Filename | Size | Update |
readme.txt | 470 | 2007-06-14
how to find port.txt | 35 | 2007-06-14
UpgradeLog.XML | 3632 | 2007-05-28
Message_Center\Copy of contact.log | 36 | 2007-06-10
Message_Center\Copy of Msg.log | 1 | 2007-06-10
Message_Center\Copy of receiveNo.log | 11 | 2007-06-12
Message_Center\DefaultNo.log | 11 | 2007-06-14
Message_Center\Msg.log | 1 | 2007-06-14
Message_Center\portNo.log | 1 | 2007-06-20
Message_Center\receiveNo.log | 11 | 2007-06-20
Message_Center\TimeLength.log | 4 | 2007-06-12
A3ApplicationDlg.h | 1273 | 2007-06-12
ASDDialog.h | 765 | 2007-06-12
ASDDlg.h | 2028 | 2007-06-12
SendSMS\ASmsConstants.h | 6189 | 2007-04-19
SendSMS\Include\ASmsConstants.h | 6189 | 2007-04-19
SendSMS\ASmsCtrl.h | 453066 | 2007-06-06
SendSMS\Include\ASmsCtrl.h | 453066 | 2007-06-06
SendSMS\SendReceive1\BDialog.h | 1142 | 2007-06-13
BDialog.h | 1174 | 2007-06-10
color\ColorButton.h | 616 | 2007-06-12
color\ColorControl.h | 1020 | 2007-05-28
ControlDlg.h | 1305 | 2007-06-12
SendSMS\SendReceive1\Demo.h | 1160 | 2005-02-22
SendSMS\DemoDlg.h | 2444 | 2007-06-13
SendSMS\SendReceive1\DemoDlg.h | 2444 | 2007-06-13
SendSMS\SendReceive1\DialogLicensing.h | 1777 | 2007-06-12
SendSMS\SendReceive1\DialogPincode.h | 1225 | 2006-04-10
SendSMS\SendReceive1\DialogRecvCfg.h | 1357 | 2005-02-22
SendSMS\SendReceive1\DialogRegister.h | 1464 | 2006-07-31
SendSMS\SendReceive1\DialogSendCfg.h | 1312 | 2005-06-06
EntertainmentDlg.h | 1283 | 2007-06-12
SendSMS\SendReceive1\HyperLink.h | 3637 | 2003-11-20
InboxDlg.h | 1120 | 2007-06-12
SendSMS\SendReceive1\ListCtrlToolTip.h | 500 | 2005-03-24
MsgDlg.h | 1484 | 2007-06-12
PhoneDlg.h | 1318 | 2007-06-12
SendSMS\SendReceive1\RecvCfg.h | 557 | 2007-06-11
SendSMS\SendReceive1\resource.h | 3154 | 2007-06-13
resource.h | 6237 | 2007-06-14
color\RGB.h | 391 | 2001-10-26
SendSMS\SendReceive1\SendCfg.h | 590 | 2007-06-11
SendSMS\SendDlg.h | 1565 | 2007-06-14
SMSDlg.h | 1223 | 2007-06-12
SendSMS\SendReceive1\StdAfx.h | 1190 | 2007-06-13
StdAfx.h | 1210 | 2007-06-10
SendSMS\ASmsCtrl_i.c | 3600 | 2007-06-11
SendSMS\Include\ASmsCtrl_i.c | 3600 | 2007-06-11
ASDDialog.cpp | 2066 | 2007-06-01
BDialog.cpp | 1435 | 2007-06-10
SendSMS\SendReceive1\BDialog.cpp | 1435 | 2007-06-10
CASDDlg.cpp | 7505 | 2007-06-13
color\ColorButton.cpp | 3395 | 2007-06-01
color\ColorControl.cpp | 1023 | 2001-10-26
ControlDlg.cpp | 6010 | 2007-06-12
SendSMS\SendReceive1\Demo.cpp | 1433 | 2005-02-22
SendSMS\SendReceive1\DemoDlg.cpp | 18712 | 2007-06-14
SendSMS\DemoDlg.cpp | 18713 | 2007-06-13
SendSMS\SendReceive1\DialogLicensing.cpp | 4304 | 2007-02-12
SendSMS\SendReceive1\DialogPincode.cpp | 1192 | 2006-04-10
SendSMS\SendReceive1\DialogRecvCfg.cpp | 2052 | 2005-08-19
SendSMS\SendReceive1\DialogRegister.cpp | 2334 | 2007-02-12
SendSMS\SendReceive1\DialogSendCfg.cpp | 2897 | 2005-06-06
EntertainmentDlg.cpp | 5955 | 2007-06-12
SendSMS\SendReceive1\HyperLink.cpp | 13996 | 2003-11-20
InboxDlg.cpp | 5185 | 2007-06-12
SendSMS\SendReceive1\ListCtrlToolTip.cpp | 5653 | 2005-03-24
MsgDlg.cpp | 8544 | 2007-06-12
NApplicationDlg.cpp | 6500 | 2007-06-12
PhoneDlg.cpp | 7823 | 2007-06-14
SendSMS\SendReceive1\RecvCfg.cpp | 846 | 2007-06-11
SendSMS\SendReceive1\SendCfg.cpp | 864 | 2007-06-11
SendSMS\SendDlg.cpp | 8486 | 2007-06-14
SMSDlg.cpp | 6398 | 2007-06-14
SendSMS\SendReceive1\StdAfx.cpp | 206 | 2005-02-22
StdAfx.cpp | 211 | 2007-06-10
res\background.bmp | 980154 | 2007-06-13
SendSMS\SendReceive1\res\background.bmp | 980156 | 2007-05-28
ASDDialog.aps | 1031924 | 2007-06-14
SendSMS\SendReceive1\Demo.aps | 1010972 | 2007-06-14
SendSMS\SendReceive1\Demo.clw | 9368 | 2007-02-13
SendSMS\SendReceive1\res\Thumbs.db | 6144 | 2007-06-13
res\Thumbs.db | 20480 | 2007-06-14
SendSMS\SendReceive1\Demo.dsp | 5390 | 2006-10-31
SendSMS\SendReceive1\Demo.dsw | 531 | 2005-02-22
res\ASDDialog.ico | 2238 | 2002-06-07
SendSMS\SendReceive1\res\Demo.ico | 766 | 2006-03-20
SendSMS\SendReceive1\Demo.opt | 50688 | 2007-06-06
SendSMS\SendReceive1\Demo.plg | 2802 | 2007-06-06
ASDDialog.rc | 12887 | 2007-06-14
SendSMS\SendReceive1\Demo.rc | 13463 | 2007-06-13
res\ASDDialog.rc2 | 401 | 2007-06-01
SendSMS\SendReceive1\res\Demo.rc2 | 396 | 2005-02-22
8ASD.sln | 865 | 2007-06-13
SendSMS\SendReceive1\Demo.sln | 872 | 2007-06-11
ASD.suo | 162304 | 2007-06-14
SendSMS\SendReceive1\Demo.suo | 58368 | 2007-06-14
ASD.vcproj.TMAC.Administrator.user | 1411 | 2007-06-14
SendSMS\SendReceive1\Demo.vcproj.TMAC.Administrator.user | 1405 | 2007-06-14
ASD.vcproj | 8492 | 2007-06-14 |