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  • Category : Dialog_Window
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  • Update : 2018-02-21
  • Size : 771kb
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  • Author :frtz****
  • About : Nobody
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Packet file list
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XfCode\HrSys\ReadMe.txt 3561 2004-04-09
vG说明.txt 1292 2005-08-06
XfCode\HrSys\_recordset.h 3968 2004-04-09
XfCode\HrSys\ADOConn.h 1003 2004-04-07
XfCode\HrSys\adodc.h 3274 2004-04-09
XfCode\HrSys\ChangePwdDlg.h 1281 2004-04-25
XfCode\HrSys\CheckEditDlg.h 1869 2004-04-23
XfCode\HrSys\Checkin.h 1963 2004-04-14
XfCode\HrSys\CheckManDlg.h 1606 2004-04-24
XfCode\HrSys\column.h 2221 2004-04-09
XfCode\HrSys\columns.h 1293 2004-04-09
XfCode\HrSys\datacombo.h 3488 2004-04-18
XfCode\HrSys\dataformatdisp.h 1158 2004-04-09
XfCode\HrSys\datagrid.h 5333 2004-04-20
XfCode\HrSys\datalist.h 3247 2004-04-18
XfCode\HrSys\Departments.h 1488 2004-06-16
XfCode\HrSys\DepEditDlg.h 1378 2004-04-18
XfCode\HrSys\DepManDlg.h 1597 2004-04-18
XfCode\HrSys\DepSelDlg.h 1489 2004-04-20
XfCode\HrSys\EmpEditDlg.h 2111 2004-04-22
XfCode\HrSys\Employees.h 3007 2004-04-25
XfCode\HrSys\EmpManDlg.h 1874 2004-04-23
XfCode\HrSys\EmpSelDlg.h 1853 2004-04-19
XfCode\HrSys\EvaEditDlg.h 1354 2004-04-25
XfCode\HrSys\Evaluation.h 1422 2004-04-14
XfCode\HrSys\EvaManDlg.h 1574 2004-04-25
XfCode\HrSys\ExpEditDlg.h 1379 2004-04-23
XfCode\HrSys\Experience.h 1115 2004-04-13
XfCode\HrSys\ExpManDlg.h 1477 2004-04-23
XfCode\HrSys\Family.h 1135 2004-04-13
XfCode\HrSys\FamilyEditDlg.h 1504 2004-04-22
XfCode\HrSys\FamilyManDlg.h 1508 2004-04-22
XfCode\HrSys\field.h 2058 2004-04-09
XfCode\HrSys\fields.h 1444 2004-04-09
XfCode\HrSys\font.h 1042 2004-04-18
XfCode\HrSys\Global.h 532 2004-04-18
XfCode\HrSys\HrSys.h 1313 2004-04-09
XfCode\HrSys\HrSysDlg.h 1538 2004-04-25
XfCode\HrSys\LoginDlg.h 1192 2004-04-17
XfCode\HrSys\picture.h 867 2004-04-18
XfCode\HrSys\properties.h 1277 2004-04-09
XfCode\HrSys\property.h 1269 2004-04-09
XfCode\HrSys\resource.h 5819 2004-04-25
XfCode\HrSys\selbookmarks.h 1274 2004-04-09
XfCode\HrSys\split.h 2189 2004-04-09
XfCode\HrSys\splits.h 1281 2004-04-09
XfCode\HrSys\StdAfx.h 1077 2004-04-18
XfCode\HrSys\stddataformatsdisp.h 1450 2004-04-09
XfCode\HrSys\SumCheckDlg.h 1568 2004-04-25
XfCode\HrSys\TransferDlg.h 1293 2004-04-20
XfCode\HrSys\UserEditDlg.h 1289 2004-04-25
XfCode\HrSys\UserManDlg.h 1366 2004-04-25
XfCode\HrSys\Users.h 954 2004-04-25
XfCode\HrSys\_recordset.cpp 13529 2004-04-09
XfCode\HrSys\ADOConn.cpp 2418 2004-04-09
XfCode\HrSys\adodc.cpp 8341 2004-04-09
XfCode\HrSys\ChangePwdDlg.cpp 1858 2004-04-25
XfCode\HrSys\CheckEditDlg.cpp 3895 2004-04-23
XfCode\HrSys\Checkin.cpp 6631 2004-04-19
XfCode\HrSys\CheckManDlg.cpp 5120 2004-04-24
XfCode\HrSys\column.cpp 6108 2004-04-09
XfCode\HrSys\columns.cpp 1337 2004-04-09
XfCode\HrSys\datacombo.cpp 9746 2004-04-18
XfCode\HrSys\dataformatdisp.cpp 515 2004-04-09
XfCode\HrSys\datagrid.cpp 19256 2004-04-20
XfCode\HrSys\datalist.cpp 8422 2004-04-18
XfCode\HrSys\Departments.cpp 5456 2004-06-16
XfCode\HrSys\DepEditDlg.cpp 1906 2004-06-16
XfCode\HrSys\DepManDlg.cpp 5868 2004-04-18
XfCode\HrSys\DepSelDlg.cpp 3050 2004-04-20
XfCode\HrSys\EmpEditDlg.cpp 11283 2004-05-06
XfCode\HrSys\Employees.cpp 11586 2004-04-25
XfCode\HrSys\EmpManDlg.cpp 9674 2004-04-24
XfCode\HrSys\EmpSelDlg.cpp 4219 2004-04-19
XfCode\HrSys\EvaEditDlg.cpp 2109 2004-04-25
XfCode\HrSys\Evaluation.cpp 4308 2004-04-19
XfCode\HrSys\EvaManDlg.cpp 4513 2004-04-25
XfCode\HrSys\ExpEditDlg.cpp 1876 2004-04-23
XfCode\HrSys\Experience.cpp 3216 2004-04-13
XfCode\HrSys\ExpManDlg.cpp 3417 2004-04-23
XfCode\HrSys\Family.cpp 3196 2004-04-13
XfCode\HrSys\FamilyEditDlg.cpp 2280 2004-04-23
XfCode\HrSys\FamilyManDlg.cpp 3559 2004-04-22
XfCode\HrSys\field.cpp 3473 2004-04-09
XfCode\HrSys\fields.cpp 1849 2004-04-09
XfCode\HrSys\font.cpp 2098 2004-04-18
XfCode\HrSys\Global.cpp 565 2004-04-18
XfCode\HrSys\HrSys.cpp 2049 2004-04-09
XfCode\HrSys\HrSysDlg.cpp 5618 2004-04-25
XfCode\HrSys\LoginDlg.cpp 1488 2004-04-17
XfCode\HrSys\picture.cpp 1128 2004-04-18
XfCode\HrSys\properties.cpp 1070 2004-04-09
XfCode\HrSys\property.cpp 1458 2004-04-09
XfCode\HrSys\selbookmarks.cpp 1224 2004-04-09
XfCode\HrSys\split.cpp 5723 2004-04-09
XfCode\HrSys\splits.cpp 1325 2004-04-09
XfCode\HrSys\StdAfx.cpp 205 2004-04-18
XfCode\HrSys\stddataformatsdisp.cpp 1527 2004-04-09
XfCode\HrSys\SumCheckDlg.cpp 3209 2004-04-25
XfCode\HrSys\TransferDlg.cpp 1515 2004-04-20
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