Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Embedded Operating System EOS (Embedded OperatingSystem) is a widely used system software, it is mainly used in industrial control and defense systems. EOS is responsible for all the embedded systems software and hardware resource allocation, scheduling work, control the coordination of concurrent activities it must embody the characteristics of their systems, able to handling systems of certain modules to achieve the required functions. This example is given EOS in InfineonXC167CI processors realize the above example.
Packet : filelist
EOS 2.1/
EOS 2.1/EOS 2.1/
EOS 2.1/EOS 2.1/EOS/
EOS 2.1/EOS 2.1/EOS/co-kc166xc.lnt
EOS 2.1/EOS 2.1/EOS/EOS.Opt
EOS 2.1/EOS 2.1/EOS/EOS.Uv2
EOS 2.1/EOS 2.1/EOS/EOS_Opt.Bak
EOS 2.1/EOS 2.1/EOS/EOS_Uv2.Bak
EOS 2.1/EOS 2.1/EOS/general_definitions.c
EOS 2.1/EOS 2.1/EOS/general_definitions.h
EOS 2.1/EOS 2.1/EOS/ISRs.c
EOS 2.1/EOS 2.1/EOS/ISRs.h
EOS 2.1/EOS 2.1/EOS/main.c
EOS 2.1/EOS 2.1/EOS/options.lnt
EOS 2.1/EOS 2.1/EOS/priority_queue.c
EOS 2.1/EOS 2.1/EOS/priority_queue.h
EOS 2.1/EOS 2.1/EOS/queue.c
EOS 2.1/EOS 2.1/EOS/queue.h
EOS 2.1/EOS 2.1/EOS/rtos_services.c
EOS 2.1/EOS 2.1/EOS/rtos_services.h
EOS 2.1/EOS 2.1/EOS/START_V2.A66
EOS 2.1/EOS 2.1/EOS/synchronization.c
EOS 2.1/EOS 2.1/EOS/synchronization.h
EOS 2.1/EOS 2.1/EOS/system_messages.c
EOS 2.1/EOS 2.1/EOS/system_messages.h
EOS 2.1/EOS 2.1/EOS/trace_buffer.c
EOS 2.1/EOS 2.1/EOS/trace_buffer.h
EOS 2.1/EOS 2.1/EOS/traps.c
EOS 2.1/EOS 2.1/EOS_XC167CR_Simulator/
EOS 2.1/EOS 2.1/EOS_XC167CR_Simulator/EOS_Simulator.BAT
EOS 2.1/EOS 2.1/EOS_XC167CR_Simulator/EOS_Simulator.Opt
EOS 2.1/EOS 2.1/EOS_XC167CR_Simulator/EOS_Simulator.Uv2
EOS 2.1/EOS 2.1/EOS_XC167CR_Simulator/EOS_Simulator_Opt.Bak
EOS 2.1/EOS 2.1/EOS_XC167CR_Simulator/EOS_Simulator_Uv2.Bak
EOS 2.1/EOS 2.1/EOS_XC167CR_Simulator/main.c
EOS 2.1/EOS 2.1/EOS_XC167CR_Simulator/START167.A66
EOS 2.1/EOS 2.1/XC167CI.dav
EOS 2.1/EOS.doc
EOS 2.1/Readme.txt