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  • Update : 2018-02-14
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Packet file list
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bdCHILDFRM.CPP 2180 2017-04-11
bHLP 0 2017-11-05
bHLP\AFXCORE.RTF 50738 2017-04-11
bHLP\AFXOLESV.RTF 4683 2017-04-11
bHLP\AFXPRINT.RTF 11363 2017-04-11
bHLP\APPEXIT.BMP 2262 2017-04-11
bHLP\BULLET.BMP 142 2017-04-11
bHLP\CURARW2.BMP 310 2017-04-11
bHLP\CURARW4.BMP 566 2017-04-11
bHLP\CURHELP.BMP 502 2017-04-11
bHLP\EDITCOPY.BMP 502 2017-04-11
bHLP\EDITCUT.BMP 502 2017-04-11
bHLP\EDITPAST.BMP 502 2017-04-11
bHLP\EDITUNDO.BMP 502 2017-04-11
bHLP\FILENEW.BMP 566 2017-04-11
bHLP\FILEOPEN.BMP 566 2017-04-11
bHLP\FILEPRNT.BMP 502 2017-04-11
bHLP\FILESAVE.BMP 502 2017-04-11
bHLP\HLPSBAR.BMP 7158 2017-04-11
bHLP\HLPTBAR.BMP 2354 2017-04-11
bHLP\PEN.RTF 6500 2017-04-11
bHLP\RECFIRST.BMP 502 2017-04-11
bHLP\RECLAST.BMP 502 2017-04-11
bHLP\RECNEXT.BMP 502 2017-04-11
bHLP\RECPREV.BMP 502 2017-04-11
bHLP\SCMAX.BMP 502 2017-04-11
bHLP\SCMENU.BMP 2134 2017-04-11
bHLP\SCMIN.BMP 502 2017-04-11
bHLP\SCRIBBLE.CNT 241 2017-04-11
bHLP\scribble.err 1275 2017-04-11
bHLP\SCRIBBLE.HLP 40415 2017-04-11
bHLP\ 744 2017-04-11
bHLP\SCRIBBLE.HPJ 2281 2017-04-11
bHLP\ 3388 2017-04-11
C2CHILDFRM.H 1530 2017-04-11
IPFRAME.CPP 3745 2017-04-11
IPFRAME.H 1570 2017-04-11
MAINFRM.CPP 3176 2017-04-11
MAINFRM.H 1534 2017-04-11
MAKEFILE 751 2017-04-11
MAKEHELP.BAT 1952 2017-04-11
PENDLG.CPP 1771 2017-04-11
PENDLG.H 1227 2017-04-11
README.TXT 4254 2017-04-11
RES 0 2017-11-05
RESOURCE.FD 970 2017-04-11
resource.h 1097 2017-04-11
RES\ITOOLBAR.BMP 478 2017-04-11
RES\SCRIBBLE.ICO 1078 2017-04-11
RES\SCRIBBLE.RC2 400 2017-04-11
RES\SCRIBDOC.ICO 1078 2017-04-11
RES\TOOLBAR.BMP 958 2017-04-11
Scribb1.SCB 4608 2017-04-11
Scribb2.SCB 5120 2017-04-11
Scribble.aps 39080 2017-04-11
SCRIBBLE.CLW 11147 2017-04-11
SCRIBBLE.CPP 6304 2017-04-11
scribble.dsp 5692 2017-04-11
SCRIBBLE.DSW 539 2017-04-11
SCRIBBLE.H 1442 2017-04-11
SCRIBBLE.MAK 7405 2017-04-11
Scribble.ncb 173056 2017-04-11
Scribble.opt 57856 2017-04-11
scribble.plg 2558 2017-04-11
Scribble.rc 21364 2017-04-11
SCRIBBLE.REG 1933 2017-04-11
Scribdoc.cpp 8153 2017-04-11
Scribdoc.h 3826 2017-04-11
SCRIBITM.CPP 3673 2017-04-11
SCRIBITM.H 1319 2017-04-11
Scribvw.cpp 11590 2017-04-11
ScribVw.h 2570 2017-04-11
STDAFX.CPP 632 2017-04-11
STDAFX.H 945 2017-04-11
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