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Store System

  • Category : .net
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  • Update : 2018-02-17
  • Size : 1.94mb
  • Downloaded :0次
  • Author :Caesa*****
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
This is a good sample for s store system in Asp.Net
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
Store System 0 2016-06-27
Store System\Store System 0 2016-06-27
Store System\Store System\app.config 732 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\bin 0 2016-06-27
Store System\Store System\bin\Debug 0 2016-06-27
Store System\Store System\bin\Debug\froushgah.mdf 2293760 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\bin\Debug\froushgah_log.ldf 516096 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\bin\Debug\Store System.exe 491520 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\bin\Debug\Store System.exe.config 732 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\bin\Debug\Store System.pdb 298496 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\bin\Debug\Store System.vshost.exe 5632 2005-09-22
Store System\Store System\bin\Debug\Store System.vshost.exe.config 732 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\frm add cat.cs 1835 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\frm add cat.designer.cs 6457 2014-07-17
Store System\Store System\frm add cat.resx 5817 2014-07-17
Store System\Store System\frm add object.cs 2838 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\frm add object.designer.cs 15368 2014-07-16
Store System\Store System\frm add object.resx 5817 2014-07-16
Store System\Store System\frm category.cs 3082 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\frm category.designer.cs 7000 2014-07-16
Store System\Store System\frm category.resx 6369 2014-07-16
Store System\Store System\frm edit cat.cs 1377 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\frm edit cat.designer.cs 6408 2014-07-16
Store System\Store System\frm edit cat.resx 5817 2014-07-16
Store System\Store System\frm main.cs 2324 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\frm main.designer.cs 12936 2014-07-16
Store System\Store System\frm main.resx 6015 2014-07-16
Store System\Store System\frm object edit.cs 1501 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\frm object edit.designer.cs 11345 2014-07-16
Store System\Store System\frm object edit.resx 5817 2014-07-16
Store System\Store System\frm objects .cs 5414 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\frm objects .designer.cs 10464 2014-07-16
Store System\Store System\frm objects .resx 7289 2014-07-16
Store System\Store System\frm request.cs 2660 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\frm request.designer.cs 11490 2014-07-16
Store System\Store System\frm request.resx 6553 2014-07-16
Store System\Store System\frm sell.cs 3849 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\frm sell.designer.cs 18588 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\frm sell.resx 5817 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\froushgah.mdf 2293760 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\froushgahDataSet.Designer.cs 242481 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\froushgahDataSet.xsc 381 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\froushgahDataSet.xsd 80020 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\froushgahDataSet.xss 1469 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\froushgah_log.LDF 516096 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\obj 0 2016-06-27
Store System\Store System\obj\Debug 0 2016-06-27
Store System\Store System\obj\Debug\Refactor 0 2014-07-16
Store System\Store System\obj\Debug\Store System.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache 1899 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\obj\Debug\Store System.exe 491520 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\obj\Debug\Store System.pdb 298496 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\obj\Debug\Store_System.Form1.resources 180 2014-07-16
Store System\Store System\obj\Debug\Store_System.Form2.resources 180 2014-07-16
Store System\Store System\obj\Debug\Store_System.Form3.resources 180 2014-07-16
Store System\Store System\obj\Debug\Store_System.Form4.resources 180 2014-07-16
Store System\Store System\obj\Debug\Store_System.Form5.resources 180 2014-07-16
Store System\Store System\obj\Debug\Store_System.Form6.resources 180 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\obj\Debug\Store_System.Form7.resources 180 2014-07-16
Store System\Store System\obj\Debug\Store_System.Form8.resources 180 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\obj\Debug\Store_System.Form9.resources 180 2014-07-16
Store System\Store System\obj\Debug\Store_System.object list.resources 180 2014-07-15
Store System\Store System\obj\Debug\Store_System.Properties.Resources.resources 334325 2014-07-16
Store System\Store System\obj\Debug\Store_System.RepSell.resources 180 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\obj\Debug\Store_System.ReqReport.resources 180 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\obj\Debug\Store_System.request report.resources 180 2014-07-15
Store System\Store System\obj\Debug\Store_System.sell report.resources 180 2014-07-15
Store System\Store System\obj\Debug\Store_System.SellRep.resources 180 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\obj\Debug\TempPE 0 2016-06-27
Store System\Store System\obj\Debug\TempPE\Database1DataSet.Designer.cs.dll 9216 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\obj\Debug\TempPE\forushgahDataSet.Designer.cs.dll 9216 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\obj\Debug\TempPE\froushgahDataSet.Designer.cs.dll 102400 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\obj\Debug\TempPE\object list.Designer.cs.dll 7168 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\obj\Debug\TempPE\Properties.Resources.Designer.cs.dll 5632 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\obj\Debug\TempPE\request report.Designer.cs.dll 7168 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\obj\Debug\TempPE\sell report.Designer.cs.dll 7680 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\obj\Store System.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 5381 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\object list.cs 2342 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\object list.Designer.cs 5461 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\object list.resx 7711 2014-07-15
Store System\Store System\Program.cs 479 2014-07-15
Store System\Store System\Properties 0 2016-06-27
Store System\Store System\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs 1272 2014-07-15
Store System\Store System\Properties\Resources.Designer.cs 3392 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\Properties\Resources.resx 6479 2014-07-16
Store System\Store System\Properties\Settings.Designer.cs 2405 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\Properties\Settings.settings 1867 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\RepSell.cs 1211 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\RepSell.Designer.cs 6818 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\RepSell.resx 5814 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\ReqReport.cs 1998 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\ReqReport.Designer.cs 7668 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\ReqReport.resx 5814 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\request report.cs 2144 2014-07-16
Store System\Store System\request report.Designer.cs 5222 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\request report.resx 7527 2014-07-15
Store System\Store System\Resources 0 2016-06-27
Store System\Store System\Resources\1301218372_exit.png 11278 2014-07-16
Store System\Store System\Resources\Tornado Pic (30).jpg 336904 2014-07-16
Store System\Store System\sell report.cs 1364 2014-07-18
Store System\Store System\sell report.Designer.cs 5714 2014-07-18
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