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  • Category : Button control
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  • Update : 2018-02-14
  • Size : 197kb
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  • Author :Nsr***
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself

Packet file list
(Preview for download)
Readme.txt 12939 2017-04-11
9Generic.h 28570 2017-04-11
GenericAtl.h 5696 2017-04-11
MyAdoListCtrl.h 4335 2017-04-11
myapp.h 4911 2017-04-11
MyAtlFileVersion.h 796 2017-04-11
MyAtlLog.h 3763 2017-04-11
MyAtlRegistry.h 2690 2017-04-11
MyAtlSystemTray.h 7797 2017-04-11
MyButton.h 4166 2017-04-11
MyButtonResource.h 814 2017-04-11
MyCheckListBox.h 2088 2017-04-11
MyCrypto.h 7046 2017-04-11
MyDepends.h 10177 2017-04-11
MyDevStudio.h 3715 2017-04-11
MyDialog.h 7614 2017-04-11
myedit.h 5561 2017-04-11
MyEditResource.h 1099 2017-04-11
MyExporter.h 8876 2017-04-11
MyFileDeleteDlg.h 2141 2017-04-11
MyFileDeleteDlgResource.h 779 2017-04-11
MyGraph.h 3889 2017-04-11
MyHyperlink.h 5499 2017-04-11
MyHyperlinkResource.h 968 2017-04-11
MyListBox.h 2049 2017-04-11
MyListCtrl.h 6556 2017-04-11
MyListCtrlResource.h 1049 2017-04-11
MyLog.h 9523 2017-04-11
MyLogResource.h 2747 2017-04-11
MyMdiClient.h 3421 2017-04-11
MyMemoryDC.h 1894 2017-04-11
MyMenu.h 6828 2017-04-11
MyMessageBox.h 5555 2017-04-11
MyMessageBoxResource.h 1340 2017-04-11
MyModelessDlg.h 2722 2017-04-11
MyModelessDlgResource.h 968 2017-04-11
MyProgressCtrl.h 3121 2017-04-11
MyPropertyPage.h 5349 2017-04-11
MyRegistry.h 4541 2017-04-11
MyRichEditCtrl.h 6575 2017-04-11
MyRichEditCtrlResource.h 1484 2017-04-11
MySax2.h 8661 2017-04-11
MySingleInstance.h 2685 2017-04-11
MySpinCtrl.h 3005 2017-04-11
MyStatic.h 3522 2017-04-11
mytipdlg.h 3818 2017-04-11
MyTipDlgResource.h 1424 2017-04-11
MyToolTipCtrl.h 2777 2017-04-11
MyToolTipCtrlResource.h 720 2017-04-11
t4FloatingText.h 6960 2017-04-11
GenericAtl.cpp 31801 2017-04-11
HGeneric.cpp 64770 2017-04-11
kFloatingText.cpp 26608 2017-04-11
MyAdoListCtrl.cpp 17631 2017-04-11
myapp.cpp 4046 2017-04-11
MyAtlFileVersion.cpp 4754 2017-04-11
MyAtlLog.cpp 14803 2017-04-11
MyAtlRegistry.cpp 23968 2017-04-11
MyAtlSystemTray.cpp 13332 2017-04-11
MyButton.cpp 18324 2017-04-11
MyCheckListBox.cpp 2432 2017-04-11
MyCrypto.cpp 23521 2017-04-11
MyDepends.cpp 22276 2017-04-11
MyDevStudio.cpp 18837 2017-04-11
MyDialog.cpp 30155 2017-04-11
myedit.cpp 19124 2017-04-11
MyExporter.cpp 15608 2017-04-11
MyFileDeleteDlg.cpp 2312 2017-04-11
MyGraph.cpp 32682 2017-04-11
MyHyperlink.cpp 17925 2017-04-11
MyListBox.cpp 5529 2017-04-11
MyListCtrl.cpp 38462 2017-04-11
MyLog.cpp 19621 2017-04-11
MyMdiClient.cpp 9429 2017-04-11
MyMemoryDC.cpp 2677 2017-04-11
MyMenu.cpp 66582 2017-04-11
MyMessageBox.cpp 10770 2017-04-11
MyModelessDlg.cpp 3632 2017-04-11
MyProgressCtrl.cpp 10847 2017-04-11
MyPropertyPage.cpp 30960 2017-04-11
MyRegistry.cpp 31906 2017-04-11
MyRichEditCtrl.cpp 36027 2017-04-11
MySax2.cpp 9591 2017-04-11
MySingleInstance.cpp 2852 2017-04-11
MySpinCtrl.cpp 4799 2017-04-11
MyStatic.cpp 9797 2017-04-11
mytipdlg.cpp 7908 2017-04-11
MyToolTipCtrl.cpp 2572 2017-04-11
myedit.bmp 1142 2017-04-11
MyHyperlink.bmp 478 2017-04-11
MyListCtrl.bmp 886 2017-04-11
MyRichEditCtrlFormatBar.bmp 1782 2017-04-11
MyRichEditCtrlMenu.bmp 1014 2017-04-11
mytipdlg.bmp 1178 2017-04-11
MyToolTipCtrl.wav 1192 2017-04-11
MyHyperlink.cur 766 2017-04-11
MyButtonCancel.ico 766 2017-04-11
MyButtonOk.ico 766 2017-04-11
MyMessageBox.ico 766 2017-04-11
MyTipDlgNext.ico 766 2017-04-11
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