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  • Update : 2018-02-01
  • Size : 378kb
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  • Author :ahs****
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tidal model prediction
Packet file list
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TMD\DATA 0 2015-10-12
TMD\DATA\Model_load7.2 110 2015-10-12
TMD\DATA\Model_tpxo8_atlas_compact 148 2015-10-12
TMD\DATA\Model_tpxo8_atlas30 190 2015-10-12
TMD\Ellipse_test.m 1239 2015-10-12
TMD\FUNCTIONS 0 2015-10-12
TMD\FUNCTIONS\astrol.m 1101 2015-10-12
TMD\FUNCTIONS\BLinterp.m 1920 2015-10-12
TMD\FUNCTIONS\check_dim.m 271 2015-10-12
TMD\FUNCTIONS\checkTypeName.m 1407 2015-10-12
TMD\FUNCTIONS\constit.m 3054 2015-10-12
TMD\FUNCTIONS\date_mjd.m 852 2015-10-12
TMD\FUNCTIONS\getridofNaNs.m 1598 2015-10-12
TMD\FUNCTIONS\getridofNaNss.m 1508 2015-10-12
TMD\FUNCTIONS\grd_in.m 715 2015-10-12
TMD\FUNCTIONS\grd_in_pmask.m 1684 2015-10-12
TMD\FUNCTIONS\grd_out.m 879 2015-10-12
TMD\FUNCTIONS\h_in.m 529 2015-10-12
TMD\FUNCTIONS\h_in_p.m 1843 2015-10-12
TMD\FUNCTIONS\h_out.m 781 2015-10-12
TMD\FUNCTIONS\harp.m 1089 2015-10-12
TMD\FUNCTIONS\harp1.m 984 2015-10-12
TMD\FUNCTIONS\Huv.m 198 2015-10-12
TMD\FUNCTIONS\InferMinor.m 5801 2015-10-12
TMD\FUNCTIONS\mapll.m 3455 2015-10-12
TMD\FUNCTIONS\mapxy.m 4254 2015-10-12
TMD\FUNCTIONS\mk_30_grid.m 2279 2015-10-12
TMD\FUNCTIONS\mk_30_uv.m 2811 2015-10-12
TMD\FUNCTIONS\mk_30_z.m 2432 2015-10-12
TMD\FUNCTIONS\Muv.m 282 2015-10-12
TMD\FUNCTIONS\nodal.m 11130 2015-10-12
TMD\FUNCTIONS\nodal_arg.m 11236 2015-10-12
TMD\FUNCTIONS\rd_con.m 375 2015-10-12
TMD\FUNCTIONS\rd_conA.m 447 2015-10-12
TMD\FUNCTIONS\rdModFile.m 1633 2015-10-12
TMD\FUNCTIONS\rdModFileA.m 2065 2015-10-12
TMD\FUNCTIONS\smooth.m 1912 2015-10-12
TMD\FUNCTIONS\smooth_patchOB.m 1668 2015-10-12
TMD\FUNCTIONS\TideEl.m 1158 2015-10-12
TMD\FUNCTIONS\tmd_get_bathyA.m 1153 2015-10-12
TMD\FUNCTIONS\tmd_get_bathyC.m 1177 2015-10-12
TMD\FUNCTIONS\u_in.m 710 2015-10-12
TMD\FUNCTIONS\u_in_p.m 2182 2015-10-12
TMD\FUNCTIONS\uv_out.m 720 2015-10-12
TMD\FUNCTIONS\XY.m 214 2015-10-12
TMD\FUNCTIONS\xy_ll.m 392 2015-10-12
TMD\FUNCTIONS\xy_ll_CATS2008a_4km.m 308 2015-10-12
TMD\FUNCTIONS\xy_ll_S.m 484 2015-10-12
TMD\LAT_LON 0 2015-10-12
TMD\LAT_LON\lat_lon 467 2015-10-12
TMD\LAT_LON\lat_lon.dat 66693 2015-10-12
TMD\LAT_LON\lat_lon_0 4257 2015-10-12
TMD\LAT_LON\lat_lon_1 362 2015-10-12
TMD\LAT_LON\lat_lon_2 196 2015-10-12
TMD\LAT_LON\lat_lon_time 467 2015-10-12
TMD\ltmp 50 2015-10-12
TMD\OUT 0 2015-10-12
TMD\plt_nodal.m 670 2015-10-12
TMD\test_BLinterp.m 2483 2015-10-12
TMD\TMD.m 17880 2015-10-12
TMD\TMD_calculate.m 8678 2015-10-12
TMD\TMD_changeCaxis.m 436 2015-10-12
TMD\TMD_check_date.m 398 2015-10-12
TMD\TMD_check_lat_lon.m 824 2015-10-12
TMD\TMD_cor_date.m 243 2015-10-12
TMD\tmd_ellipse.m 2167 2015-10-12
TMD\tmd_extract_HC.m 5376 2015-10-12
TMD\TMD_fig1.m 9187 2015-10-12
TMD\TMD_fig2.m 1914 2015-10-12
TMD\TMD_findMname.m 451 2015-10-12
TMD\tmd_get_bathy.m 1074 2015-10-12
TMD\tmd_get_coeff.m 2320 2015-10-12
TMD\tmd_get_ellipse.m 1999 2015-10-12
TMD\TMD_InFileFormat.m 555 2015-10-12
TMD\tmd_mk_submodel.m 4488 2015-10-12
TMD\TMD_release.m 45 2015-10-12
TMD\TMD_setcaxis.m 749 2015-10-12
TMD\TMD_subgrid.m 575 2015-10-12
TMD\tmd_submodel.m 6363 2015-10-12
TMD\tmd_submodel_atlas.m 7633 2015-10-12
TMD\tmd_submodel_atlas_compact.m 6118 2015-10-12
TMD\tmd_tide_pred.m 5241 2015-10-12
TMD\tmd_tide_pred_mapts.m 3657 2015-10-12
TMD\tmd_tide_pred_plus.m 5731 2015-10-12
TMD\TMD_timeOnOff.m 144 2015-10-12
TMD\tmp.mat 301917 2015-10-12
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