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research papers\2007\hierarchical optimization for fjsp.pdf 777568 2017-11-17
research papers\2007\multiagent framework for robust adaptable dynamic jsp.pdf 864442 2017-11-17
research papers\2008\fuzzy job shop.pdf 418001 2017-11-17
research papers\2008\hybridizing tabu search with ant colony optimization.pdf 255749 2017-11-16
research papers\2008\new local diversification tech for fjsp with multi agent approach.pdf 429063 2017-11-16
research papers\2009\ant colony fjsp.pdf 1227889 2017-11-19
research papers\2009\artificial immmune algorithm fjsp.pdf 5391739 2017-11-19
research papers\2009\parallel genetic algo for fjsp.pdf 1210729 2017-11-16
research papers\2010\effective heuristic for fjsp.pdf 3003586 2017-11-19
research papers\2010\feature-based intial population generation.pdf 616630 2017-11-16
research papers\2010\pareto approach to multiobjective fjsp.pdf 647756 2017-11-19
research papers\2010\Tag Machine based performance evaluation.pdf 580891 2017-11-17
research papers\2011\artificial immune algo for multiple-route algo problem.pdf 533121 2017-11-16
research papers\2011\artificial neural network model.pdf 504488 2017-11-17
research papers\2011\enhanced pareto-based ABC for multi -objective fjsp.pdf 489552 2017-11-17
research papers\2011\guided tabu search_path relinking algo.pdf 527135 2017-11-17
research papers\2012\artificial immune systems hybrid algo.pdf 1325489 2017-11-16
research papers\2012\dispatching rule - based hybrid genetic algo.pdf 477313 2017-11-16
research papers\2012\GEP - based for dynamic fjsp.pdf 282160 2017-11-16
research papers\2012\No-wait jop shop.pdf 1236180 2017-11-17
research papers\2013\A hybrid evolutionary algorithm to solve the job shop.pdf 563709 2017-10-02
research papers\2013\An effective neighborhood search for scheduling in dual-resource jsp.pdf 787715 2017-11-19
research papers\2013\Benchmarking.pdf 4584828 2017-11-16
research papers\2013\heurestic algo paper.pdf 951771 2017-11-16
research papers\2014\A hybrid discrete firefly.pdf 961459 2017-11-19
research papers\2014\distributed and flexible jsp.pdf 5977840 2017-11-17
research papers\2014\genetic algo 2014 fjsp.pdf 665860 2017-11-19
research papers\2014\JIMS paper.pdf 667837 2017-10-02
research papers\2014\multi-obj genetic algo based on ELECTRE method.pdf 1098661 2017-11-16
research papers\2014\self adaptive PSO.pdf 917503 2017-11-19
research papers\2015\A hybrid algorithm based on a new neighborhood structure (2).pdf 1855124 2017-11-19
research papers\2015\automatic programming via iterated local search for dynamic job shop scheduling.pdf 2496971 2017-11-17
research papers\2015\hybrid ABC with no-wait constraint.pdf 617985 2017-10-02
research papers\2015\local search genectic algo.pdf 1330309 2017-11-19
research papers\2015\memetic algo on multiobjective jsp.pdf 3579778 2017-11-16
research papers\2015\neuro-fuzzy inference system algo.pdf 751417 2017-11-16
research papers\2015\novel search algo based on water weeds reproduction.pdf 3435506 2017-11-16
research papers\2015\object-oriented approach for multiobjective fjsp.pdf 8037354 2017-11-19
research papers\2015\quadratic earliness ad tardiness costs.pdf 984018 2017-11-16
research papers\2015\quantum behaved particle swarm intelligence.pdf 660579 2017-11-19
research papers\2015\Shen_Yao_Mathematical_modelling_multi_objective_evolutionary_algorithms_Information_Sciences_2014.pdf 861718 2017-11-16
research papers\2015\swarm optimization.pdf 1270747 2017-11-16
research papers\2015\taguchi-genectic algo for fjsp.pdf 11765113 2017-11-17
research papers\2016\dual-ant-colony.pdf 1646813 2017-11-19
research papers\2016\effective multi-objective fjsp.pdf 922642 2017-11-19
research papers\2016\fjsp with transportation time.pdf 1398570 2017-11-19
research papers\2016\local search neighborhood with total weighted tardiness objective.pdf 725761 2017-11-19
research papers\2016\low -carbon fjsp.pdf 3000932 2017-11-19
research papers\2016\parallel artificial bee colony algo.pdf 545339 2017-11-19
research papers\2017\imperialist competition algo for fuzzy jsp.pdf 13507821 2017-11-17
research papers\2017\Optimising the sum of maximum earliness and tardiness of the job shop.pdf 2162416 2017-11-19
research papers\2017\Two Stage particle swarm optimization to solve the Flexible job.pdf 1114765 2017-11-19
research papers\2007 0 2017-11-19
research papers\2008 0 2017-11-19
research papers\2009 0 2017-11-19
research papers\2010 0 2017-11-19
research papers\2011 0 2017-11-19
research papers\2012 0 2017-11-19
research papers\2013 0 2017-11-19
research papers\2014 0 2017-11-19
research papers\2015 0 2017-11-19
research papers\2016 0 2017-11-19
research papers\2017 0 2017-11-19
research papers 0 2017-11-19
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