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Intelligent algorithm case 11-20

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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
The code for the 11-20 chapters of the intelligent algorithm is basically an optimization algorithm for reference only.
Packet file list
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Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter11\aberranceJm.m 1067 2007-09-24
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter11\across.m 2329 2007-09-17
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter11\cal.m 1325 2007-09-17
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter11\calp.m 555 2007-09-17
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter11\caltime.m 1276 2007-09-17
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter11\Find.m 178 2007-08-22
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter11\main.m 2816 2015-06-18
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter11\plotRec.m 487 2007-07-14
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter11\ranking.M 4708 2010-12-23
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter11\REINS.M 5574 1998-04-22
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter11\RWS.M 1090 1998-04-22
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter11\scheduleData.mat 527 2010-12-23
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter11\SELECT.M 2401 1998-04-22
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter11\selectJm.m 398 2007-09-24
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter12\bestselect.m 1669 2010-09-06
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter12\centre.fig 7910 2010-09-07
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter12\concentration.m 479 2010-09-06
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter12\Cross.m 1294 2010-09-06
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter12\draw.m 1046 2010-09-06
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter12\excellence.m 400 2010-09-06
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter12\figure.fig 9007 2010-09-07
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter12\fitness.m 901 2010-09-07
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter12\IAdata.mat 4838 2010-09-07
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter12\incorporate.m 1102 2010-09-06
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter12\main.m 3676 2010-12-28
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter12\Mutation.m 1001 2010-09-06
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter12\popinit.m 319 2010-09-06
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter12\Select.m 912 2010-09-06
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter12\similar.m 377 2010-09-06
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter12\test.m 580 2010-09-06
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter13\sample1\fun.m 241 2010-08-03
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter13\sample1\main.m 1579 2010-08-05
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter13\sample1\MexicoHatnew.m 174 2010-08-03
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter13\sample1\PSO0.m 1802 2010-08-05
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter13\sample1\PSO1.m 1859 2010-08-05
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter13\sample1\PSO2.m 1859 2010-08-05
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter13\sample1\PSO3.m 1878 2010-08-05
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter13\sample1\PSO4.m 1863 2010-08-05
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter13\sample1\wchange.m 353 2010-08-05
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter13\sample2-Rastrgrin\fun.m 197 2010-08-09
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter13\sample2-Rastrgrin\pso.fig 6256 2010-08-09
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter13\sample2-Rastrgrin\PSO.m 1571 2010-08-09
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter13\sample2-Rastrgrin\pso.mat 2624 2010-08-09
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter13\sample2-Rastrgrin\rastrigrin.fig 123876 2010-08-09
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter13\sample2-Rastrgrin\rastrigrin.m 128 2010-08-09
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter13\sample3-Griewankan\fun.m 209 2010-08-09
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter13\sample3-Griewankan\Griewank.fig 699309 2010-08-09
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter13\sample3-Griewankan\Griewank.m 146 2010-08-09
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter13\sample3-Griewankan\pso.fig 5867 2010-08-11
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter13\sample3-Griewankan\PSO.m 1582 2010-08-11
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter13\sample3-Griewankan\pso.mat 4509 2010-08-11
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter14\GA_run.m 477 2010-08-23
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter14\PID_Model.mdl 29558 2010-08-22
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter14\PSO.m 2589 2010-08-23
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter14\PSO_PID.m 174 2010-08-22
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter14\问题解决思路.pdf 116504 2010-08-23
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter15\bayg29.txt 695 2009-06-12
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter15\burma14.txt 236 2009-06-12
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter15\ch130.txt 4394 2009-06-12
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter15\ch150.txt 5098 2009-06-12
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter15\dist.m 126 2009-06-12
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter15\eil51.txt 444 2009-06-12
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter15\fitness.m 419 2010-10-16
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter15\gr96.txt 1628 2009-06-12
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter15\main.m 5566 2011-03-19
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter15\Oliver30.txt 434 2009-06-12
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter15\pr226.txt 3459 2009-06-12
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter15\pr76.txt 1117 2009-06-12
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter15\st70.txt 678 2009-06-12
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter16\DF1function.m 586 2010-11-16
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter16\fitnessRecord.mat 4236 2010-11-12
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter16\main.m 2689 2015-06-30
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter16\result.mat 12567 2010-06-29
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter17\PSOt\forcecol.m 172 2004-04-27
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter17\PSOt\forcerow.m 181 2004-04-27
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter17\PSOt\goplotpso.m 5790 2010-11-04
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter17\PSOt\linear_dyn.m 749 2004-08-23
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter17\PSOt\normmat.m 4588 2006-03-17
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter17\PSOt\pso_Trelea_vectorized.m 22526 2009-12-20
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter17\PSOt\spiral_dyn.m 841 2004-08-27
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter17\testfunctions\ackley.m 871 2004-08-23
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter17\testfunctions\alpine.m 639 2004-08-19
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter17\testfunctions\DeJong_f2.m 732 2004-08-13
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter17\testfunctions\DeJong_f3.m 506 2004-08-19
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter17\testfunctions\DeJong_f4.m 1004 2004-08-13
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter17\testfunctions\f6.m 314 2005-06-27
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter17\testfunctions\f6mod.m 700 2004-08-23
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter17\testfunctions\f6_bubbles_dyn.m 1510 2004-08-26
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter17\testfunctions\f6_linear_dyn.m 617 2006-02-27
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter17\testfunctions\f6_spiral_dyn.m 872 2006-02-27
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter17\testfunctions\forcecol.m 172 2004-04-27
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter17\testfunctions\forcerow.m 181 2004-04-27
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter17\testfunctions\Foxhole.m 1278 2004-08-13
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter17\testfunctions\goplotpso.m 5790 2010-11-04
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter17\testfunctions\Griewank.m 1214 2004-08-13
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter17\testfunctions\linear_dyn.m 749 2004-08-23
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter17\testfunctions\main.m 515 2011-04-25
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter17\testfunctions\NDparabola.m 663 2004-08-19
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter17\testfunctions\normmat.m 4588 2006-03-17
Intelligent algorithm case 11-20\chapter17\testfunctions\pso_Trelea_vectorized.m 22526 2009-12-20
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