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  • Category : Graph program
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  • Update : 2018-02-27
  • Size : 1.77mb
  • Downloaded :0次
  • Author :zhe****
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Wavelet transform, double tree complex wavelet, wavelet and complex wavelet image deniosing
Packet file list
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allcode 0 2010-02-09
allcode\.DS_Store 6148 2010-02-09
__MACOSX 0 2010-02-09
__MACOSX\allcode 0 2010-02-09
__MACOSX\allcode\._.DS_Store 82 2010-02-09
allcode\afb.m 886 2003-07-17
allcode\afb2D.m 870 2003-07-17
allcode\afb2D_A.m 957 2003-07-17
allcode\afb3D.m 2569 2003-07-17
allcode\AntonB.m 1690 2003-07-17
allcode\barbara 262144 2003-07-17
allcode\bishrink.m 362 2003-07-17
allcode\boat 262144 2003-07-17
allcode\cden2.m 260 2003-07-17
allcode\cplxdual2D.m 1243 2003-07-17
allcode\cplxdual2D_plots.m 795 2003-07-17
allcode\cplxdual3D.m 1476 2003-07-17
allcode\cplxdual3D_plots.m 2011 2003-07-17
allcode\cshift.m 361 2003-07-17
allcode\cshift2D.m 365 2003-07-17
allcode\cshift3D.m 601 2003-07-17
allcode\den2.m 258 2003-07-17
allcode\den3.m 985 2003-07-17
allcode\denC2D.m 621 2003-07-17
allcode\denoising_dtdwt.m 2366 2003-07-17
allcode\denoising_dwt.m 1398 2003-07-17
allcode\denR2D.m 498 2003-07-17
allcode\denS2D.m 376 2003-07-17
allcode\dualfilt1.m 1519 2003-07-17
allcode\dualtree.m 1058 2003-07-17
allcode\dualtree2D.m 1283 2003-07-17
allcode\dualtree2D_plots.m 468 2003-07-17
allcode\dualtree3D.m 1174 2003-07-17
allcode\dualtree3D_plots.m 759 2003-07-17
allcode\dualtree_eg1.m 715 2010-02-09
allcode\dualtree_eg1_makeFigure.m 687 2010-02-09
allcode\dwt.m 704 2003-07-17
allcode\dwt2D.m 628 2003-07-17
allcode\dwt2D_plots.m 325 2003-07-17
allcode\dwt3D.m 629 2003-07-17
allcode\dwt3D_plots.m 689 2003-07-17
allcode\expand.m 156 2003-07-17
allcode\farras.m 959 2003-07-17
allcode\figures 0 2010-02-09
allcode\figures\.DS_Store 6148 2010-02-09
__MACOSX\allcode\figures 0 2010-02-09
__MACOSX\allcode\figures\._.DS_Store 82 2010-02-09
allcode\figures\dualtree_eg1_figure.eps 12326 2010-02-09
allcode\figures\dualtree_eg1_figure.png 38496 2010-02-09
__MACOSX\allcode\figures\._dualtree_eg1_figure.png 82 2010-02-09
allcode\FSfarras.m 1243 2003-07-17
allcode\icplxdual2D.m 928 2003-07-17
allcode\icplxdual3D.m 1193 2003-07-17
allcode\idualtree.m 682 2003-07-17
allcode\idualtree2D.m 865 2003-07-17
allcode\idualtree3D.m 1000 2003-07-17
allcode\idwt.m 405 2003-07-17
allcode\idwt2D.m 405 2003-07-17
allcode\idwt3D.m 411 2003-07-17
allcode\lena 262144 2003-07-17
allcode\main_dtdwt.m 514 2003-07-17
allcode\main_dwt.m 532 2003-07-17
allcode\nor_dualtree.mat 6800 2003-07-17
allcode\normaliz_coefcalc_dual_tree.m 495 2003-07-17
allcode\NORMCOEF.M 210 2003-07-17
allcode\plotwav1D.m 514 2003-07-17
allcode\pm.m 135 2003-07-17
allcode\pm4.m 270 2003-07-17
allcode\pm4inv.m 277 2003-07-17
allcode\rden2.m 263 2003-07-17
allcode\sfb.m 613 2003-07-17
allcode\sfb2D.m 570 2003-07-17
allcode\sfb2D_A.m 514 2003-07-17
allcode\sfb3D.m 1567 2003-07-17
allcode\soft.m 68 2003-07-17
allcode\st.tif 793510 2003-07-17
allcode\symextend.m 176 2003-07-17
allcode\tee.mat 1017784 2003-07-17
allcode\unnormcoef.m 210 2003-07-17
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  • We are an exchange download platform that only provides communication channels. The downloaded content comes from the internet. Except for download issues, please Google on your own.
  • The downloaded content is provided for members to upload. If it unintentionally infringes on your copyright, please contact us.
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