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  • Category : USB develop
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  • Update : 2018-03-30
  • Size : 998kb
  • Downloaded :0次
  • Author :南***
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
USB is the English acronym for Universal Serial BUS, Chinese meaning is "Universal Serial Bus." It is not a new bus standard, but in the PC field of application interface technology.
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
VC 0 2012-09-13
VC\BULK 0 2012-09-13
VC\BULK\CH375DLL.H 13048 2005-08-17
VC\BULK\CH375DLL.LIB 32148 2005-08-17
VC\BULK\Ch375Test.aps 36276 2004-05-28
VC\BULK\Ch375Test.clw 1366 2004-05-28
VC\BULK\Ch375Test.cpp 2105 2004-05-28
VC\BULK\Ch375Test.dsp 4296 2004-05-28
VC\BULK\Ch375Test.dsw 541 2004-05-28
VC\BULK\Ch375Test.exe 24576 2004-05-28
VC\BULK\Ch375Test.h 1357 2004-05-28
VC\BULK\Ch375Test.ncb 115712 2004-05-28
VC\BULK\Ch375Test.opt 59904 2004-05-28
VC\BULK\Ch375Test.plg 1579 2004-05-28
VC\BULK\Ch375Test.rc 5821 2004-05-28
VC\BULK\Ch375TestDlg.cpp 13525 2004-05-28
VC\BULK\Ch375TestDlg.h 1645 2004-05-28
VC\BULK\resource.h 917 2004-05-28
VC\BULK\StdAfx.cpp 211 2004-05-28
VC\BULK\StdAfx.h 1054 2004-05-28
BC 0 2012-09-13
BC\DEMO 0 2012-09-13
BC\DEMO\CH375DLL.DEF 682 2005-02-26
BC\DEMO\CH375DLL.H 13048 2005-08-17
BC\DEMO\CH375DLL.LIB 32148 2005-08-17
BC\DEMO\DEMO.ICO 1078 2004-12-16
BC\DEMO\Project1.bpr 3843 2004-12-16
BC\DEMO\Project1.cpp 752 2004-12-16
BC\DEMO\Project1.exe 28160 2004-12-16
BC\DEMO\Project1.res 1220 2004-12-16
BC\DEMO\Project1.tds 65536 2004-12-16
BC\DEMO\Unit1.cpp 7452 2004-12-16
BC\DEMO\Unit1.dfm 2112 2004-12-16
BC\DEMO\Unit1.h 2373 2004-12-16
DELPHI 0 2012-09-13
DELPHI\CH375DLL.PAS 12725 2005-08-09
DELPHI\DEMO 0 2012-09-13
DELPHI\DEMO\CH375DLL.dcu 5532 2005-08-09
DELPHI\DEMO\CH375DLL.PAS 12725 2005-08-09
DELPHI\DEMO\Demo.cfg 386 2005-08-09
DELPHI\DEMO\Demo.dof 1540 2005-08-09
DELPHI\DEMO\Demo.dpr 366 2005-08-09
DELPHI\DEMO\DEMO.EXE 389120 2005-08-09
DELPHI\DEMO\DEMO.ICO 1078 2005-08-09
DELPHI\DEMO\Demo.res 1988 2005-08-09
DELPHI\DEMO\EnterDate.dcu 6348 2005-08-09
DELPHI\DEMO\EnterDate.ddp 33 2005-08-09
DELPHI\DEMO\EnterDate.dfm 1073 2005-08-09
DELPHI\DEMO\EnterDate.pas 4890 2005-08-09
DELPHI\DEMO\Main.dcu 11973 2005-08-09
DELPHI\DEMO\Main.ddp 33 2005-08-09
DELPHI\DEMO\Main.dfm 13591 2005-08-09
DELPHI\DEMO\Main.pas 11814 2005-08-09
DELPHI\DEMO\Unit1.dcu 5574 2005-08-09
DELPHI\DEMO\Unit1.pas 12424 2005-08-09
PUB 0 2012-09-13
PUB\BULK 0 2012-09-13
PUB\BULK\MCU 0 2012-09-13
PUB\BULK\MCU\CH375BLK.ASM 14629 2004-02-18
PUB\BULK\MCU\CH375BLK.HEX 1270 2004-02-18
PUB\BULK\MCU_C51 0 2012-09-13
PUB\BULK\MCU_C51\CH375BLK.C 9677 2004-10-15
PUB\BULK\MCU_C51\CH375BLK.HEX 1114 2004-10-15
PUB\BULK\WIN 0 2012-09-13
PUB\BULK\WIN\BULKTEST.C 6534 2004-12-10
PUB\BULK\WIN\BULKTEST.EXE 57344 2004-12-10
PUB\BULK\WIN\CH375DLL.H 13048 2005-08-17
PUB\BULK\WIN\CH375DLL.LIB 32148 2005-08-17
PUB\BULK\WIN\MAKEFILE 877 2004-12-10
PUB\BULK\WIN\SPEED372.C 8822 2005-02-26
PUB\BULK\WIN\SPEED372.EXE 57344 2005-02-26
PUB\CH372SCH.PDF 266121 2007-08-16
PUB\CH375451.PDF 203576 2007-08-16
PUB\DEMO 0 2012-09-13
PUB\DEMO\DEMO 0 2012-09-13
PUB\DEMO\DEMO\CH375DLL.H 13048 2005-08-17
PUB\DEMO\DEMO\CH375DLL.LIB 32148 2005-08-17
PUB\DEMO\DEMO\Demo.aps 14536 2005-08-09
PUB\DEMO\DEMO\DEMO.C 29507 2005-08-09
PUB\DEMO\DEMO\Demo.dep 80 2005-08-09
PUB\DEMO\DEMO\Demo.dsp 4135 2005-08-09
PUB\DEMO\DEMO\Demo.dsw 531 2005-08-09
PUB\DEMO\DEMO\DEMO.EXE 40960 2005-08-09
PUB\DEMO\DEMO\DEMO.H 2976 2005-08-09
PUB\DEMO\DEMO\DEMO.ICO 1078 2005-08-09
PUB\DEMO\DEMO\Demo.mak 4221 2005-08-09
PUB\DEMO\DEMO\Demo.ncb 82944 2005-08-09
PUB\DEMO\DEMO\Demo.opt 49664 2005-08-09
PUB\DEMO\DEMO\Demo.plg 3758 2005-08-09
PUB\DEMO\DEMO\DEMO.RC 10458 2005-08-09
PUB\DEMO\DEMO\MAKEFILE 1109 2004-12-10
PUB\DEMO\DEMO\resource.h 1363 2005-08-09
PUB\DEMO\MCU 0 2012-09-13
PUB\DEMO\MCU\CH375451.ASM 28216 2004-02-18
PUB\DEMO\MCU\CH375451.HEX 2410 2004-02-18
PUB\DEMO\MCU_C51 0 2012-09-13
PUB\DEMO\MCU_C51\CH375451.C 18908 2004-02-18
PUB\DEMO\MCU_C51\CH375451.HEX 2724 2004-02-18
PUB\MCU_IF 0 2012-09-13
PUB\MCU_IF\ASM 0 2012-09-13
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