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  • Category : OpenGL program
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  • Update : 2018-03-04
  • Size : 6.8mb
  • Downloaded :0次
  • Author :Yan***
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
In the OpenGL environment, read the 3D point cloud, and at any angle the mouse can box the point cloud.
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
OpenGL-3D框选\Debug\MainFrm.obj 20064 2012-06-05
OpenGL-3D框选\Debug\MainFrm.sbr 0 2012-06-05
OpenGL-3D框选\Debug\PtLoad.obj 20011 2012-06-05
OpenGL-3D框选\Debug\PtLoad.sbr 0 2012-06-05
OpenGL-3D框选\Debug\StdAfx.obj 107473 2012-06-05
OpenGL-3D框选\Debug\StdAfx.sbr 1417321 2012-06-05
OpenGL-3D框选\Debug\vc60.idb 222208 2012-06-05
OpenGL-3D框选\Debug\vc60.pdb 389120 2012-06-05
OpenGL-3D框选\Debug\点云显示.bsc 5547008 2012-06-05
OpenGL-3D框选\Debug\点云显示.exe 139322 2012-06-05
OpenGL-3D框选\Debug\点云显示.ilk 407156 2012-06-05
OpenGL-3D框选\Debug\点云显示.obj 22970 2012-06-05
OpenGL-3D框选\Debug\点云显示.pch 7284756 2012-06-05
OpenGL-3D框选\Debug\点云显示.pdb 525312 2012-06-05
OpenGL-3D框选\Debug\点云显示.res 7848 2012-06-05
OpenGL-3D框选\Debug\点云显示.sbr 0 2012-06-05
OpenGL-3D框选\Debug\点云显示Doc.obj 14705 2012-06-05
OpenGL-3D框选\Debug\点云显示Doc.sbr 0 2012-06-05
OpenGL-3D框选\Debug\点云显示View.obj 49705 2012-06-05
OpenGL-3D框选\Debug\点云显示View.sbr 0 2012-06-05
OpenGL-3D框选\MainFrm.cpp 2509 2012-06-04
OpenGL-3D框选\MainFrm.h 1581 2012-06-04
OpenGL-3D框选\PtLoad.cpp 3510 2012-06-05
OpenGL-3D框选\PtLoad.h 1499 2012-06-05
OpenGL-3D框选\ReadMe.txt 4317 2012-06-04
OpenGL-3D框选\Release\MainFrm.obj 12896 2014-04-04
OpenGL-3D框选\Release\PtLoad.obj 14014 2014-04-04
OpenGL-3D框选\Release\StdAfx.obj 878 2014-04-04
OpenGL-3D框选\Release\vc60.idb 58368 2014-04-05
OpenGL-3D框选\Release\测试文件.txt 6122028 2014-04-04
OpenGL-3D框选\Release\点云显示.exe 40960 2014-04-05
OpenGL-3D框选\Release\点云显示.obj 16210 2014-04-04
OpenGL-3D框选\Release\点云显示.pch 5826172 2014-04-04
OpenGL-3D框选\Release\点云显示.res 7848 2014-04-05
OpenGL-3D框选\Release\点云显示Doc.obj 9604 2014-04-04
OpenGL-3D框选\Release\点云显示View.obj 25437 2014-04-05
OpenGL-3D框选\res\Toolbar.bmp 1318 2014-04-05
OpenGL-3D框选\res\点云显示.ico 1078 2012-06-04
OpenGL-3D框选\res\点云显示.rc2 400 2012-06-04
OpenGL-3D框选\res\点云显示Doc.ico 1078 2012-06-04
OpenGL-3D框选\resource.h 826 2012-06-05
OpenGL-3D框选\StdAfx.cpp 210 2012-06-04
OpenGL-3D框选\StdAfx.h 1144 2012-06-04
OpenGL-3D框选\使用.txt 92 2012-06-06
OpenGL-3D框选\点云显示.aps 45172 2014-04-05
OpenGL-3D框选\点云显示.clw 2862 2014-04-05
OpenGL-3D框选\点云显示.cpp 4161 2012-06-04
OpenGL-3D框选\点云显示.dsp 4814 2012-06-05
OpenGL-3D框选\点云显示.dsw 541 2012-06-04
OpenGL-3D框选\点云显示.h 1324 2012-06-04
OpenGL-3D框选\点云显示.ncb 123904 2014-04-05
OpenGL-3D框选\点云显示.opt 893952 2014-04-05
OpenGL-3D框选\点云显示.plg 1186 2014-04-05
OpenGL-3D框选\点云显示.rc 12561 2014-04-05
OpenGL-3D框选\点云显示Doc.cpp 1681 2014-04-04
OpenGL-3D框选\点云显示Doc.h 1316 2014-04-04
OpenGL-3D框选\点云显示View.cpp 13729 2014-04-05
OpenGL-3D框选\点云显示View.h 2840 2014-04-05
OpenGL-3D框选\Debug 0 2014-06-11
OpenGL-3D框选\Release 0 2018-03-04
OpenGL-3D框选\res 0 2014-06-11
OpenGL-3D框选 0 2014-06-11
OpenGL-3D框选\Release\新建位图图像.bmp 2389882 2018-03-04
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