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  • Update : 2018-02-10
  • Size : 2mb
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  • Author :Potr****
  • About : Nobody
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Packet file list
(Preview for download)
41AboutFrame.class 1491 2005-02-15
6ButtonListener.class 729 2005-04-07 1514 2005-02-15
CheckBoxListener.class 811 2005-02-15 954 2005-04-10
data 0 2017-10-10
data\College_Grade4.dat 154585 2005-04-01
data\College_Grade6.dat 73867 2005-04-01
data\College_Phrase.dat 59535 2005-04-01
data\Computer.dat 76532 2005-04-01
data\GMAT.dat 93132 2000-11-26
data\Graduate_Phrase.dat 20609 2000-11-25
data\Graduate_Word.dat 180330 2000-11-25
data\GRE1.dat 244542 2000-11-25
data\GRE2.dat 11519 2005-04-10
data\GRE3.dat 287469 2000-11-25
data\New_Concept1.dat 23551 2000-11-21
data\New_Concept2.dat 37649 2000-11-21
data\New_Concept3.dat 53171 2000-11-21
data\New_Concept4.dat 52851 2000-11-25
data\PERUSAL1.dat 14598 2000-11-25
data\PERUSAL2.dat 21925 2000-11-25
data\Self_Study.dat 40573 2000-11-25
data\TOEFL.dat 97846 2000-11-23
data\XGZ1.dat 19797 2000-11-25
data\XGZ2.dat 20250 2000-11-25
data\XGZ3.dat 23761 2000-11-25
data\XGZ4.dat 21611 2000-11-25
data\自定义词库.dat 1018 2005-07-01
F0AboutFrame$WindowListen.class 903 2005-02-15
HelloFrame$ButtonListener.class 890 2005-02-15
HelloFrame$MyPanel.class 810 2005-04-08
HelloFrame.class 2078 2005-02-15 1914 2005-02-14
help.doc 377344 2005-04-11
image 0 2017-10-10
image\about.JPG 56146 2005-04-11
image\blue.GIF 79847 2005-04-09
image\blue.JPG 52745 2005-04-08
image\hello.bmp 1440054 2005-04-07
image\hello.GIF 47854 2005-04-10
image\hello1.jpg 65361 2005-04-11
image\left.bmp 1734 2005-04-09
image\left.GIF 904 2005-02-14
image\left.jpg 9128 2005-04-10
image\ll.gif 917 2005-03-31
image\right.bmp 2134 2005-03-31
image\right.gif 910 2005-02-14
image\right.jpg 9175 2005-04-10
image\rr.gif 916 2005-03-31
image\start.gif 888 2005-02-14
image\start.jpg 8775 2005-04-10
image\stop.gif 895 2005-02-14
image\stop.jpg 9018 2005-04-10
image\Thumbs.db 33280 2005-07-04
MainFrame$ButtonListener.class 2089 2005-02-15
MainFrame.class 4993 2005-02-15 8017 2005-07-01
MyPanel.class 544 2005-02-15 322 2005-04-10
MyPopupMenu$PopupMenuListen.class 1798 2005-02-15
MyPopupMenu.class 1128 2005-02-15 2820 2005-02-15
MyWord.class 1355 2005-02-15 1348 2005-04-09
PopupListener.class 750 2005-02-15
ReadDat.class 4023 2005-02-15 4929 2005-02-15
Screen.class 616 2005-02-15 394 2005-04-07
Search$add.class 1780 2005-02-15
Search$amend.class 1727 2005-02-15
Search$chinese.class 1340 2005-02-15
Search$delete.class 1570 2005-02-15
Search$english.class 876 2005-02-15
Search$exit.class 544 2005-02-15
Search.class 4862 2005-02-15 10092 2005-02-15
src_word.txt 535 2005-02-15 0 2005-02-15
TestThread.class 1452 2005-02-15
TestWord$compare.class 535 2005-02-15
TestWord$exit.class 550 2005-02-15
TestWord$start.class 541 2005-02-15
TestWord.class 2498 2005-02-15 3376 2005-02-15
WindowListen.class 709 2005-02-15
Word.class 286 2005-02-15 391 2005-04-10
Word.jcd 2986 2005-04-07 2037 2005-02-15
Word.jcu 670 2005-04-07
Word.jcw 247 2005-04-07
Word2.jcd 43710 2005-07-01
Word2.jcu 228 2005-02-15
Word2.jcw 248 2005-02-15
WordBase$DirFilter.class 720 2005-02-15
WordBase.class 1292 2005-02-15 1118 2005-04-09
WordFrame$WindowListen.class 662 2005-02-15
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  • We are an exchange download platform that only provides communication channels. The downloaded content comes from the internet. Except for download issues, please Google on your own.
  • The downloaded content is provided for members to upload. If it unintentionally infringes on your copyright, please contact us.
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