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  • Update : 2018-02-15
  • Size : 141kb
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  • Author :JM!7*****
  • About : Nobody
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Packet file list
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ch6\README.mht 1761 2004-11-28
ch8\README_1998.txt 3934 2002-04-06
ch6\def.h 222 2002-05-06
ch9\def3.h 248 2002-05-06
ch7\random.h 812 2002-05-06
ch8\random.h 812 2002-04-06
qch1\633_awgn.c 5733 2002-05-06
qch1\633_awgn_hdd.c 6308 2002-05-06
qch1\633_rayleigh.c 5901 2002-05-06
Qch3\bch_awgn.c 15961 2002-05-06
Qch3\bch_bm.c 15001 2002-04-03
Qch3\bch_erasures.c 15770 2002-05-06
Qch3\bch_euc.c 14340 2002-05-06
Qch3\bch4836.c 9363 2002-04-03
qch1\BER_Chernoff.c 3019 2002-05-06
qch1\BER_MC_union.c 4340 2002-05-06
ch8\bitf.c 10033 2002-05-06
ch8\blockint.c 1998 2002-05-07
qch1\bound_313.c 2201 2002-05-06
qch1\bound_awgn_ebno.c 3335 2002-05-06
qch1\bound_hdd_awgn.c 3121 2002-05-06
qch1\bound_pe.c 2555 2002-05-06
qch1\bound_rate12_bsc.c 1878 2002-05-06
qch1\bound_rate12_bsc_best.c 2607 2002-05-06
qch1\bound_rate12_bsc_meeberg.c 1888 2002-05-06
qch1\bound_undetect_422.c 2545 2002-05-06
ch8\capacity.c 7868 2002-05-08
ch8\cyclint.c 3245 2002-05-07
ch8\diagint.c 2284 2002-05-08
qch1\find_weights.c 3189 2002-05-06
ch9\gen_trellis_ungerboeck.c 3252 2002-04-03
ch5\generate_trellis_nsc.c 3223 2002-04-10
ch5\generate_trellis_rsc.c 3438 2002-04-10
qch1\Weights\genmat_ebch2.c 8203 2002-05-06
vch2\golay23.c 10005 2002-05-06
vch2\golay24.c 4856 2002-05-06
vch2\hamming.c 3348 2002-05-06
qch1\Weights\hamming_wd.c 2690 2002-05-06
ch8\helint.c 2419 2002-05-07
ch8\llr_pearl.c 13249 2002-05-06
ch8\log_pearl.c 15123 2002-05-06
ch9\main_4_2_0.c 14586 2002-05-06
ch6\order0.c 8935 2002-05-06
ch9\order0_code3.c 8115 2002-05-06
ch6\order1.c 14967 2002-05-06
ch6\order2.c 18185 2002-05-06
ch9\order2_code2.c 16994 2002-05-06
ch6\order3.c 21339 2002-05-06
ch6\order4.c 25585 2002-05-06
ch9\order4_code1.c 24324 2002-05-06
ch6\order5.c 30389 2002-05-06
ch6\osd_order0.c 4483 2002-05-06
ch6\osd_order1.c 4483 2002-05-06
ch6\osd_order2.c 4567 2002-05-06
ch6\osd_order3.c 4485 2002-05-06
ch6\osd_order4.c 4483 2002-05-06
ch6\osd_order5.c 4483 2002-05-06
qch1\pe_313_hd_awgn.c 3007 2002-05-06
qch1\pe_hdd_awgn.c 4270 2002-05-06
qch1\pe_std_array.c 3527 2002-05-06
qch1\pe313_rayleigh.c 2182 2002-05-06
ch8\pearl.c 11669 2002-05-06
ch8\primint.c 2632 2002-05-07
qch1\prob_dec_error_rs.c 3104 2002-05-06
qch1\prob_error_RScode.c 3523 2002-05-06
ch9\qpsk_rm31.c 6575 2002-04-03
ch8\ranint.c 2345 2002-05-07
Qch3\RBDS.c 6904 2002-05-06
vch2\rm13_awgn.c 5138 2002-05-06
ch6\rm31_awgn.c 5138 2002-05-06
ch6\rm31_chase.c 10354 2002-05-06
Tch4\rs_eedec_bm.c 20741 2003-08-28
Tch4\rs_eedec_euc.c 20427 2003-08-28
ch8\shannon.c 2037 2002-05-08
ch8\shannon2.c 1727 2002-05-08
qch1\simulation313.c 3277 2002-05-06
ch9\tc-8psk-iq.c 21266 2002-05-06
ch9\tc-8psk-sect.c 20248 2002-05-06
ch9\tcm_8psk.c 18346 2002-04-03
ch5\viterbi_binary_hard.c 11563 2002-05-06
ch5\viterbi_binary_nsc.c 12161 2002-05-06
ch5\viterbi_binary_punct.c 12992 2002-04-03
ch5\viterbi_binary_rsc.c 11587 2002-04-03
qch1\WD_linear_code.c 2619 2002-05-06
qch1\WER_Chernoff.c 3000 2002-05-06
qch1\WER_MC_union.c 4420 2002-05-06
ch7\random.cpp 1888 2002-05-06
ch8\random.cpp 1888 2002-04-06
ch8\turbo.cpp 24958 2002-05-06
ch7\turbo_MAP.cpp 25117 2002-05-06
ch7\turbo_MAP_punc.cpp 25665 2002-05-06
ch8\turbo_punc.cpp 25665 2002-05-06
qch1\Weights\BCH128\wd.128.127.002 2080 2002-03-31
qch1\Matrices-BCH\127\genmat.127.120.003 30720 2002-05-06
qch1\Matrices-BCH\128\genmat.128.120.004 30960 2002-05-06
qch1\Weights\BCH128\wd.128.120.004 1991 2002-03-31
qch1\Matrices-BCH\127\genmat.127.113.005 28928 2002-05-06
qch1\Matrices-BCH\128\genmat.128.113.006 29154 2002-05-06
qch1\Weights\BCH128\wd.128.113.006 1834 2002-03-31
qch1\Matrices-BCH\127\genmat.127.106.007 27136 2002-05-06
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