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  • Category : Communication-Mobile
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  • Update : 2018-02-03
  • Size : 509kb
  • Downloaded :0次
  • Author :loo****
  • About : Nobody
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Packet file list
(Preview for download)
LICENSE 1367 2003-10-24
LICENSE.MICROSOFT 12323 2003-10-24
qbdoc 0 2017-12-24
qbdoc\saenaru.htm 3893 2003-11-22
resource 0 2017-12-24
resource\about.ico 766 2003-10-22
resource\ARWDWN.ico 318 2003-03-26
resource\ARWUP.ico 318 2003-04-16
resource\button 0 2017-12-24
resource\button\engkey.ico 1406 2003-11-11
resource\button\hanjakey.ico 1406 2003-11-11
resource\button\hankey.ico 1406 2003-11-11
resource\check.bmp 298 2003-10-21
resource\close.bmp 1366 2003-11-27
resource\face.bmp 238 2003-10-21
resource\full.ico 1406 2003-11-21
resource\full_old.ico 1406 2003-11-21
resource\general.ico 766 2003-10-22
resource\half.ico 1406 2003-11-21
resource\half_old.ico 1406 2003-11-21
resource\keyboard.ico 1406 2003-11-18
resource\penindic.ico 318 2003-10-22
resource\saenaru.dlg 1084 2003-10-22
resource\saenaru.ico 318 2003-10-22
resource\saenaru.rcv 3034 2003-10-22
resource\status.bmp 3318 2003-12-09
resource\text 0 2017-12-24
resource\text\engkey.ico 1406 2003-11-21
resource\text\hanjakey.ico 1406 2003-11-21
resource\text\hankey.ico 1406 2003-11-21
resource\uncheck.bmp 298 2003-10-21
setup 0 2017-12-24
setup\2set3set.reg 13567 2003-11-25
setup\saenaru.dic 63118 2003-11-30
setup\saenaru.ime 74752 2003-12-12
setup\saenaru.inf 1409 2003-11-10
setup\saenaru0.dic 326 2003-11-13
src 0 2017-12-24
src\btncmd.cpp 11278 2003-11-22
src\btnext.cpp 11627 2003-11-22
src\btnime.cpp 18680 2003-11-24
src\buildfre.log 16831 2003-12-12
src\config.c 19030 2003-12-09
src\data.c 2790 2003-12-10
src\dic.c 50346 2003-12-12
src\dic2.c 15513 2003-11-11
src\hangul.c 94535 2003-12-12
src\imm.c 31243 2003-12-11
src\immsec.c 9870 2003-10-24
src\immsec.h 1679 2003-10-24
src\indicml.h 3220 2003-10-24
src\input.c 3861 2003-12-10
src\makefile 269 2003-10-21
src\ 123 2003-10-21
src\obj 0 2017-12-24
src\objfre 0 2017-12-24
src\objfre\i386 0 2017-12-24
src\objfre\i386\btncmd.obj 71178 2003-12-12
src\objfre\i386\btnext.obj 66489 2003-12-12
src\objfre\i386\btnime.obj 80857 2003-12-12
src\objfre\i386\config.obj 14393 2003-12-12
src\objfre\i386\data.obj 3851 2003-12-12
src\objfre\i386\dic.obj 28295 2003-12-12
src\objfre\i386\hangul.obj 38164 2003-12-12
src\objfre\i386\imm.obj 23734 2003-12-12
src\objfre\i386\immsec.obj 7248 2003-12-12
src\objfre\i386\input.obj 3284 2003-12-12
src\objfre\i386\process.obj 3441 2003-12-12
src\objfre\i386\reg.obj 10059 2003-12-12
src\objfre\i386\regword.obj 5463 2003-12-12
src\objfre\i386\saenaru.exp 3856 2003-12-12
src\objfre\i386\saenaru.ime 74752 2003-12-12
src\objfre\i386\saenaru.lib 6670 2003-12-12
src\objfre\i386\saenaru.obj 4196 2003-12-12
src\objfre\i386\saenaru.pdb 328704 2003-12-12
src\objfre\i386\saenaru.res 23640 2003-12-12
src\objfre\i386\subs.obj 20615 2003-12-12
src\objfre\i386\toascii.obj 6543 2003-12-12
src\objfre\i386\tsf.obj 81471 2003-12-12
src\objfre\i386\ui.obj 30425 2003-12-12
src\objfre\i386\uicand.obj 19529 2003-12-12
src\objfre\i386\uicomp.obj 19303 2003-12-12
src\objfre\i386\uiguide.obj 12799 2003-12-12
src\objfre\i386\uistate.obj 16404 2003-12-12
src\obj\_objects.mac 2516 2003-12-12
src\process.c 12457 2003-12-10
src\reg.c 10300 2003-11-24
src\regword.c 3692 2003-10-24
src\resource.h 4371 2003-12-09
src\saenaru.c 4512 2003-12-10
src\saenaru.def 1277 2003-11-22
src\saenaru.h 20176 2003-12-12
src\saenaru.rc 9609 2003-12-10
src\sources 1440 2003-11-24
src\subs.c 22572 2003-12-10
src\toascii.c 4325 2003-11-20
src\tsf.cpp 16373 2003-12-09
src\tsf.h 1168 2003-11-22
src\ui.c 49230 2003-12-11
src\uicand.c 19804 2003-12-12
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