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  • Update : 2018-01-24
  • Size : 1.41mb
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  • Author :沙*****
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
The advantages of the system: 1. This system can collect any text information and picture information. Support mobile phone access to the Internet and take photos to upload pictures with a mobile camera 2, the information collected by this system is divided into two kinds, one kind of anonymous, one kind of name. The registered user needs to log in and fill in the information. Because the name is placed, the backstage administrator can know who is going to fill in the information, and the user can also edit and query his information. Anonymous users can fill in information without user login. Because of anonymity, the backstage administrator can not know who is going to fill in the information, and the system can not know who to fill in, so users can not edit their information.
Packet file list
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zlsjtj\xg_item_tj.asp 15954 2016-04-14
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