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Voiceprint recognition test in speech recognition C++ source code, mainly based on small PLDA scoring model
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openVP-master 0 2017-11-12
openVP-master\ 1537 2017-11-12
openVP-master\src 0 2017-11-12
openVP-master\src\DebugDlg.c 586 2017-11-12
openVP-master\src\DebugDlg.h 444 2017-11-12
openVP-master\src\FileDlg.c 2979 2017-11-12
openVP-master\src\FileDlg.h 740 2017-11-12
openVP-master\src\MainDlg.c 13088 2017-11-12
openVP-master\src\MainDlg.h 402 2017-11-12
openVP-master\src\README.txt 393 2017-11-12
openVP-master\src\WinMain.c 5583 2017-11-12
openVP-master\src\debug 0 2017-11-12
openVP-master\src\debug\xdebug.h 1943 2017-11-12
openVP-master\src\global.c 2477 2017-11-12
openVP-master\src\global.h 1825 2017-11-12
openVP-master\src\myRecord.c 12843 2017-11-12
openVP-master\src\myRecord.h 1527 2017-11-12
openVP-master\src\resource.h 2209 2017-11-12
openVP-master\src\voice_id 0 2017-11-12
openVP-master\src\voice_id\FFT2.c 3098 2017-11-12
openVP-master\src\voice_id\FFT2.h 1316 2017-11-12
openVP-master\src\voice_id\README.txt 373 2017-11-12
openVP-master\src\voice_id\cluster.c 5922 2017-11-12
openVP-master\src\voice_id\cluster.h 1100 2017-11-12
openVP-master\src\voice_id\global.h 1442 2017-11-12
openVP-master\src\voice_id\gmm.c 14131 2017-11-12
openVP-master\src\voice_id\gmm.h 1988 2017-11-12
openVP-master\src\voice_id\main.c 1419 2017-11-12
openVP-master\src\voice_id\mfcc.c 14763 2017-11-12
openVP-master\src\voice_id\mfcc.h 1804 2017-11-12
openVP-master\src\voice_id\voiceIdentify.c 987 2017-11-12
openVP-master\src\voice_id\voiceIdentify.h 1110 2017-11-12
openVP-master\src\voiceprint.c 4111 2017-11-12
openVP-master\src\voiceprint.h 2664 2017-11-12
openVP-master\src\voiceprint.ico 99678 2017-11-12
openVP-master\src\voiceprint.rc 3986 2017-11-12
openVP-master\voiceprint.sln 896 2017-11-12
openVP-master\voiceprint.suo 53248 2017-11-12
openVP-master\voiceprint 0 2017-11-12
openVP-master\voiceprint\voiceprint.vcproj 5926 2017-11-12
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