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  • Category : Dialog_Window
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  • Update : 2018-02-23
  • Size : 178kb
  • Downloaded :0次
  • Author :njr***
  • About : Nobody
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Packet file list
(Preview for download)
ixqcode\ReadMe.txt 3561 2005-03-03
ixqcode\AppriseInfo.h 1332 2005-03-03
ixqcode\AppriseSet.h 1325 2005-03-03
ixqcode\BookInfo.h 1329 2005-03-03
ixqcode\BookSet.h 1383 2005-03-03
ixqcode\CourseInfo.h 1451 2005-03-03
ixqcode\CourseSet.h 1498 2005-03-03
ixqcode\DeptInfo.h 1293 2005-03-03
ixqcode\DeptSet.h 1315 2005-03-03
ixqcode\DIALOG_APPISE.h 1399 2005-03-03
ixqcode\DIALOG_BOOK.h 1429 2005-03-03
ixqcode\DIALOG_JOB.h 1411 2005-03-03
ixqcode\DIALOG_MODPSWD.h 1317 2005-03-03
ixqcode\DIALOG_PERSONNEL.h 2001 2005-03-03
ixqcode\DIALOG_PLAN.h 1357 2005-03-03
ixqcode\DIALOG_RESOURCE.h 1396 2005-03-03
ixqcode\DIALOG_TEACHER.h 1385 2005-03-03
ixqcode\DIALOG_TRAINCOURSE.h 1452 2005-03-03
ixqcode\JobInfo.h 1264 2005-03-03
ixqcode\JobSet.h 1276 2005-03-03
ixqcode\LoginSet.h 1278 2005-03-03
ixqcode\MainDlg.h 1467 2005-03-03
ixqcode\PersonNeedSet.h 1326 2005-03-03
ixqcode\PersonnelInfo.h 1660 2005-03-03
ixqcode\PersonnelNeed.h 1350 2005-03-03
ixqcode\PersonnelPlan.h 1396 2005-03-03
ixqcode\PersonPlanSet.h 1378 2005-03-03
ixqcode\PersonSet.h 1681 2005-03-03
ixqcode\Resource.h 4987 2005-03-03
ixqcode\ResourceInfo.h 1357 2005-03-03
ixqcode\ResourceSet.h 1418 2005-03-03
ixqcode\ScoreInfo.h 1417 2005-03-03
ixqcode\ScoreSet.h 1407 2005-03-03
ixqcode\StdAfx.h 1104 2005-03-03
ixqcode\TeacherInfo.h 1352 2005-03-03
ixqcode\TeacherSet.h 1387 2005-03-03
ixqcode\train.h 1313 2005-03-03
ixqcode\trainDlg.h 1394 2005-03-03
ixqcode\TrainPlanInfo.h 1399 2005-03-03
ixqcode\TrainPlanSet.h 1428 2005-03-03
ixqcode\AppriseInfo.cpp 1746 2005-03-03
ixqcode\AppriseSet.cpp 1364 2005-03-03
ixqcode\BookInfo.cpp 2167 2005-03-03
ixqcode\BookSet.cpp 1625 2005-03-03
ixqcode\CourseInfo.cpp 2661 2005-03-03
ixqcode\CourseSet.cpp 1961 2005-03-03
ixqcode\DeptInfo.cpp 1959 2005-03-03
ixqcode\DeptSet.cpp 1406 2005-03-03
ixqcode\DIALOG_APPISE.cpp 3521 2005-03-03
ixqcode\DIALOG_BOOK.cpp 5925 2005-03-03
ixqcode\DIALOG_JOB.cpp 5850 2005-03-03
ixqcode\DIALOG_MODPSWD.cpp 2130 2005-03-03
ixqcode\DIALOG_PERSONNEL.cpp 16881 2005-03-03
ixqcode\DIALOG_PLAN.cpp 4077 2005-03-03
ixqcode\DIALOG_RESOURCE.cpp 4009 2005-03-03
ixqcode\DIALOG_TEACHER.cpp 3862 2005-03-03
ixqcode\DIALOG_TRAINCOURSE.cpp 5528 2005-03-03
ixqcode\JobInfo.cpp 1878 2005-03-03
ixqcode\JobSet.cpp 1291 2005-03-03
ixqcode\LoginSet.cpp 1264 2005-03-03
ixqcode\MainDlg.cpp 3130 2005-03-03
ixqcode\PersonNeedSet.cpp 1337 2005-03-03
ixqcode\PersonnelInfo.cpp 3689 2005-03-03
ixqcode\PersonnelNeed.cpp 1651 2005-03-03
ixqcode\PersonnelPlan.cpp 1996 2005-03-03
ixqcode\PersonPlanSet.cpp 1453 2005-03-03
ixqcode\PersonSet.cpp 2470 2005-03-03
ixqcode\ResourceInfo.cpp 2193 2005-03-03
ixqcode\ResourceSet.cpp 1666 2005-03-03
ixqcode\ScoreInfo.cpp 2298 2005-03-03
ixqcode\ScoreSet.cpp 1681 2005-03-03
ixqcode\StdAfx.cpp 207 2005-03-03
ixqcode\TeacherInfo.cpp 2211 2005-03-03
ixqcode\TeacherSet.cpp 1546 2005-03-03
ixqcode\train.cpp 2070 2005-03-03
ixqcode\trainDlg.cpp 5000 2005-03-03
ixqcode\TrainPlanInfo.cpp 2148 2005-03-03
ixqcode\TrainPlanSet.cpp 1632 2005-03-03
ixqcode\train.aps 42780 2005-03-03
ixqcode\train.clw 23426 2005-03-03
ixqcode\res\Thumbs.db 3072 2005-03-03
ixqcode\train.dsp 8818 2005-03-03
ixqcode\train.dsw 535 2005-03-03
ixqcode\res\train.ico 1078 2005-03-03
NC6train.mdb 696320 2005-03-03
ixqcode\train.ncb 1098752 2005-03-03
ixqcode\train.opt 57856 2005-03-03
ixqcode\train.plg 1762 2005-03-03
ixqcode\train.rc 31143 2005-03-03
ixqcode\res\train.rc2 397 2005-03-03
ixqcode\Release 0 2005-12-19
ixqcode\res 0 2017-10-25
ixqcode 0 2017-10-25
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