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matlab code for communication theory engineering
Packet file list
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a2d.m 3734 1993-09-06
acf.m 3261 1993-09-06
acf_plot.m 1298 1993-09-06
bcd.m 1299 1993-09-06
bin2bipo.m 1028 1993-09-06
bin2gray.m 1490 1993-09-06
bin2pol.m 820 1993-09-06
binary.m 1746 1993-09-06
bin_dec.m 2991 1993-09-06
bin_enc.m 2323 1993-09-06
blackbox.m 899 1993-09-06
bpf.m 3344 1993-09-06
cdf.m 3306 2000-09-19
channel.m 4703 1993-09-06
check.m 1981 1993-09-06
chhoices.m 3770 1993-09-06
contents.m 6089 1993-09-06
corr_seq.m 1192 1993-09-06
d2a.m 3860 1993-09-06
dart.m 3740 1993-09-06
detect.m 3653 1993-09-06
dice.m 2180 1993-09-06
diff_dec.m 1851 1993-09-06
diff_enc.m 2299 1993-09-06
duobinar.m 3318 1993-09-06
duob_gen.m 3205 1993-09-06
ecorr.m 1178 1993-09-06
envelope.m 1327 1993-09-06
exp5_c6.m 2300 1993-09-06
exponent.m 2071 1993-09-06
exp_cdf.m 2983 1993-09-06
exp_pdf.m 2999 1993-09-06
eye_diag.m 4783 1993-09-06
fftsize.m 1947 1993-09-06
fx_menu.m 1046 1993-09-06
gamma_pd.m 3360 1993-09-06
gauss.m 1955 1993-09-06
gaus_cdf.m 2976 1993-09-06
gaus_pdf.m 2948 1993-09-06
gray2bin.m 1485 1993-09-06
guess.m 5746 1993-09-06
integral.m 2603 1993-09-06
int_dump.m 1440 1993-09-06
invert.m 711 1993-09-06
laplace.m 2318 1993-09-06
lapl_cdf.m 3093 1993-09-06
lapl_pdf.m 3033 1993-09-06
limiter.m 903 1993-09-06
lpf.m 2931 1993-09-06
manchest.m 1446 1993-09-06
match.m 3275 1993-09-06
mc_int.m 1632 1993-09-06
meansq.m 842 1993-09-06
mixer.m 1197 1993-09-06
modulate.m 4506 1993-09-06
mu_inv.m 2191 1993-09-06
mu_law.m 2495 1993-09-06
new_born.m 2230 1993-09-06
normaliz.m 1377 1993-09-06
nyquist_.m 3949 1993-09-06
nyq_gen.m 3324 1993-09-06
osc.m 1159 1993-09-06
par2ser.m 749 1993-09-06
pdf.m 3286 2000-09-19
person_data.m 1427 1993-09-06
play.mex 15907 1993-09-06
playback.m 3110 1993-09-06
pol2bin.m 823 1993-09-06
polar1.m 2813 1993-09-06
psd.m 4286 1993-09-06
psd_plot.m 1843 1993-09-06
quantize.m 3902 1993-09-06
quant_ch.m 3215 1993-09-06
quant_ef.m 1902 1993-09-06
q_functi.m 1250 1993-09-06
rayl_cdf.m 2873 1993-09-06
rayl_pdf.m 2876 1993-09-06
rc.m 1552 1993-09-06
readme 8782 1993-09-06
realize.m 1428 1993-09-06
record.mex 16994 1993-09-06
rectify.m 627 1993-09-06
rect_nrz.m 1297 1993-09-06
rect_rz.m 1377 1993-09-06
rx.m 8227 1993-09-06
ser2par.m 957 1993-09-06
sinc.m 709 1993-09-06
spect_est.m 4374 1993-09-06
speech.m 1426 1993-09-06
stair.m 1067 1993-09-06
start.m 3978 1999-09-23
stat_plot.m 1568 1993-09-06
temperature.m 2391 2000-09-19
triangle.m 1409 1993-09-06
tx.m 4556 1993-09-06
uniform.m 1965 1993-09-06
unif_cdf.m 2826 1993-09-06
unif_pdf.m 3103 1993-09-06
var.m 995 1993-09-06
vco.m 1480 1993-09-06
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