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  • Update : 2018-02-21
  • Size : 175kb
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  • Author :Onb***
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Packet file list
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ReadMe.txt 4455 2004-07-06
SizeCBar\AutoHideBar.h 5195 2004-04-06
pCrystalEdit\cedefs.h 1215 1999-02-22
GridCtrl\CellRange.h 3686 1998-11-29
pCrystalEdit\CrystalEditView.h 4191 2004-07-08
pCrystalEdit\CrystalTextBuffer.h 8074 2004-07-05
pCrystalEdit\CrystalTextView.h 14450 2004-07-08
fDatabase\db_priv.h 3393 2004-08-03
DbDataView.h 2120 2004-08-02
DbTreeView.h 3358 2004-08-03
SizeCBar\DockPageBar.h 4862 2004-07-14
pCrystalEdit\EditCmd.h 4713 2004-07-05
pCrystalEdit\EditReg.h 1244 1999-02-22
pCrystalEdit\EditReplaceDlg.h 2421 2004-07-05
FieldDlg.h 1542 2004-07-30
pCrystalEdit\FindTextDlg.h 2116 2004-07-05
GridCtrl\GridCtrl.h 26877 2004-07-30
GridCtrl\GridDropTarget.h 1858 1998-08-06
GridCtrl\InPlaceEdit.h 2959 1999-04-11
GridCtrl\InPlaceList.h 3916 1998-08-06
KeyDlg.h 1397 2004-07-30
MainFrm.h 2111 2004-07-30
MiniDatabase.h 2271 2004-07-31
MiniDatabaseDoc.h 1915 2004-07-14
fDatabase\my_db.h 5945 2004-08-02
fDatabase\my_hash.h 1791 2004-07-15
fDatabase\my_strings.h 4047 2004-07-13
fDatabase\my_strto.h 3463 2004-07-13
fDatabase\my_sys.h 5407 2004-07-31
fDatabase\my_types.h 3506 2004-07-15
pCrystalEdit\resource.h 412 2004-07-08
Resource.h 2584 2004-08-03
SizeCBar\sizecbar.h 7960 2000-08-03
StdAfx.h 1427 2004-07-15
TableDlg.h 1285 2004-07-27
TextView.h 1948 2004-07-13
GridCtrl\TitleTip.h 1513 1999-04-10
fDatabase\my_array.c 5730 2004-07-26
fDatabase\my_db.c 71913 2004-08-13
fDatabase\my_hash.c 15611 2004-07-26
fDatabase\my_malloc.c 8895 2004-07-31
fDatabase\my_strings.c 27623 2004-07-15
SizeCBar\AutoHideBar.cpp 26279 2004-07-14
pCrystalEdit\CrystalEditView.cpp 29338 2004-07-08
pCrystalEdit\CrystalTextBuffer.cpp 33808 2004-07-05
pCrystalEdit\CrystalTextView.cpp 75304 2004-07-08
pCrystalEdit\CrystalTextView2.cpp 23504 2004-07-08
DbTreeView.cpp 25159 2004-08-03
SizeCBar\DockPageBar.cpp 33270 2004-07-21
pCrystalEdit\EditReplaceDlg.cpp 5327 2004-07-05
FDbDataView.cpp 10084 2004-08-02
FieldDlg.cpp 5274 2004-07-30
pCrystalEdit\FindTextDlg.cpp 2930 2004-07-05
GridCtrl\GridCtrl.cpp 173619 2004-08-02
GridCtrl\GridDropTarget.cpp 3626 1999-04-05
GridCtrl\InPlaceEdit.cpp 8071 1999-04-11
GridCtrl\InPlaceList.cpp 8886 1998-11-29
KeyDlg.cpp 3003 2004-07-30
MainFrm.cpp 9518 2004-07-31
MiniDatabase.cpp 9447 2004-07-29
MiniDatabaseDoc.cpp 2683 2004-07-14
SizeCBar\sizecbar.cpp 44667 2004-04-07
StdAfx.cpp 214 2004-07-06
TableDlg.cpp 2199 2004-07-30
TextView.cpp 7344 2004-07-13
GridCtrl\TitleTip.cpp 6800 2004-07-30
pCrystalEdit\mg_icons.bmp 1910 1999-02-07
res\Toolbar.bmp 1078 2004-07-06
res\tree_icon.bmp 502 2004-07-27
MiniDatabase.aps 50712 2004-08-03
MiniDatabase.clw 7433 2004-08-30
pCrystalEdit\mg_cur.cur 326 1998-11-03
68database.dat 659 2004-07-30
fDatabase\Database.dsp 3654 2004-07-15
MiniDatabase.dsp 8910 2004-07-30
MiniDatabase.dsw 751 2004-07-15
res\MiniDatabase.ico 1078 2004-07-06
res\MiniDatabaseDoc.ico 1078 2004-07-06
pCrystalEdit\CCrystalEditView.inl 1229 2004-07-05
pCrystalEdit\CCrystalTextBuffer.inl 835 2004-07-05
pCrystalEdit\CCrystalTextView.inl 833 2004-07-05
fDatabase\Database.plg 891 2006-03-13
MiniDatabase.plg 3970 2006-03-13
pCrystalEdit\EditRes.rc 9130 2004-07-15
pCrystalEdit\EditRes2.rc 8839 2004-07-08
MiniDatabase.rc 16952 2004-08-03
res\MiniDatabase.rc2 439 2004-07-08
fDatabase 0 2017-10-25
GridCtrl 0 2017-10-25
pCrystalEdit 0 2017-10-25
res 0 2017-10-25
SizeCBar 0 2017-10-25
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