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  • Update : 2018-01-23
  • Size : 323kb
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Packet file list
(Preview for download)
AG - 自动提示.doc 23552 2001-06-15
HAG - Product info.doc 25088 2001-07-03
kAG - User Guide.doc 93184 2001-06-15
qAG - Registration.doc 169472 2001-06-12
UAG - Policies.doc 29696 2001-06-15
explain.htm 39118 2002-08-14
GREAT.HTM 11326 2001-04-25
GUIDE.HTM 7480 2001-07-13
INDEX.HTM 17668 2002-08-14
LIMITED.HTM 11324 2002-08-14
policy.htm 12377 2001-07-13
registration.htm 29755 2001-07-19
registration1.htm 18680 2002-08-14
stationery.htm 28430 2001-04-27
JS\css.css 2155 2006-01-03
JS\END.JS 1367 2006-01-03
JS\main.js 3677 2006-01-03
JS\menu.js 3135 2001-07-03
menu.js 4199 2001-07-11
JS\END.JS.bak 1387 2006-01-03
Index.asp.bak 29849 2006-01-08
policy 11965 2001-07-06
DataBase\ag88.asa 329728 2002-05-21
Ag88.asp 16018 2006-01-08
b.asp 9976 2006-01-08
Buy.asp 1619 2002-08-14
BuyInsert.asp 1288 2006-01-08
CfrmDeleteProduct.asp 3296 2001-07-16
CfrmInsertProduct.asp 7954 2006-01-03
CfrmInsertProduct_test.asp 6558 2006-01-03
CfrmModiProduct.asp 4366 2006-01-03
CfrmModiUser.asp 3132 2001-07-19
CfrmViewProduct.asp 14582 2006-01-03
city.asp 14139 2001-06-11
Costume.asp 28645 2001-06-08
cut.asp 647 2001-06-19
DeleteProduct.asp 12207 2002-08-14
DeleteProduct1.asp 9842 2001-07-13
DeleteUser.asp 726 2002-08-14
explain.asp 17302 2006-01-08
Expound.asp 10422 2006-01-03
forgetpass.asp 9404 2001-06-21
GETDATA.ASP 140 2001-06-08
getpass.asp 24307 2001-07-19
Great.asp 17731 2001-08-04
Index.asp 29855 2006-01-08
InsertProd.asp 14679 2006-01-03
list.asp 8829 2006-01-08
log.asp 10362 2001-07-16
log_admini.asp 10820 2006-01-03
login.asp 1153 2001-07-02
mail.asp 6773 2001-07-16
ModiProduct.asp 12027 2001-07-13
ModiUser.asp 31375 2001-07-19
quit.asp 4901 2002-08-14
register.asp 3297 2002-08-14
salelist.asp 16354 2006-01-08
shopcart.asp 9022 2002-08-14
stationery.asp 28600 2002-08-14
UploadFile.asp 6478 2006-01-03
ViewAllUser.ASP 10649 2002-08-14
WhoAmI.asp 329 2002-05-21
IMAGES\yjz_adsh.class 9137 2001-04-29
JS\ 4926 2006-01-03
DataBase\AG88.mdb 147456 2006-01-08
AG88.mdb 151552 2006-01-08
AG88_0.mdb 329728 2006-01-08
DataBase\AG88_1.mdb 86016 2006-01-08
PRODUCT\101139.GIF 2313 2001-04-25
PRODUCT\small\101139.GIF 2313 2001-07-04
PRODUCT\108144B.GIF 1331 2001-04-25
PRODUCT\small\108144B.GIF 1331 2001-04-25
IMAGES\AG_01.GIF 2357 2001-04-28
IMAGES\AG_02.GIF 507 2001-04-28
IMAGES\AG_03.GIF 523 2001-04-28
IMAGES\AG_04.GIF 142 2001-04-28
IMAGES\AG_05.GIF 221 2001-04-28
IMAGES\AG_BACK.GIF 82 2001-04-28
IMAGES\AGMAN_01.GIF 1939 2001-04-28
IMAGES\AGMAN_02.GIF 2561 2001-04-28
IMAGES\AGMAN_03.GIF 1747 2001-04-28
IMAGES\agman_back.gif 109 2001-04-29
IMAGES\back.gif 1768 2001-06-07
IMAGES\BUY.GIF 511 2001-04-25
IMAGES\cancel.gif 237 2001-07-11
IMAGES\change.gif 330 2001-07-18
PRODUCT\big\desk.gif 59 2001-07-03
PRODUCT\desk.gif 59 2001-06-25
PRODUCT\small\desk.gif 59 2001-07-03
IMAGES\end.gif 103 2001-07-11
IMAGES\GO.GIF 534 2001-07-11
IMAGES\greatoffer.gif 11740 2001-04-25
PRODUCT\small\greatoffer.gif 11740 2001-04-25
IMAGES\greenturn_01.gif 208 2001-04-27
PRODUCT\small\greenturn_01.gif 208 2001-04-27
IMAGES\greenturn_02.gif 206 2001-04-27
PRODUCT\small\greenturn_02.gif 206 2001-04-27
IMAGES\greenturn_03.gif 207 2001-04-27
PRODUCT\small\greenturn_03.gif 207 2001-04-27
IMAGES\greenturn_04.gif 207 2001-04-27
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