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  • Category : matlab
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  • Update : 2018-01-30
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  • Author :_guit*****
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Here is uploaded: Matlab voice signal analysis and synthesis (Second Edition) program, I hope to be useful to all of you.
Packet file list
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程序1 0 2016-10-09
程序1\basic_tbx 0 2016-10-09
程序1\basic_tbx\add_noisedata.m 1050 2013-10-22
程序1\basic_tbx\add_noisefile.m 1010 2013-10-22
程序1\basic_tbx\enframe.m 2895 2009-11-01
程序1\basic_tbx\findpeaks.m 4242 2010-10-28
程序1\basic_tbx\findSegment.m 753 2013-06-11
程序1\basic_tbx\frame2time.m 110 2012-06-12
程序1\basic_tbx\freqz_m.m 234 2004-05-26
程序1\basic_tbx\frq2mel.m 2535 2010-08-01
程序1\basic_tbx\Gnoisegen.m 645 2013-05-01
程序1\basic_tbx\ideal_lp.m 136 2004-05-26
程序1\basic_tbx\instfreq.m 2931 1999-10-29
程序1\basic_tbx\linsmoothm.m 564 2013-10-23
程序1\basic_tbx\lpcar2ff.m 1315 2007-05-04
程序1\basic_tbx\lpcar2pf.m 1441 2007-05-04
程序1\basic_tbx\lpcar2zz.m 1307 2007-05-04
程序1\basic_tbx\mel2frq.m 2525 2010-08-01
程序1\basic_tbx\melbankm.m 11383 2010-01-02
程序1\basic_tbx\Mtmpsd_ssb.m 1585 2013-10-23
程序1\basic_tbx\OverlapAdd2.m 1663 2008-01-13
程序1\basic_tbx\pitch_vad1.m 1352 2013-10-23
程序1\basic_tbx\pitch_vads.m 2358 2013-08-01
程序1\basic_tbx\pitfilterm1.m 398 2013-01-02
程序1\basic_tbx\polydetrend.m 363 2013-06-08
程序1\basic_tbx\rfft.m 1888 2009-06-03
程序1\basic_tbx\simplesubspec.m 1182 2013-10-23
程序1\basic_tbx\SNR_singlech.m 400 2013-05-01
程序1\basic_tbx\SpecColorMap.m 1650 2008-11-05
程序1\basic_tbx\stftms.m 655 2013-06-08
程序1\EMD 0 2016-10-09
程序1\EMD\disp_hhs.m 1241 2007-03-29
程序1\EMD\emd.m 17969 2006-10-25
程序1\EMD\emd_local.m 9869 2006-10-25
程序1\EMD\emd_online.m 26146 2006-10-25
程序1\EMD\emd_visu.m 2838 2006-10-25
程序1\EMD\hhspectrum.m 1445 2007-06-27
程序1\EMD\io.m 335 2006-10-25
程序1\EMD\toimage.m 3003 2007-06-27
程序1\Formant Tracker in Matlab 0 2016-10-09
程序1\Formant Tracker in Matlab\anisodiff.m 1928 2001-11-20
程序1\Formant Tracker in Matlab\demo01.m 290 2002-07-15
程序1\Formant Tracker in Matlab\frmnts1.m 1069 2002-03-11
程序1\Formant Tracker in Matlab\ftrack.m 4155 2002-07-15
程序1\Formant Tracker in Matlab\lpcsgram.m 1718 2002-06-18
程序1\Formant Tracker in Matlab\wioioi01.mat 812656 2002-03-11
程序1\Pitch_ztlib 0 2016-10-09
程序1\Pitch_ztlib\ACF_corrbpa.m 3700 2013-10-23
程序1\Pitch_ztlib\back_Ext_shtpm1.m 1315 2013-10-23
程序1\Pitch_ztlib\Extoam.m 1208 2013-06-12
程序1\Pitch_ztlib\Ext_corrshtpm.m 2717 2013-10-30
程序1\Pitch_ztlib\findmaxesm3.m 655 2013-10-30
程序1\Pitch_ztlib\fore_Ext_shtpm1.m 1181 2013-10-23
程序1\Pitch_ztlib\ztcont11.m 668 2013-10-23
程序1\Pitch_ztlib\ztcont21.m 809 2013-10-23
程序1\Pitch_ztlib\ztcont31.m 746 2013-10-23
程序1\Psola 0 2016-10-09
程序1\Psola\CenterClipping.m 495 2013-01-11
程序1\Psola\DisplayPitchAndWave.m 288 2013-01-11
程序1\Psola\FindPeakCandidates.m 1227 2013-01-11
程序1\Psola\IncreaseMarking.m 729 2013-01-11
程序1\Psola\LowBandSpectrumReconstruct.m 2058 2013-01-11
程序1\Psola\LowPassFilter.m 157 2013-01-11
程序1\Psola\PitchDetection.m 2083 2013-01-11
程序1\Psola\PitchEstimation.m 946 2013-01-11
程序1\Psola\PitchMarking.m 937 2013-01-11
程序1\Psola\PlotPitchMarks.m 968 2013-01-11
程序1\Psola\psola.m 3770 2013-01-11
程序1\Psola\run.m 1820 2013-01-11
程序1\Psola\run_c.m 1688 2013-02-21
程序1\Psola\UnvoicedMod.m 887 2013-01-11
程序1\Psola\UVSplit.m 534 2013-01-11
程序1\Psola\VoicedSegmentMarking.m 3681 2013-01-11
程序1\Psola_lib 0 2016-10-09
程序1\Psola_lib\CenterClipping.m 495 2013-01-11
程序1\Psola_lib\FindPeakCandidates.m 1227 2013-01-11
程序1\Psola_lib\IncreaseMarking.m 729 2013-01-11
程序1\Psola_lib\LowPassFilter.m 157 2013-01-11
程序1\Psola_lib\PitchDetection.m 2083 2013-01-11
程序1\Psola_lib\PitchEstimation.m 946 2013-01-11
程序1\Psola_lib\PitchMarking1.m 1082 2013-01-21
程序1\Psola_lib\PlotPitchMarks.m 968 2013-01-11
程序1\Psola_lib\psola1.m 3772 2013-01-12
程序1\Psola_lib\UnvoicedMod.m 887 2013-01-11
程序1\Psola_lib\UVSplit.m 534 2013-01-11
程序1\Psola_lib\VoicedSegmentMarking.m 3681 2013-01-11
程序1\speech_signal 0 2016-11-21
程序1\speech_signal\aa.wav 36044 2012-11-11
程序1\speech_signal\agr_in_meeting.wav 73096 2009-04-24
程序1\speech_signal\bluesky1.wav 64044 2012-06-15
程序1\speech_signal\bluesky3.wav 38044 2012-06-15
程序1\speech_signal\colorcloud.wav 56044 2012-05-31
程序1\speech_signal\deepstep.wav 31144 2012-10-26
程序1\speech_signal\diandeng.wav 27504 2009-12-04
程序1\speech_signal\doct3.wav 50046 2013-03-31
程序1\speech_signal\econom1.wav 25444 2012-10-26
程序1\speech_signal\econom2.wav 34044 2012-10-26
程序1\speech_signal\firegold.wav 56044 2012-07-13
程序1\speech_signal\neartoyou.wav 30044 2012-10-26
程序1\speech_signal\risesun.wav 56044 2012-05-31
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