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  • Category : Internet-Network
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  • Update : 2018-01-26
  • Size : 37.69mb
  • Downloaded :0次
  • Author :珍惜***
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
The famous Gray dove remote control source code is used to modify and analyze the remote control code.
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
_UpgradeReport_Files\UpgradeReport.css 3348 2015-10-02
_UpgradeReport_Files\UpgradeReport.xslt 12505 2008-01-11
_UpgradeReport_Files\UpgradeReport_Minus.gif 69 2015-10-02
_UpgradeReport_Files\UpgradeReport_Plus.gif 71 2015-10-02
Backup\Client.sln 1844 2015-10-02
Bin\connect.bat 37 2011-05-22
Bin\SkinH.dll 98277 2010-10-03
Bin\skins\aero.she 30738 2010-09-30
Bin\skins\black.she 13192 2009-12-30
Bin\skins\china.she 26370 2009-12-30
Bin\skins\QQ2009.she 20552 2009-12-30
Bin\sound\Login.wav 90476 2002-09-02
Bin\sound\Offline.wav 88514 2002-09-02
Bin\sound\Setting.wav 131928 2002-09-02
Bin\update\server.dat 20480 2018-01-15
Client\AudioDlg.cpp 3599 2011-02-01
Client\AudioDlg.h 1652 2008-03-19
Client\BmpToAvi.cpp 1595 2008-03-26
Client\BmpToAvi.h 796 2011-02-01
Client\BuildServer.cpp 15344 2011-05-25
Client\BuildServer.h 1978 2011-05-24
Client\Client.aps 556564 2018-01-14
Client\Client.clw 20545 2013-07-01
Client\Client.cpp 5559 2011-05-20
Client\Client.dsp 11436 2011-05-25
Client\Client.dsw 520 2011-01-30
Client\Client.h 1418 2011-02-03
Client\Client.rc 43612 2011-05-24
Client\Client.vcproj 19737 2015-10-02
Client\Client.vcproj.20120831-0917.Administrator.user 812 2013-07-01
Client\Client.vcproj.7NL8ORWF4MIXWWX.Administrator.user 814 2017-12-12
Client\Client.vcproj.PC201508032342.Administrator.user 813 2015-10-02
Client\Client.vcxproj 10555 2018-01-16
Client\Client.vcxproj.filters 13661 2018-01-14
Client\Client.vcxproj.user 165 2018-01-14
Client\ClientDlg.cpp 32058 2011-05-25
Client\ClientDlg.h 3978 2011-03-29
Client\ColorEdit.cpp 2222 2011-02-03
Client\ColorEdit.h 1623 2011-02-03
Client\CommandBcast.cpp 7528 2011-05-22
Client\CommandBcast.h 1928 2011-05-22
Client\CommonCommand.cpp 4036 2011-02-05
Client\CommonCommand.h 1493 2011-02-05
Client\encode.h 1069 2008-01-18
Client\FileManagerDlg.cpp 63786 2011-05-25
Client\FileManagerDlg.h 5152 2011-05-21
Client\FileTransferModeDlg.cpp 1758 2011-02-06
Client\FileTransferModeDlg.h 1392 2007-12-01
Client\include\Buffer.cpp 11677 2001-08-22
Client\include\Buffer.h 1119 2008-01-25
Client\include\CpuUsage.cpp 1467 2001-04-23
Client\include\CpuUsage.h 1278 2001-04-23
Client\include\IOCPServer.cpp 34528 2011-01-31
Client\include\IOCPServer.h 4996 2011-01-31
Client\include\Mapper.h 548 2001-08-22
Client\IniFile.cpp 2243 2011-01-31
Client\IniFile.h 1146 2008-02-16
Client\InputDlg.cpp 7078 2011-01-11
Client\InputDlg.h 2826 2008-03-24
Client\KeyBoardDlg.cpp 6055 2011-02-01
Client\KeyBoardDlg.h 1767 2008-04-18
Client\MessageDlg.cpp 1720 2011-02-10
Client\MessageDlg.h 1224 2011-02-10
Client\MoreChoose.cpp 1033 2011-02-10
Client\MoreChoose.h 1263 2011-02-10
Client\PluginDlg.cpp 1021 2011-02-10
Client\PluginDlg.h 1252 2011-02-10
Client\ProxyDlg.cpp 1009 2011-02-10
Client\ProxyDlg.h 1241 2011-02-10
Client\ReadMe.txt 3579 2011-01-30
Client\RegeditDlg.cpp 4191 2011-02-10
Client\RegeditDlg.h 1338 2011-02-10
Client\Release\BuildLog.htm 11280 2017-12-12
Client\Release\Client.Build.CppClean.log 247 2018-01-14
Client\Release\Client.log 259 2018-01-14
Client\Release\Client.tlog\CL.command.1.tlog 2 2018-01-14
Client\Release\Client.tlog\Client.lastbuildstate 218 2018-01-14
Client\Release\Client.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild 0 2018-01-14
Client\Release\vc140.pdb 36864 2018-01-14
Client\RenameMem.cpp 1021 2011-02-10
Client\RenameMem.h 1252 2011-02-10
Client\res\1.cur 326 2011-02-01
Client\res\2.cur 326 2011-02-01
Client\res\3.cur 326 2011-02-01
Client\res\4.cur 326 2011-02-01
Client\res\audio.bmp 246 2011-05-22
Client\res\audio.ico 22534 2011-01-31
Client\res\bmp00001.bmp 1846 2011-01-31
Client\res\build.ico 3262 2011-01-31
Client\res\Client.ico 3262 2011-01-30
Client\res\Client.rc2 398 2011-01-30
Client\res\cmd.bmp 246 2011-05-22
Client\res\cmdshell.ico 3262 2011-01-31
Client\res\computer.ico 1406 2011-01-31
Client\res\dot.cur 326 2011-02-01
Client\res\dword.ico 318 2011-02-10
Client\res\error.ico 318 2011-02-10
Client\res\face1.ico 2238 2011-05-24
Client\res\face2.ico 2238 2011-05-24
Client\res\face3.ico 2238 2011-05-24
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  • We are an exchange download platform that only provides communication channels. The downloaded content comes from the internet. Except for download issues, please Google on your own.
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