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  • Category : GUI Develop
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  • Update : 2018-02-15
  • Size : 152kb
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  • Author :semaa*****
  • About : Nobody
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Packet file list
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ReadMe.txt 4455 2017-04-11
15CCircle.h 497 2017-04-11
Tools\ButtonXP.h 1207 2017-04-11
CGraph.h 938 2017-04-11
CLine.h 487 2017-04-11
Tools\ComboBoxXP.h 2244 2017-04-11
CRectangle.h 524 2017-04-11
Tools\Draw.h 5120 2017-04-11
DrawGraphics.h 1469 2017-04-11
DrawGraphicsDoc.h 1845 2017-04-11
DrawGraphicsView.h 2243 2017-04-11
Globals\Globals.h 392 2017-04-11
Tools\ListBoxXP.h 1162 2017-04-11
MainFrm.h 2569 2017-04-11
Tools\MenuXP.h 4166 2017-04-11
Tools\MyTrace.h 760 2017-04-11
Tools\NewMenu.h 28562 2017-04-11
Tools\Popup.h 2620 2017-04-11
resource.h 1463 2017-04-11
Tools\StatusBarXP.h 741 2017-04-11
StdAfx.h 1054 2017-04-11
Tools\ToolbarXP.h 2500 2017-04-11
Tools\Tools.h 2486 2017-04-11
Tools\WinMgrDlg.h 2140 2017-04-11
Tools\ButtonXP.cpp 3354 2017-04-11
CGraph.cpp 1401 2017-04-11
CLine.cpp 722 2017-04-11
Tools\ComboBoxXP.cpp 7228 2017-04-11
CRectangle.cpp 834 2017-04-11
Tools\Draw.cpp 22444 2017-04-11
DrawGraphics.cpp 4709 2017-04-11
DrawGraphicsDoc.cpp 5416 2017-04-11
DrawGraphicsView.cpp 5009 2017-04-11
E6CCircle.cpp 802 2017-04-11
Globals\Globals.cpp 356 2017-04-11
Tools\ListBoxXP.cpp 1877 2017-04-11
MainFrm.cpp 13392 2017-04-11
Tools\MenuXP.cpp 15959 2017-04-11
Tools\MyTrace.cpp 10384 2017-04-11
Tools\NewMenu.cpp 168047 2017-04-11
Tools\Popup.cpp 9979 2017-04-11
Tools\StatusBarXP.cpp 1573 2017-04-11
StdAfx.cpp 214 2017-04-11
Tools\ToolBarXP.cpp 10440 2017-04-11
Tools\Tools.cpp 3069 2017-04-11
Tools\WinMgrDlg.cpp 11631 2017-04-11
res\background.bmp 160318 2017-04-11
res\bottom.BMP 4198 2017-04-11
res\exit_foc.bmp 774 2017-04-11
res\exit_nor.bmp 774 2017-04-11
res\Left.BMP 2598 2017-04-11
res\logo.bmp 8454 2017-04-11
res\max_focu.bmp 774 2017-04-11
res\max_norm.bmp 774 2017-04-11
res\min_focu.bmp 774 2017-04-11
res\min_norm.bmp 774 2017-04-11
res\res_focu.bmp 774 2017-04-11
res\res_norm.bmp 774 2017-04-11
res\Right.BMP 2598 2017-04-11
res\Toolbar.bmp 1078 2017-04-11
res\Top.bmp 25262 2017-04-11
DrawGraphics.aps 241844 2017-04-11
DrawGraphics.clw 2684 2017-04-11
DrawGraphics.dsp 7110 2017-04-11
DrawGraphics.dsw 549 2017-04-11
res\DrawGraphics.ico 1078 2017-04-11
res\DrawGraphicsDoc.ico 1078 2017-04-11
DrawGraphics.ncb 246784 2017-04-11
DrawGraphics.opt 67584 2017-04-11
DrawGraphics.plg 3675 2017-04-11
DrawGraphics.rc 13693 2017-04-11
res\DrawGraphics.rc2 404 2017-04-11
res\Flag.gif 14333 2017-04-11
Debug 0 2017-04-11
Globals 0 2017-11-05
res 0 2017-11-05
Tools 0 2017-11-05
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