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  • Update : 2018-03-11
  • Size : 784kb
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Packet file list
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新建 文本文档.txt 121 2005-08-16
db\DBDWORK.INI 2 2002-12-18
project1.exe 1860608 2002-12-18
About.~ddp 33 2002-12-18
cover.~ddp 51 2002-12-18
Data.~ddp 51 2002-12-18
Decision.~ddp 51 2002-12-18
EmpInfoManage.~ddp 51 2002-12-18
InfoReport.~ddp 51 2002-12-18
InfoSearch.~ddp 51 2002-12-18
Main.~ddp 51 2002-12-18
modify.~ddp 51 2002-12-18
Photo.~ddp 51 2002-12-18
About.~dfm 11079 2002-12-18
cover.~dfm 8318 2002-12-18
Data.~dfm 9877 2002-12-18
Decision.~dfm 12226 2002-12-18
EmpInfoManage.~dfm 41963 2002-12-18
InfoReport.~dfm 2428 2002-12-18
InfoSearch.~dfm 44211 2002-12-18
Main.~dfm 5193 2002-12-18
modify.~dfm 7665 2002-12-18
Photo.~dfm 10913 2002-12-18
project1.~dpr 1180 2002-12-18
About.~pas 1420 2002-12-18
cover.~pas 1949 2002-12-18
Data.~pas 3594 2002-12-18
Decision.~pas 5668 2002-12-18
EmpInfoManage.~pas 4908 2002-12-18
InfoReport.~pas 1949 2002-12-18
InfoSearch.~pas 8919 2002-12-18
Main.~pas 4801 2002-12-18
modify.~pas 2969 2002-12-18
Photo.~pas 2653 2002-12-18
project1.cfg 434 2002-12-18
db\Achievement.DB 4096 2002-12-18
db\Contract.DB 4096 2002-12-18
db\Edu.DB 4096 2002-12-18
db\JobExp.DB 4096 2002-12-18
db\Password.db 4096 2002-12-18
db\Person.DB 14336 2002-12-18
db\Photo.DB 4096 2002-12-18
cover.dcu 5965 2002-12-18
Data.dcu 6173 2002-12-18
Decision.dcu 10681 2002-12-18
EmpInfoManage.dcu 10126 2002-12-18
InfoReport.dcu 5997 2002-12-18
InfoSearch.dcu 15722 2002-12-18
Main.dcu 9177 2002-12-18
modify.dcu 5895 2002-12-18
Photo.dcu 7165 2002-12-18
S6About.dcu 5060 2002-12-18
About.ddp 33 2002-12-18
cover.ddp 51 2005-08-23
Data.ddp 51 2002-12-18
Decision.ddp 51 2002-12-18
EmpInfoManage.ddp 51 2002-12-18
InfoReport.ddp 51 2002-12-18
InfoSearch.ddp 51 2002-12-18
Main.ddp 51 2002-12-18
modify.ddp 51 2002-12-18
Photo.ddp 51 2002-12-18
About.dfm 11079 2002-12-18
cover.dfm 8318 2005-08-23
Data.dfm 9895 2002-12-18
Decision.dfm 12229 2002-12-18
EmpInfoManage.dfm 41963 2002-12-18
InfoReport.dfm 2424 2002-12-18
InfoSearch.dfm 44210 2002-12-18
Main.dfm 5193 2002-12-18
modify.dfm 7665 2002-12-18
Photo.dfm 10913 2002-12-18
project1.dof 2543 2002-12-18
project1.dpr 1180 2002-12-18
db\Achievement.FAM 423 2002-12-18
db\Person.FAM 423 2002-12-18
yours.ico 766 2002-12-18
db\Photo.MB 974848 2002-12-18
db\User.mdb 139264 2002-12-18
About.pas 1403 2002-12-18
cover.pas 1949 2002-12-18
Data.pas 3594 2002-12-18
Decision.pas 5668 2002-12-18
EmpInfoManage.pas 4470 2002-12-18
InfoReport.pas 1949 2002-12-18
InfoSearch.pas 8919 2002-12-18
Main.pas 4801 2002-12-18
modify.pas 2052 2002-12-18
Photo.pas 2628 2002-12-18
db\Achievement.PX 4096 2002-12-18
db\Contract.PX 4096 2002-12-18
db\Edu.PX 4096 2002-12-18
db\JobExp.PX 4096 2002-12-18
db\Password.PX 4096 2002-12-18
db\Person.PX 4096 2002-12-18
db\Photo.PX 4096 2002-12-18
RavData.rav 4741 2002-12-18
RavePhoto.rav 2156 2002-12-18
project1.res 876 2002-12-18
db\Achievement.TV 2479 2002-12-18
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