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  • Update : 2018-02-07
  • Size : 1.41mb
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  • Author :Coc****
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
BLE develops the knowledge we need. Through official demo, we will find many service. After clicking service, every service is Characteristic, each service and Characteristic correspond to a unique UUID. So, when making BLE, first you should find out your Bluetooth peripheral device UUID, otherwise it will be very headache. This UUID may also be hardware for you, or you can try it out yourself, of course, trying out it yourself is a very boring process. The way to do it is to add a read and write protocol based on demo,then test the Bluetooth list displayed by clicking on it to see if it corresponds to the protocol. In addition, the BluetoothLeService class does not have to make too many changes.
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MyGatt\.classpath 475 2018-02-07
MyGatt\.project 842 2018-01-30
MyGatt\.settings\org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs 177 2018-01-30
MyGatt\AndroidManifest.xml 1827 2018-02-07
MyGatt\bin\AndroidManifest.xml 1827 2018-02-07
MyGatt\bin\classes\com\android\mygatt\BluetoothChat$1.class 1374 2018-02-07
MyGatt\bin\classes\com\android\mygatt\BluetoothChat$2.class 2818 2018-02-07
MyGatt\bin\classes\com\android\mygatt\BluetoothChat$3.class 1164 2018-02-07
MyGatt\bin\classes\com\android\mygatt\BluetoothChat.class 8788 2018-02-07
MyGatt\bin\classes\com\android\mygatt\BluetoothChatService$AcceptThread.class 3354 2018-02-07
MyGatt\bin\classes\com\android\mygatt\BluetoothChatService$ConnectedThread.class 2824 2018-02-07
MyGatt\bin\classes\com\android\mygatt\BluetoothChatService$ConnectThread.class 3151 2018-02-07
MyGatt\bin\classes\com\android\mygatt\BluetoothChatService.class 6391 2018-02-07
MyGatt\bin\classes\com\android\mygatt\BuildConfig.class 345 2018-02-07
MyGatt\bin\classes\com\android\mygatt\DeviceListActivity$1.class 1995 2018-02-07
MyGatt\bin\classes\com\android\mygatt\DeviceListActivity$2.class 2279 2018-02-07
MyGatt\bin\classes\com\android\mygatt\DeviceListActivity$3.class 880 2018-02-07
MyGatt\bin\classes\com\android\mygatt\DeviceListActivity.class 5269 2018-02-07
MyGatt\bin\classes\com\android\mygatt\MainActivity$1.class 1264 2018-02-07
MyGatt\bin\classes\com\android\mygatt\MainActivity.class 2439 2018-02-07
MyGatt\bin\classes\com\android\mygatt\R$attr.class 340 2018-02-07
MyGatt\bin\classes\com\android\mygatt\R$dimen.class 461 2018-02-07
MyGatt\bin\classes\com\android\mygatt\R$drawable.class 407 2018-02-07
MyGatt\bin\classes\com\android\mygatt\R$id.class 808 2018-02-07
MyGatt\bin\classes\com\android\mygatt\R$layout.class 532 2018-02-07
MyGatt\bin\classes\com\android\mygatt\R$menu.class 423 2018-02-07
MyGatt\bin\classes\com\android\mygatt\R$string.class 1123 2018-02-07
MyGatt\bin\classes\com\android\mygatt\R$style.class 431 2018-02-07
MyGatt\bin\classes\com\android\mygatt\R.class 673 2018-02-07
MyGatt\bin\classes.dex 714536 2018-02-07
MyGatt\bin\dexedLibs\android-support-v4-e7ee1212d609a52cff37084f80573dca.jar 232610 2018-02-07
MyGatt\bin\jarlist.cache 120 2018-02-07
MyGatt\bin\MyGatt.apk 291072 2018-02-07
MyGatt\bin\res\crunch\drawable-hdpi\ic_launcher.png 5964 2018-02-07
MyGatt\bin\res\crunch\drawable-mdpi\ic_launcher.png 3112 2018-02-07
MyGatt\bin\res\crunch\drawable-xhdpi\ic_launcher.png 9355 2018-02-07
MyGatt\bin\res\crunch\drawable-xxhdpi\ic_launcher.png 17889 2018-02-07
MyGatt\bin\resources.ap_ 45162 2018-02-07
MyGatt\gen\com\android\mygatt\ 160 2018-02-07
MyGatt\gen\com\android\mygatt\ 3967 2018-02-07
MyGatt\libs\android-support-v4.jar 621451 2018-01-30
MyGatt\proguard-project.txt 781 2018-01-30
MyGatt\ 563 2018-01-31
MyGatt\res\drawable-hdpi\ic_launcher.png 7658 2018-01-30
MyGatt\res\drawable-mdpi\ic_launcher.png 3777 2018-01-30
MyGatt\res\drawable-xhdpi\ic_launcher.png 12516 2018-01-30
MyGatt\res\drawable-xxhdpi\ic_launcher.png 24777 2018-01-30
MyGatt\res\layout\activity_main.xml 666 2018-01-30
MyGatt\res\layout\device_list.xml 2289 2018-02-07
MyGatt\res\layout\device_name.xml 876 2018-02-07
MyGatt\res\layout\main.xml 1744 2018-02-07
MyGatt\res\layout\message.xml 876 2018-02-07
MyGatt\res\menu\main.xml 263 2018-01-30
MyGatt\res\menu\option_menu.xml 1364 2018-02-07
MyGatt\res\values\dimens.xml 220 2018-01-30
MyGatt\res\values\strings.xml 1527 2018-02-07
MyGatt\res\values\styles.xml 697 2018-01-30
MyGatt\src\com\android\mygatt\ 13830 2018-02-07
MyGatt\src\com\android\mygatt\ 17956 2018-02-07
MyGatt\src\com\android\mygatt\ 7944 2018-02-07
MyGatt\src\com\android\mygatt\ 1978 2018-01-31
MyGatt\bin\classes\com\android\mygatt 0 2018-02-07
MyGatt\bin\classes\com\android 0 2018-02-07
MyGatt\bin\res\crunch\drawable-hdpi 0 2018-02-07
MyGatt\bin\res\crunch\drawable-mdpi 0 2018-02-07
MyGatt\bin\res\crunch\drawable-xhdpi 0 2018-02-07
MyGatt\bin\res\crunch\drawable-xxhdpi 0 2018-02-07
MyGatt\gen\com\android\mygatt 0 2018-02-07
MyGatt\src\com\android\mygatt 0 2018-02-07
MyGatt\bin\classes\com 0 2018-02-07
MyGatt\bin\res\crunch 0 2018-02-07
MyGatt\gen\com\android 0 2018-02-07
MyGatt\src\com\android 0 2018-01-30
MyGatt\bin\classes 0 2018-02-07
MyGatt\bin\dexedLibs 0 2018-02-07
MyGatt\bin\res 0 2018-02-07
MyGatt\gen\com 0 2018-02-07
MyGatt\res\drawable-hdpi 0 2018-01-30
MyGatt\res\drawable-ldpi 0 2018-01-30
MyGatt\res\drawable-mdpi 0 2018-01-30
MyGatt\res\drawable-xhdpi 0 2018-01-30
MyGatt\res\drawable-xxhdpi 0 2018-01-30
MyGatt\res\layout 0 2018-02-07
MyGatt\res\menu 0 2018-02-07
MyGatt\res\values 0 2018-01-30
MyGatt\src\com 0 2018-01-30
MyGatt\.settings 0 2018-01-30
MyGatt\assets 0 2018-01-30
MyGatt\bin 0 2018-02-07
MyGatt\gen 0 2018-02-07
MyGatt\libs 0 2018-01-30
MyGatt\res 0 2018-02-07
MyGatt\src 0 2018-01-30
MyGatt 0 2018-02-07
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