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  • Category : GUI Develop
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  • Update : 2018-02-07
  • Size : 4.2mb
  • Downloaded :1次
  • Author :上帝不吭****
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Test software, using MVB communication, data transmission.
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
TestEXCU\10.ico 2238 2010-08-16
TestEXCU\2xdd\2xdd\2xdd.mct 2015 2014-10-10
TestEXCU\2xdd\2xdd\DEVICE1.bin 3968 2014-10-10
TestEXCU\cCDECL.cls 9484 2014-09-28
TestEXCU\DEVICE1.bin 4016 2015-07-07
TestEXCU\dll函数查看器.exe 532480 2016-05-23
TestEXCU\EXCU例型试验内部协议.txt 870 2015-09-11
TestEXCU\Form1.frm 304151 2016-05-24
TestEXCU\Form1.frx 14533 2016-05-24
TestEXCU\Form1.log 82 2015-05-25
TestEXCU\Form2.frm 2679 2015-06-01
TestEXCU\Form2.frx 1800396 2015-06-01
TestEXCU\Form3.frm 4440 2016-05-24
TestEXCU\Form3.frx 194496 2016-05-24
TestEXCU\Form4.frm 26702 2015-07-16
TestEXCU\Form4.frx 1912180 2015-07-16
TestEXCU\Form5.frm 768 2015-09-11
TestEXCU\Form510.frm 80671 2015-12-09
TestEXCU\Form511.frm 81573 2015-12-09
TestEXCU\Form512.frm 81555 2015-12-04
TestEXCU\Form513.frm 81570 2015-12-04
TestEXCU\Form514.frm 81392 2015-12-01
TestEXCU\Form515.frm 82084 2015-11-14
TestEXCU\Form517.frm 83117 2015-11-19
TestEXCU\Form518.frm 492 2015-11-13
TestEXCU\Form710.frm 83197 2015-12-09
TestEXCU\Form717.frm 84272 2015-12-21
TestEXCU\FormB18.frm 74094 2015-12-09
TestEXCU\FOXUSER.DBF 857 2015-05-25
TestEXCU\FOXUSER.FPT 4608 2015-05-25
TestEXCU\initial.ini 19 2015-09-02
TestEXCU\mDeclarations.bas 13471 2009-10-11
TestEXCU\Module1.bas 3391 2015-07-22
TestEXCU\Module2.bas 4476 2016-05-13
TestEXCU\Module4.bas 8796 2016-05-13
TestEXCU\mSqlite.bas 23893 2014-11-20
TestEXCU\MSSCCPRJ.SCC 190 2014-09-02
TestEXCU\msvcr110.dll 862664 2012-07-26
TestEXCU\send.ini 13870 2015-11-12
TestEXCU\SinOut.exe 53248 2016-05-24
TestEXCU\SiUSBXp.dll 90112 2016-05-23
TestEXCU\sqlite3.dll 503202 2014-09-28
TestEXCU\ss2xdd.dll 22528 2016-05-23
TestEXCU\ss4xdd.dll 61440 2016-05-23
TestEXCU\ss4xdd.h 3184 2014-09-04
TestEXCU\ss4xdd.lib 3798 2015-04-09
TestEXCU\SSMV4XXX.dll 21504 2016-05-23
TestEXCU\sys.db3 103424 2015-07-14
TestEXCU\test.c 37161 2014-09-04
TestEXCU\TestEXCU.exe 2191360 2016-05-24
TestEXCU\testhf.dll 225365 2015-07-13
TestEXCU\Thumbs.db 3584 2015-05-27
TestEXCU\VCI_CAN.bas 15664 2015-07-16
TestEXCU\VCI_CAN.dll 167936 2016-05-23
TestEXCU\不要关闭窗体.png 173173 2015-11-14
TestEXCU\原来的DEVICE1.bin 4016 2015-07-07
TestEXCU\复件 DEVICE1.bin 3984 2015-05-18
TestEXCU\工控机上首先做的配置.png 172757 2015-11-14
TestEXCU\工程1.vbp 1687 2016-05-24
TestEXCU\工程1.vbw 420 2016-05-24
TestEXCU\库\debug\thu_mvb_dll.dll 131072 2016-05-23
TestEXCU\库\debug\thu_mvb_dll.lib 4144 2014-10-14
TestEXCU\库\msvcr100.dll 761152 2009-08-24
TestEXCU\库\release\thu_mvb_dll.dll 81920 2016-05-23
TestEXCU\库\release\thu_mvb_dll.lib 4144 2014-10-14
TestEXCU\库\Thumbs.db 20992 2015-07-31
TestEXCU\库\thu_mvb_dll_demo\Debug\tcn_demo.obj 16860 2014-10-14
TestEXCU\库\thu_mvb_dll_demo\Debug\thu_mvb_dll_demo.exe 213094 2014-10-14
TestEXCU\库\thu_mvb_dll_demo\Debug\thu_mvb_dll_demo.ilk 221920 2014-10-14
TestEXCU\库\thu_mvb_dll_demo\Debug\thu_mvb_dll_demo.pch 2805292 2014-10-14
TestEXCU\库\thu_mvb_dll_demo\Debug\thu_mvb_dll_demo.pdb 476160 2014-10-14
TestEXCU\库\thu_mvb_dll_demo\Debug\vc60.idb 41984 2014-10-14
TestEXCU\库\thu_mvb_dll_demo\Debug\vc60.pdb 61440 2014-10-14
TestEXCU\库\thu_mvb_dll_demo\pthreadVC2.dll 55808 2016-05-23
TestEXCU\库\thu_mvb_dll_demo\pthreadVC2.lib 30334 2014-03-11
TestEXCU\库\thu_mvb_dll_demo\tcn_demo.c 3804 2014-10-14
TestEXCU\库\thu_mvb_dll_demo\thu_mvb_dll.dll 81920 2016-05-23
TestEXCU\库\thu_mvb_dll_demo\thu_mvb_dll.lib 4144 2014-10-14
TestEXCU\库\thu_mvb_dll_demo\thu_mvb_dll_demo.dsp 4183 2014-09-01
TestEXCU\库\thu_mvb_dll_demo\thu_mvb_dll_demo.dsw 538 2014-09-01
TestEXCU\库\thu_mvb_dll_demo\thu_mvb_dll_demo.ncb 33792 2014-10-14
TestEXCU\库\thu_mvb_dll_demo\thu_mvb_dll_demo.opt 53760 2014-10-14
TestEXCU\库\thu_mvb_dll_demo\thu_mvb_dll_demo.plg 2071 2014-10-14
TestEXCU\库\thu_mvb_dll_demo\TiMVB_api.h 1332 2014-10-14
TestEXCU\库\TiMVB_api.h 1332 2014-10-14
TestEXCU\库\tubiao.bmp 40578 2015-05-21
TestEXCU\端口数组.txt 1723 2015-11-13
TestEXCU\库\thu_mvb_dll_demo\Debug 0 2016-10-15
TestEXCU\2xdd\2xdd 0 2016-10-15
TestEXCU\库\debug 0 2016-10-15
TestEXCU\库\release 0 2016-10-15
TestEXCU\库\thu_mvb_dll_demo 0 2016-10-15
TestEXCU\2xdd 0 2016-10-15
TestEXCU\库 0 2016-10-15
TestEXCU 0 2016-10-15
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