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  • Category : JSP/Java
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  • Update : 2018-02-01
  • Size : 1.87mb
  • Downloaded :0次
  • Author :联*****
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
QuickServer is a free open source Java library for quickly creating robust multithreaded, multi client TCP server applications. With QuickServer, users can only focus on the logic / protocol of the application, thus facilitating the establishment of powerful server applications. The program is designed and implemented by Akshathkumar Shetty.
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
apache_license.txt 11560 2013-04-17
__MACOSX 0 2017-08-12
__MACOSX\._apache_license.txt 239 2013-04-17
bin 0 2017-07-13
bin\QS.bat 79 2013-04-17
__MACOSX\bin 0 2017-08-12
__MACOSX\bin\._QS.bat 239 2013-04-17
bin\ 84 2013-04-17
__MACOSX\bin\ 239 2013-04-17
bin\QSAdminGUI.bat 132 2013-04-17
__MACOSX\bin\._QSAdminGUI.bat 239 2013-04-17
bin\ 136 2013-04-17
__MACOSX\bin\ 239 2013-04-17
bin\QuickServer.bat 79 2013-04-17
__MACOSX\bin\._QuickServer.bat 239 2013-04-17
bin\ 84 2013-04-17
__MACOSX\bin\ 239 2013-04-17
__MACOSX\._bin 239 2017-07-13
build.xml 11733 2017-08-12
__MACOSX\._build.xml 239 2017-08-12
dist 0 2017-08-12
dist\commons-beanutils.jar 232019 2013-09-23
__MACOSX\dist 0 2017-08-12
__MACOSX\dist\._commons-beanutils.jar 239 2013-09-23
dist\commons-collections.jar 575389 2013-04-17
__MACOSX\dist\._commons-collections.jar 239 2013-04-17
dist\commons-digester.jar 228874 2013-04-17
__MACOSX\dist\._commons-digester.jar 239 2013-04-17
dist\commons-logging.jar 60841 2013-04-17
__MACOSX\dist\._commons-logging.jar 239 2013-04-17
dist\commons-pool.jar 100472 2013-04-17
__MACOSX\dist\._commons-pool.jar 239 2013-04-17
dist\metouia.jar 48300 2013-04-17
__MACOSX\dist\._metouia.jar 239 2013-04-17
dist\QSAdminGUI.jar 103633 2017-08-12
__MACOSX\dist\._QSAdminGUI.jar 239 2017-08-12
dist\QuickServer.jar 253597 2017-08-12
__MACOSX\dist\._QuickServer.jar 239 2017-08-12
dist\quickserver_config.dtd 5536 2017-08-12
__MACOSX\dist\._quickserver_config.dtd 239 2017-08-12
dist\quickserver_config.xsd 12815 2017-08-12
__MACOSX\dist\._quickserver_config.xsd 239 2017-08-12
dist\QuickServerClient.jar 60791 2017-08-12
__MACOSX\dist\._QuickServerClient.jar 239 2017-08-12
__MACOSX\._dist 239 2017-08-12
etc 0 2017-07-13
etc\quickserver_config.dtd 5536 2013-04-17
__MACOSX\etc 0 2017-08-12
__MACOSX\etc\._quickserver_config.dtd 239 2013-04-17
etc\quickserver_config.xsd 12815 2013-04-17
__MACOSX\etc\._quickserver_config.xsd 239 2013-04-17
__MACOSX\._etc 239 2017-07-13
install.txt 726 2013-04-17
__MACOSX\._install.txt 239 2013-04-17
license.txt 24131 2013-04-17
__MACOSX\._license.txt 239 2013-04-17
nbproject 0 2017-07-13
nbproject\ 340 2013-04-17
__MACOSX\nbproject 0 2017-08-12
__MACOSX\nbproject\ 239 2013-04-17
nbproject\jdk.xml 7398 2013-04-17
__MACOSX\nbproject\._jdk.xml 239 2013-04-17
nbproject\ 22 2013-04-17
__MACOSX\nbproject\ 239 2013-04-17
nbproject\nbjdk.xml 886 2013-04-17
__MACOSX\nbproject\._nbjdk.xml 239 2013-04-17
nbproject\private 0 2017-08-10
nbproject\private\private.xml 744 2017-08-10
__MACOSX\nbproject\private 0 2017-08-12
__MACOSX\nbproject\private\._private.xml 239 2017-08-10
__MACOSX\nbproject\._private 239 2017-08-10
nbproject\project.xml 4140 2013-11-30
__MACOSX\nbproject\._project.xml 239 2013-11-30
__MACOSX\._nbproject 239 2017-07-13
options 1182 2017-08-12
__MACOSX\._options 239 2017-08-12
packages 661 2013-09-15
__MACOSX\._packages 239 2013-09-15 7534 2017-08-12
__MACOSX\ 1763 2017-08-12
requirements.txt 795 2017-08-12
__MACOSX\._requirements.txt 239 2017-08-12
setDocsCP.bat 164 2013-04-17
__MACOSX\._setDocsCP.bat 239 2013-04-17 163 2017-08-12
__MACOSX\ 239 2017-08-12
src 0 2017-07-13
src\main 0 2017-07-13
src\main\icons 0 2017-07-13
src\main\icons\ball.gif 255 2013-04-17
__MACOSX\src 0 2017-08-12
__MACOSX\src\main 0 2017-08-12
__MACOSX\src\main\icons 0 2017-08-12
__MACOSX\src\main\icons\._ball.gif 239 2013-04-17
src\main\icons\logo.gif 2815 2013-04-17
__MACOSX\src\main\icons\._logo.gif 239 2013-04-17
src\main\icons\logo.png 7427 2013-04-17
__MACOSX\src\main\icons\._logo.png 239 2013-04-17
__MACOSX\src\main\._icons 239 2017-07-13
src\main\org 0 2017-07-13
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  • We are an exchange download platform that only provides communication channels. The downloaded content comes from the internet. Except for download issues, please Google on your own.
  • The downloaded content is provided for members to upload. If it unintentionally infringes on your copyright, please contact us.
  • Please use Winrar for decompression tools
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