09-16
administrative\template\conferencelist.php 9375 2014-05-27
administrative\template\conferenceviews.php 8716 2014-09-16
administrative\template\newsadd.php 4210 2014-09-16
administrative\template\newslist.php 7375 2014-05-29
administrative\template\newsviews.php 5627 2014-09-16
administrative\template\recordsave.php 4153 2014-09-16
administrative\template\ 61 2016-08-12
cache 0 2016-08-23
cache\cache_config.php 2715 2016-08-17
cache\cache_department.php 1044 2015-11-10
cache\cache_keytable.php 97661 2015-03-07
cache\cache_magnificent.php 2143 2015-01-31
cache\cache_menu.php 18742 2015-09-16
cache\cache_menu_home.php 13393 2015-09-16
cache\cache_position.php 959 2015-04-21
cache\cache_usergroup_1.php 8777 2015-09-16
cache\cache_usergroup_2.php 3320 2015-09-16
cache\cache_usergroup_3.php 2597 2015-09-16
cache\cache_usergroup_4.php 4352 2015-01-30
cache\cache_version.php 445 2015-09-16
cache\cache_wage_type.php 1887 2015-03-23
cache\cache_weixin_config.php 1160 2015-07-05
cache\cache_weixin_menu.php 671 2015-03-08
cache\cache_workclass_type.php 770 2015-06-17
ckeditor 0 2016-08-23
ckeditor\ 87070 2014-11-25
ckeditor\ 68193 2014-11-25
ckeditor\ 1344 2014-11-25
ckeditor\adapters 0 2016-08-23
ckeditor\adapters\jquery.js 3002 2014-11-25
ckeditor\build-config.js 2930 2014-11-25
ckeditor\ckeditor 0 2016-08-23
ckeditor\ckeditor.js 931276 2015-01-09
ckeditor\config.js 1082 2015-01-09
ckeditor\contents.css 2008 2014-11-25
ckeditor\lang 0 2016-08-23
ckeditor\lang\af.js 10929 2014-11-25
ckeditor\lang\ar.js 14613 2014-11-25
ckeditor\lang\bg.js 15985 2014-11-25
ckeditor\lang\bn.js 15406 2014-11-25
ckeditor\lang\bs.js 11027 2014-11-25
ckeditor\lang\ca.js 12246 2014-11-25
ckeditor\lang\cs.js 12169 2014-11-25
ckeditor\lang\cy.js 11408 2014-11-25
ckeditor\lang\da.js 11515 2014-11-25
ckeditor\lang\de.js 12153 2014-11-25
ckeditor\lang\el.js 18384 2014-11-25
ckeditor\lang\en-au.js 10944 2014-11-25
ckeditor\lang\en-ca.js 10944 2014-11-25
ckeditor\lang\en-gb.js 10954 2014-11-25
ckeditor\lang\en.js 10962 2014-11-25
ckeditor\lang\eo.js 11689 2014-11-25
ckeditor\lang\es.js 12348 2014-11-25
ckeditor\lang\et.js 11442 2014-11-25
ckeditor\lang\eu.js 11978 2014-11-25
ckeditor\lang\fa.js 15399 2014-11-25
ckeditor\lang\fi.js 11695 2014-11-25
ckeditor\lang\fo.js 11702 2014-11-25
ckeditor\lang\fr-ca.js 12297 2014-11-25
ckeditor\lang\fr.js 12619 2014-11-25
ckeditor\lang\gl.js 12196 2014-11-25
ckeditor\lang\gu.js 19663 2014-11-25
Related instructions
  • We are an exchange download platform that only provides communication channels. The downloaded content comes from the internet. Except for download issues, please Google on your own.
  • The downloaded content is provided for members to upload. If it unintentionally infringes on your copyright, please contact us.
  • Please use Winrar for decompression tools
  • If download fail, Try it againg or Feedback to us.
  • If downloaded content did not match the introduction, Feedback to us,Confirm and will be refund.
  • Before downloading, you can inquire through the uploaded person information


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