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  • Update : 2018-01-29
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  • Author :鼠****
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
a C++ program for generating convex quadrilateral meshes of arbitrary polygonal domains. CQMesh takes as input a triangulation of a polygonal domain, and then converts this triangulation into a convex quadrangulation of the same domain.
Packet file list
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cqmesh 0 2010-05-17
cqmesh\.DS_Store 6148 2010-02-23
__MACOSX 0 2010-12-02
__MACOSX\cqmesh 0 2010-12-02
__MACOSX\cqmesh\._.DS_Store 82 2010-02-23
cqmesh\.gdb_history 3712 2008-01-09
cqmesh\bin 0 2010-05-17
cqmesh\bin\.DS_Store 6148 2010-05-17
__MACOSX\cqmesh\bin 0 2010-12-02
__MACOSX\cqmesh\bin\._.DS_Store 82 2010-05-17
cqmesh\examples 0 2010-12-02
cqmesh\examples\.DS_Store 6148 2010-12-02
__MACOSX\cqmesh\examples 0 2010-12-02
__MACOSX\cqmesh\examples\._.DS_Store 82 2010-12-02
cqmesh\examples\brain.poly 6095 2005-10-14
__MACOSX\cqmesh\examples\._brain.poly 82 2005-10-14
cqmesh\examples\caju.poly 18670 2010-04-22
cqmesh\examples\hub.poly 14191 2010-04-22
cqmesh\examples\superior.poly 18878 2003-05-08
__MACOSX\cqmesh\examples\._superior.poly 82 2003-05-08
cqmesh\makefile 5141 2010-04-23
cqmesh\src 0 2003-07-18
cqmesh\src\bmesh 0 2008-01-09
cqmesh\src\bmesh\ 1708 2003-07-18
__MACOSX\cqmesh\src 0 2010-12-02
__MACOSX\cqmesh\src\bmesh 0 2010-12-02
__MACOSX\cqmesh\src\bmesh\ 82 2003-07-18
cqmesh\src\bmesh\edgekey.h 1543 2003-07-18
__MACOSX\cqmesh\src\bmesh\._edgekey.h 82 2003-07-18
cqmesh\src\bmesh\ 19796 2003-07-18
__MACOSX\cqmesh\src\bmesh\ 82 2003-07-18
cqmesh\src\bmesh\iomesh2.h 3779 2003-07-18
__MACOSX\cqmesh\src\bmesh\._iomesh2.h 82 2003-07-18
cqmesh\src\bmesh\ 19099 2008-01-08
__MACOSX\cqmesh\src\bmesh\ 82 2008-01-08
cqmesh\src\bmesh\mesh2.h 3483 2003-07-18
__MACOSX\cqmesh\src\bmesh\._mesh2.h 82 2003-07-18
cqmesh\src\bmesh\ 5865 2003-07-18
__MACOSX\cqmesh\src\bmesh\ 82 2003-07-18
cqmesh\src\bmesh\polygon2.h 3456 2003-07-18
__MACOSX\cqmesh\src\bmesh\._polygon2.h 82 2003-07-18
cqmesh\src\bmesh\ 1726 2003-07-18
__MACOSX\cqmesh\src\bmesh\ 82 2003-07-18
cqmesh\src\bmesh\quad2.h 1449 2003-07-18
__MACOSX\cqmesh\src\bmesh\._quad2.h 82 2003-07-18
cqmesh\src\bmesh\ 1828 2003-07-18
__MACOSX\cqmesh\src\bmesh\ 82 2003-07-18
cqmesh\src\bmesh\tri2.h 1437 2003-07-18
__MACOSX\cqmesh\src\bmesh\._tri2.h 82 2003-07-18
cqmesh\src\common 0 2010-04-28
cqmesh\src\common\.DS_Store 6148 2010-04-23
__MACOSX\cqmesh\src\common 0 2010-12-02
__MACOSX\cqmesh\src\common\._.DS_Store 82 2010-04-23
cqmesh\src\common\ 1358 2006-07-16
__MACOSX\cqmesh\src\common\ 82 2006-07-16
cqmesh\src\common\bbox2.h 2000 2003-07-18
__MACOSX\cqmesh\src\common\._bbox2.h 82 2003-07-18
cqmesh\src\common\err.h 3674 2003-07-18
__MACOSX\cqmesh\src\common\._err.h 82 2003-07-18
cqmesh\src\common\typedefs.h 1625 2010-04-22
__MACOSX\cqmesh\src\common\._typedefs.h 82 2010-04-22
cqmesh\src\hedge 0 2008-01-09
cqmesh\src\hedge\ 1226 2003-07-18
__MACOSX\cqmesh\src\hedge 0 2010-12-02
__MACOSX\cqmesh\src\hedge\ 82 2003-07-18
cqmesh\src\hedge\boundary2.h 1913 2003-07-18
__MACOSX\cqmesh\src\hedge\._boundary2.h 82 2003-07-18
cqmesh\src\hedge\ 22981 2003-07-18
__MACOSX\cqmesh\src\hedge\ 82 2003-07-18
cqmesh\src\hedge\complex2.h 4147 2003-07-18
__MACOSX\cqmesh\src\hedge\._complex2.h 82 2003-07-18
cqmesh\src\hedge\dgvattrib.h 1304 2008-01-08
__MACOSX\cqmesh\src\hedge\._dgvattrib.h 82 2008-01-08
cqmesh\src\hedge\ 2695 2008-01-08
__MACOSX\cqmesh\src\hedge\ 82 2008-01-08
cqmesh\src\hedge\dualgraph.h 5578 2008-01-08
__MACOSX\cqmesh\src\hedge\._dualgraph.h 82 2008-01-08
cqmesh\src\hedge\ 1829 2003-07-18
__MACOSX\cqmesh\src\hedge\ 82 2003-07-18
cqmesh\src\hedge\edge2.h 3950 2003-07-18
__MACOSX\cqmesh\src\hedge\._edge2.h 82 2003-07-18
cqmesh\src\hedge\edge2attrib.h 1288 2003-07-18
__MACOSX\cqmesh\src\hedge\._edge2attrib.h 82 2003-07-18
cqmesh\src\hedge\ 2834 2003-07-18
__MACOSX\cqmesh\src\hedge\ 82 2003-07-18
cqmesh\src\hedge\face2.h 3333 2003-07-18
__MACOSX\cqmesh\src\hedge\._face2.h 82 2003-07-18
cqmesh\src\hedge\face2attrib.h 1254 2003-07-18
__MACOSX\cqmesh\src\hedge\._face2attrib.h 82 2003-07-18
cqmesh\src\hedge\ 1463 2003-07-18
__MACOSX\cqmesh\src\hedge\ 82 2003-07-18
cqmesh\src\hedge\halfedge2.h 3252 2003-07-18
__MACOSX\cqmesh\src\hedge\._halfedge2.h 82 2003-07-18
cqmesh\src\hedge\ 1460 2003-07-18
__MACOSX\cqmesh\src\hedge\ 82 2003-07-18
cqmesh\src\hedge\vertex2.h 3532 2003-07-18
__MACOSX\cqmesh\src\hedge\._vertex2.h 82 2003-07-18
cqmesh\src\hedge\vertex2attrib.h 1280 2003-07-18
__MACOSX\cqmesh\src\hedge\._vertex2attrib.h 82 2003-07-18
cqmesh\src\interface 0 2003-07-18
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