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  • Category : Dialog_Window
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  • Update : 2018-03-04
  • Size : 779kb
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  • Author :uxptc%2*******
  • About : Nobody
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Packet file list
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readme.htm 223 2004-10-04
readme.txt 2474 2004-10-04
8doc\bugs.txt 1523 2002-05-28
4exe\log.txt 99 2005-03-27
8doc\NetTalk技术参数.txt 816 2005-02-14 2916 2004-10-04
8doc\update.txt 169 2002-05-28
8doc\结构.txt 1580 2002-05-28
8doc\特点和存在问题.txt 1932 2002-05-28
4exe\help\copyright.htm 759 2002-05-12
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4exe\help\faq.htm 2191 2002-05-12
4exe\help\help.htm 693 2002-05-12
4exe\help\left.htm 2373 2002-05-12
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4exe\help\tstyle\s1.css 888 2002-05-09
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project\include\AudioRec.h 849 2002-05-12
project\include\AVFile.h 1339 2002-05-09
project\include\AVIOMgr.h 8294 2002-05-12
project\include\CmdMgr.h 849 2002-05-09
project\include\CodecMgr.h 1333 2002-05-09
project\include\Common.h 717 2002-05-09
project\include\CoolBtn.h 996 2002-05-09
project\include\DataBase.h 411 2002-05-09
project\include\ddutil.h 1040 2002-05-09
project\include\G729a.h 1261 2002-05-09
project\include\GDIX.H 1551 2002-05-09
project\include\GraphDlg.h 1088 2002-05-09
project\include\Hash.h 1277 2002-05-09
project\include\IVolume.h 834 2002-05-09
project\include\Main.h 5002 2002-05-09
project\include\MsgBox.h 975 2002-05-09
project\include\MsgTalk.h 1175 2002-05-09
project\include\NewMsgBox.h 1168 2002-05-09
project\Main\res\resource.h 10334 2002-05-12
project\include\RippleWnd.h 1299 2002-05-09
project\include\SlideBar.h 899 2002-05-09
project\include\Splash.h 649 2002-05-09
project\include\TrayNotify.h 2280 2002-05-09
project\include\UDPSocket.h 1729 2002-05-09
project\include\VideoCapture.h 854 2002-05-09
project\include\VideoWnd.h 1500 2002-05-12
project\include\VolumeCtrl.h 764 2002-05-09
project\include\VolumeInXXX.h 2291 2002-05-09
project\include\VolumeOutMaster.h 1845 2002-05-09
project\include\VolumeOutWave.h 1827 2002-05-09
project\include\wavein.h 1409 2002-05-12
project\include\WaveOut.h 1160 2002-05-09
project\include\WaveShow.h 1588 2002-05-09
project\include\WndX.h 8369 2002-05-09
project\UI\AddrBook.cpp 6446 2002-05-09
project\AVIO\AudioPlay.cpp 1928 2002-05-09
project\AVIO\AudioRec.cpp 2985 2002-05-09
project\AVIO\AVIOMgr.cpp 28653 2002-05-12
project\Codec\CodecMgr.cpp 5034 2002-05-11
project\UI\CoolBtn.cpp 5440 2002-05-09
project\UI\ddutil.cpp 8163 2002-05-09
project\WndX\GDIX.CPP 6912 2002-05-09
project\UI\GraphDlg.cpp 7193 2002-05-09
project\WndX\Hash.cpp 3632 2002-05-09
project\Main\Main.cpp 50570 2002-05-12
project\UI\MsgBox.cpp 6524 2002-05-09
project\UI\MsgTalk.cpp 6416 2002-05-09
project\UI\NewMsgBox.cpp 3977 2002-05-09
project\UI\RippleWnd.cpp 7364 2002-05-09
project\UI\SlideBar.cpp 4626 2002-05-09
project\UI\Splash.cpp 1770 2002-05-09
project\WndX\TrayNotify.cpp 4735 2002-05-09
project\WndX\UDPSocket.cpp 5779 2002-05-09
project\AVIO\VideoCapture.cpp 3378 2002-05-28
project\UI\VideoWnd.cpp 15638 2002-05-12
project\AVIO\VolumeCtrl.cpp 3309 2002-05-09
project\Mixer\VolumeInXXX.cpp 17675 2002-05-09
project\Mixer\VolumeOutMaster.cpp 14911 2002-05-09
project\Mixer\VolumeOutWave.cpp 14447 2002-05-09
project\AVIO\wavein.cpp 2714 2002-05-09
project\AVIO\WaveOut.cpp 2731 2002-05-09
project\AVIO\WaveShow.cpp 6433 2002-05-09
project\WndX\WndX.cpp 14176 2002-05-09
4exe\NetTalk.exe 651264 2002-05-28
project\prj\G729a.lib 96396 2002-05-09
8doc\1.bmp 389590 2002-05-28
4exe\photos\12_21_58_250.bmp 202818 2005-02-14
4exe\photos\12_21_59_671.bmp 202818 2005-02-14
4exe\photos\12_22_0_281.bmp 202818 2005-02-14
4exe\photos\12_24_10_187.bmp 202818 2005-02-14
4exe\photos\12_24_20_250.bmp 202818 2005-02-14
4exe\photos\12_24_22_109.bmp 202818 2005-02-14
4exe\photos\12_24_24_781.bmp 202818 2005-02-14
4exe\photos\12_24_4_937.bmp 202818 2005-02-14
4exe\photos\12_26_27_218.bmp 202818 2005-02-14
8doc\2.bmp 697270 2002-05-28
project\Main\res\about1.bmp 1210 2002-05-09
project\Main\res\about2.bmp 1210 2002-05-09
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