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  • Update : 2018-01-26
  • Size : 145kb
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  • Author :申****
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
STC12C5A60S2 completes the AD sampling and quantization coding, while the other uses the lag comparator to calculate the frequency. The sampled signal is stored in a defined BUFF and uploaded to the serial port screen to display the measured waveform.
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
程序\ADC.obj 7103 2017-04-05
程序\c\ADC.c 2311 2017-01-10
程序\c\ADC.H 89 2016-07-26
程序\c\AD备份.txt 18458 2012-10-14
程序\c\Chars.h 3338 2016-06-22
程序\c\EEPROM.c 2591 2012-10-10
程序\c\EEPROM.h 161 2012-10-10
程序\c\LCD12864.c 16538 2016-07-26
程序\c\LCD12864.h 638 2016-06-27
程序\c\LCD12864(KS0108版).c 11337 2012-10-08
程序\c\Main.c 6874 2017-04-05
程序\c\PCA.c 1311 2016-11-03
程序\c\PCA.h 23 2012-09-17
程序\c\STC12C5A60S2.h 17735 2012-08-28
程序\c\Table.h 24696 2016-06-23
程序\c\新建 Microsoft Excel 工作表.xls 36352 2012-10-14
程序\c\新建 文本文档.txt 12587 2012-10-14
程序\EEPROM.obj 5155 2016-07-26
程序\fastADC.txt 2964 2012-09-10
程序\lst\ADC.lst 5158 2017-04-05
程序\lst\EEPROM.lst 5361 2016-07-26
程序\lst\LCD12864.lst 36420 2016-07-26
程序\lst\Main.lst 12374 2017-04-05
程序\lst\PCA.lst 2856 2017-04-05
程序\lst\ShiBoQi.m51 30226 2017-04-05
程序\Main.obj 15682 2017-04-05
程序\obj\ADC.obj 9991 2014-09-11
程序\obj\EEPROM.obj 3028 2014-09-11
程序\obj\LCD12864.obj 21683 2014-09-11
程序\obj\Main.obj 16689 2014-09-11
程序\obj\PCA.obj 2240 2014-09-11
程序\obj\ShiBoQi 33343 2014-09-11
程序\obj\ShiBoQi.hex 50545 2014-09-11
程序\obj\ShiBoQi.lnp 162 2014-09-11
程序\obj\ShiBoQi.plg 1902 2014-09-11
程序\obj\简易示波器V0.0.hex 36904 2012-10-14
程序\PCA.obj 4376 2017-04-05
程序\ShiBoQi 22112 2017-04-05
程序\ShiBoQi.build_log.htm 0 2017-12-26
程序\ShiBoQi.hex 6675 2017-04-05
程序\ShiBoQi.lnp 129 2017-04-05
程序\ShiBoQi.opt.bak 1496 2014-09-23
程序\ShiBoQi.plg 153 2017-06-03
程序\ShiBoQi.Uv2.bak 2118 2014-09-11
程序\ShiBoQi.uvgui.Administrator 72148 2017-01-09
程序\ShiBoQi.uvgui.Sdd 72595 2017-12-26
程序\ShiBoQi.uvgui_Sdd.bak 72584 2017-12-26
程序\ShiBoQi.uvopt 5853 2017-12-21
程序\ShiBoQi.uvproj 14143 2017-12-21
程序\ShiBoQi_Opt.Bak 1329 2014-09-11
程序\ShiBoQi_Uv2.Bak 1816 2014-09-11
程序\ShiBoQi_uvopt.bak 5951 2017-07-30
程序\ShiBoQi_uvproj.bak 14148 2017-07-30
程序\备用.txt 410 2012-09-21
程序\c 0 2017-09-06
程序\lst 0 2017-09-06
程序\obj 0 2017-09-06
程序 0 2017-12-26
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