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  • Update : 2018-03-08
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Emd decomposition of the data can be adaptive to get the corresponding modal components
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EMD 0 2018-03-06
EMD\ARMA模型时序法模态参数识别.txt 5299 2013-06-17
EMD\HHT.m 1741 2013-12-04
EMD\NEXT法模态参数识别预处理.txt 1144 2013-06-17
EMD\STD法模态参数识别.txt 5750 2013-06-17
EMD\addtag.m 791 2013-12-04
EMD\boundary_conditions_emd.m 3546 2013-12-04
EMD\ceemd.m 2018 2013-12-04
EMD\ceemd3.m 686 2013-10-17
EMD\cemd_disp.m 2547 2013-12-04
EMD\cemd_visu.m 2823 2013-12-04
EMD\cemdc.m 2354 2013-12-04
EMD\cemdc2.m 2362 2013-12-04
EMD\cemdc2_fix.m 2312 2013-12-04
EMD\cemdc_fix.m 2305 2013-12-04
EMD\cenvelope.m 2053 2013-12-04
EMD\dirstretch.m 1248 2013-12-04
EMD\disp_hhs.m 1583 2013-12-04
EMD\dist_value.m 854 2013-12-04
EMD\eemd.m 2018 2013-03-30
EMD\emd.m 22973 2017-10-17
EMD\emd_local.m 9897 2012-09-14
EMD\emd_online.m 26315 2012-09-14
EMD\emd_visu.m 3215 2013-08-05
EMD\emdc.m 2280 2013-12-04
EMD\emdc_fix.m 2141 2013-12-04
EMD\extr.m 1938 2013-12-04
EMD\extrema.m 2187 2013-12-04
EMD\fftfenxi1.m 740 2013-12-04
EMD\findtag.m 1044 2013-12-04
EMD\hastag.m 659 2013-12-04
EMD\hhspectrum.m 1445 2013-12-04
EMD\hilbert.m 2228 2013-12-04
EMD\ifndq.m 1825 2013-12-04
EMD\index_emd.m 4483 2013-12-04
EMD\install_emd.m 1274 2013-12-04
EMD\instfreq.m 3226 2013-12-04
EMD\io.m 504 2013-12-04
EMD\make_emdc.m 644 2013-12-04
EMD\monixinhao.m 1032 2013-12-04
EMD\normalization.m 578 2013-12-04
EMD\pec.m 1066 2013-12-04
EMD\pinpu.m 550 2013-12-13
EMD\plot3c.m 798 2013-12-04
EMD\plot_hht_3d.m 888 2013-12-04
EMD\plotc.m 3243 2013-12-04
EMD\rmtag.m 820 2013-12-04
EMD\shunshipinlv.m 1423 2013-12-04
EMD\significance.m 2945 2013-12-04
EMD\toimage.m 3006 2013-12-04
EMD\uninstall_emd.m 2128 2013-12-04
EMD\三分之一倍频程处理.txt 1675 2013-06-17
EMD\五点三次法平滑处理(时域和频域).txt 2287 2013-06-17
EMD\五点滑动平均法平滑处理.txt 1653 2013-06-17
EMD\倒频谱函数.txt 944 2013-06-17
EMD\加权最小二乘法模态参数识别.txt 4800 2013-06-17
EMD\地震信号加速度反应谱.txt 1483 2013-06-17
EMD\复指数法模态参数识别.txt 5470 2013-06-17
EMD\多带FIR滤波器滤波.txt 1868 2013-06-17
EMD\导纳圆法模态参数识别.txt 5937 2013-06-17
EMD\最小二乘法模态参数识别.txt 2757 2013-06-17
EMD\最小二乘法消除多项式趋势项.txt 1565 2013-06-17
EMD\有理分式多项式法模态参数识别.txt 1943 2013-06-17
EMD\正交多项式法模态参数识别.txt 3671 2013-06-17
EMD\滑动平均法消除趋势项.txt 1427 2013-06-17
EMD\生成加速度人工地震波.txt 5160 2013-06-17
EMD\生成扫频信号.txt 1668 2013-06-17
EMD\生成拍波信号.txt 1401 2013-06-17
EMD\生成白噪声信号.txt 2019 2013-06-17
EMD\相关函数.txt 1203 2013-06-17
EMD\窗函数(MATLAB中没有这些窗函数).txt 979 2013-06-17
EMD\细化FFT.txt 2233 2013-06-17
EMD\运用完全设计法的IIR滤波器滤波.txt 2450 2013-06-17
EMD\随机信号谱分析.txt 2006 2013-06-17
EMD\随机减量法模态参数识别预处理.txt 1118 2013-06-17
EMD\频域低通和带通滤波.txt 2121 2013-06-17
EMD\频域微分.txt 2639 2013-06-17
EMD\频域积分.txt 2676 2013-06-17
EMD\频域高通和带阻滤波.txt 1799 2013-06-17
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