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  • Category : OA
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  • Update : 2018-03-04
  • Size : 1.8mb
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  • Author :程先生****
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Sleep pig OA office system The OA office software system developed by ASP. 1, COOKIES, SESSION records user data, so that the browser that does not support COOKIESE automatically selects SESSION to record user data 2, free, open source, extraordinary access speed and powerful load capacity. Sleep pig studio network office system has always insisted on a free + open source strategy, relying on the quality of service, project management method based on universal, modular, unified and efficient kernel compilation mode 3, careful security deployment and attack protection. The original user login mechanism keeps users from different places' safe login, identifies different kinds of browsing ways and gives different security protection and processing, and grasps and manages the global operation log, so that you can keep track of the operation of the forum at any time.
Packet file list
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HXPublicAffairs\bookapply.asp 2641 2008-03-10
HXPublicAffairs\Bookdetail.asp 2874 2008-03-10
HXPublicAffairs\bookdoapply.asp 3905 2008-03-10
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HXPublicAffairs\booksmanage.asp 5633 2008-03-10
HXPublicAffairs\booksview.asp 4442 2008-03-10
HXPublicAffairs\caradd.asp 1988 2008-03-10
HXPublicAffairs\carapply.asp 3932 2008-03-10
HXPublicAffairs\CarAudmit.asp 5985 2008-03-10
HXPublicAffairs\carlist.asp 4005 2008-03-10
HXPublicAffairs\carmanage.asp 3992 2008-03-10
HXPublicAffairs\carmodify.asp 3322 2008-03-10
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HXPublicAffairs\officeadd.asp 5002 2008-03-10
HXPublicAffairs\OfficeEidt.asp 6664 2008-03-10
HXPublicAffairs\officelist.asp 5161 2008-03-10
HXPublicAffairs\OfficeUseed.asp 12002 2008-03-10
HXPublicAffairs\OfficeView.asp 4865 2008-03-10
HXPublicAffairs\orderlist.asp 3635 2008-03-10
HXPublicAffairs\propertyadd.asp 6681 2014-04-28
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HXPublicAffairs\propertymanage.asp 3748 2008-03-10
HXPublicAffairs\propertymodify.asp 7364 2014-04-28
HXPublicAffairs\returnmodify.asp 3216 2008-03-10
HXPublicAffairs\searchdocument.asp 1972 2008-03-10
HXPublicAffairs\searchproperty.asp 84 2006-04-19
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HXPublicAffairs\viewdocument.asp 1852 2008-03-10
HXSaleManage\CustomConnectCreate.asp 3543 2008-03-10
HXSaleManage\CustomConnectManage.asp 3789 2008-03-10
HXSaleManage\CustomConnectModify.asp 3819 2008-03-10
HXSaleManage\CustomContactCreate.asp 4641 2008-03-10
HXSaleManage\CustomContactManage.asp 4603 2008-03-10
HXSaleManage\CustomContactModify.asp 5193 2008-03-10
HXSaleManage\CustomInfoCreate.asp 5546 2008-03-10
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HXSaleManage\CustomModify.asp 6172 2008-03-10
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HXSaleManage\ProductCreate.asp 4033 2008-03-10
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HXSaleManage\ProductSaleModify.asp 6120 2008-03-10
HXSaleManage\ProductSaleRecord.asp 4106 2008-03-10
HXSaleManage\ProductSaleRecordCreate.asp 5197 2008-03-10
HXSaleManage\ProductSearch.asp 2627 2008-03-10
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HXSYSTEMSET\lawruleview.asp 2977 2008-03-10
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HXSYSTEMSET\MemberPrivManage.asp 35188 2014-05-21
HXSYSTEMSET\Module.asp 3516 2008-03-10
HXSYSTEMSET\netvoteinfo.asp 22950 2008-03-10
HXSYSTEMSET\NotifyAdd.asp 3298 2008-03-10
HXSYSTEMSET\OAInterFaceSet.asp 2924 2008-03-10
HXSYSTEMSET\operation.asp 3322 2008-03-10
HXSYSTEMSET\readtalker.asp 4687 2008-03-10
HXSYSTEMSET\SaveInterFaceSet.asp 2403 2006-05-03
HXSYSTEMSET\selecttime.htm 5892 2006-03-30
HXSYSTEMSET\SystemInterviewControl.asp 3837 2008-03-10
HXSYSTEMSET\telsearch.asp 4342 2008-03-10
HXSYSTEMSET\telsearchadd.asp 2662 2008-03-10
HXSYSTEMSET\telsearchedit.asp 3204 2008-03-10
HXSYSTEMSET\WebOAconfig.asp 6370 2008-03-10
HXSYSTEMSET\weburlsearch.asp 4840 2008-03-10
HXSYSTEMSET\weburlsearchadd.asp 3106 2008-03-10
HXSYSTEMSET\weburlsearchedit.asp 3723 2008-03-10
HXSYSTEMSET\WorkFlowAddtype.asp 2379 2008-03-10
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